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...or, alternately, he could get what he wants
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NO ****ing SANTA.
And, might I add, bah & humbug.
S3 licensed
Irritable much? No reason to insult people, this is a chat about movies FFS.

Scorcese remaking Internal Affairs in English is not at all like Van Sant xeroxing Psycho. There's an important difference between remaking a film for a different audience and completely re-shooting a film with no alterations to anything (the Psycho wank is the only one of its kind iirc). Western directors remaking non-English films isn't exactly a new thing, or a necessarily bad thing - Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai was remade into that classic western The Magnificent Seven and both films are hailed as classics in their own right, despite the plot parallels. I think Scorcese did a great job transferring the IA story and keeping its compelling elements, unlike many people who remake non-English/old films and either lose something vital from the feel of the film (many US remakes of Japanese horror/suspense films come immediately to mind) or make the new version campy, cliched and totally unwatchable (The Italian Job rears its ugly head again).
S3 licensed
I'm with your previous comment on Spielberg, especially regarding Private Ryan, AI and Minority Report. Great ideas, shot brilliantly (of course) & acted well, just tainted by Spielberg's usual sentimentality and lack of courage to give the audience an ending that could possibly make them uncomfortable (i.e. think a bit).

For some slight balance, I just remembered some more Spielberg moments I loved: the Back To The Future films! I thought Catch Me If You Can was a pretty sweet flick too He sure isn't all bad, but sometimes he explodes my schlock-o-meter when it isn't really necessary.
S3 licensed
Judging Scorcese's films against each other isn't really fair, but then judging them against other peoples' isn't fair either A Scorcese flick which isn't quite as good as another Scorcese flick is still going to mash most other directors. Put Kundun and Taxi Driver next to each other and one might destroy the other, but put either of them next to anything by Michael Bay or M Night Shyamalan and watch the blood fly.
Look at the horrors Spielberg's inflicted on us since Schindler: The Terminal, AI (started by the great Stanley Kubrick and Disney-fied by Spielberg, what an utter waste), Minority Report, War Of The Worlds. It's a shame because for a while he really was one of my favourites! The Indy Jones films are awesome, DUEL is still one of my favourite films ever, Jurassic Park (don't start me on the sequels) & Schindler's List were brilliant, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind still stands the test of time as a SF classic (never saw ET but I'm told it's very heartwarming ), but there just seems to be something missing from Spielberg's recent stuff. Haven't seen Munich. If that is indeed a good flick, it'll be just a blip on the recent Spielberg radar as far as I'm concerned.

Tim Burton - well, I'll agree with you there. I just used him as an example because of the ham-fisted Planet Of The Apes remake. His Charlie & The Chocolate Factory do-over wasn't inspirational either, despite it being more faithful to the book. Sometimes it seems that Burton thinks he can just take a bunch of oddball characters, throw them into a bizarro setting (often with Johnny Depp) and let the film fly on autopilot. Nightmare Before Christmas was probably the last Burton film I really liked, and not a human to be seen.

Point taken on Van Sant. I'd also give him kudos for trying something new, but there's the rub - he wasn't in the case of Psycho. He was attempting to re-do something that was already pretty much perfected. You wouldn't re-carve Michelangelo's David, don't remake Hitchcock films Not shot-for-shot anyway - the remake of Dial M For Murder (with Paltrow & Michael Douglas in it, can't recall the name) was pretty decent, but ultimately pointless. I just think Gus should've done his Psycho shot-for-shot experiment in film school, where it could do no harm and never be seen by anyone

510N3D (do you have a word-name? Surely your parents didn't name you with a "5" ), I think Deadwolf's comment that AvP was a comedy was meant be ironic. Lost in translation I guess
S3 licensed
:rolleyes: I already gave two solid examples where things did indeed happen the opposite way, with a sequel surpassing the first movie: Aliens and The Empire Strikes Back. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying it's very rare and a woeful piece of shit like the first AvP movie is not a good place to start.

There have been plenty of times in my life where I've expected something to be bad and I was pleasantly surprised. However, after a lifetime of being completely anal about films/games/books I've honed a pretty good crap-detector. Sometimes it's easy to get it right with festering sores like Armageddon, the entire FnF series, anything with Ben Affleck (except Good Will Hunting) and other times I'm surprised by how good a film is. But not often. Most of the time my initial reaction to a preview, or to the first ten minutes of any film, is justified.

But I'm not completely dogmatic about this. If AvP2 turns out to kick ass on the original, I'll happily eat my words.

Kev makes a good point: AvP sucked, everyone knows it & any sequel to it is only ever going to be a cash-in. Gawd, they might even make a trilogy out of this shit! Why not? They made a third and then fourth Alien film. *vomit* Bastards.

And don't get me started on The Italian Job. The whole point of the original 60s film was that real Minis can go where normal-sized cars can't. Fast-forward to the latest version, where you have BMW Mini remakes, which are exactly the same size as normal cars (defeating the purpose entirely), in a half-arsed Hollywood remake, trying to replicate the fun and originality of the first film but really just shilling for BMW. Bah, blasted humbug. If they really wanted to re-make it properly, they would have used something tiny and hilarious, like a Smart FourTwo
Last edited by Hankstar, .
S3 licensed

The fact that Gus Van Sant is a pretty damn good filmmaker most of the time doesn't excuse the fact that his Psycho remake blew massively and was a ridiculous idea from the start. Everybody makes a crap film or two in their lives (for Spielberg, everything after Schindler, yes, even Private Ryan; for Tim Burton, Planet Of The Apes was a travesty - another expensive, pointless, wanky remake; I'm sure I can think of a Scorcese film that sucks...wait, no I can't) and Van Sant isn't immune just because of his other films. The whole Psycho idea was a giant jerk-off from the very beginning and I felt vindicated to see the film die at the box office.

Re: AvP2
AvP2 might have a bunch of different people working on it, but that may well turn out to be a negative. Could be that noone from the first film wanted anything to do with this cash-in sequel (Predator 2 comes to mind - good film, but Danny's no muddy, bellowing Ah-nuld). It's a rare thing indeed when a sequel outshines an original. Take Empire Strikes Back for example: with Lucas not directing, that film rocked. But Empire retained the core members from the cast & crew and was always meant as chapter 2 of 3. Aliens was arguably better than Alien as well, but as I said it's a rare thing. The thing is, Alien was awesome to start with and so was Star Wars. The fact is that AvP is not a good place to launch a sequel from. Might as well try to hang-glide off of your garage.
Last edited by Hankstar, .
S3 licensed
Just saw Death Proof, that was good for a laugh
Alien v Predator - bah. First one sucked, I don't imagine the sequel will be any better. If people aren't going to do a proper job, crossovers should be left to comic books (anyone remember the Batman/Judge Dredd crossovers? Too cool). The Alien saga should have ended with Aliens & Predator 2 should have been the last of that story. Seriously, there are so many good stories in the world to make films out of (or, god forbid, you could make a film which isn't drawn from a book, tv show or another film), why is Hollywood so quick to makes sequels to or trilogies from films that sucked balls in the first place?

The thing that hit home regarding Hollywood's creative bankruptcy happened about ten years ago when someone decided to remake Hitchcock's legendary Psycho. They didn't merely do a modern interpretation, they basically did a photocopy: shot for shot, line for line, exactly the same as Hitchcock did it. The lamest and most pointless goddam thing anyone's ever done with a movie camera (except maybe for Blues Brothers 2000 and episodes 1-3 of Star Wars). It isn't just that the idea was bad, it's that some retarded studio executive gave it the green light (it bombed in the box office and hopefully someone got fired)! Remaking classic films sometimes works (Cape Fear for example) but come on - Hitchcock always did it right the first time. Don't mess with the master.

/coffee-fuelled rant
S3 licensed
There are whole demo leagues, which to me is proof that the demo is very generous (almost too generous) both with its content and its unlimited playing time. Some people stick with the demo literally for years, don't buy a license and ask for more content or demand improvements anyway - which is like eating only the bottom half of a cake and demanding more icing.
S3 licensed
Makes sense to me Woz. Just because we know how LFS works, it doesn't mean there aren't questions to be asked. I think the thing that annoys people is when these questions are asked in a disrespectful or ignorant manner, or are phrased as demands.
I'm coming into my fifth year of playing this game and I'd like a hint of LFS' future directions just as much as you.
S3 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :My last dentist was female and when leaning over into my mouth she would also leave a breast resting on my face...Added bonus I guess. .

Nothin' like a bit o' sideboob

Had a wisdom tooth out 5 years ago. Left a gaping bastard blood-filled hole in my gum and a lot of pain, once the novocaine wore off. It was apparently a real mother of a thing to remove and my dentist (bless 'im) was so concerned that he called me late that night to see how I was. How I was, was in pain and drooling a lot, thanks to the huge wad of cotton I had to keep jammed in my cake-hole to keep from drowning in my own blood. The painkillers he gave me were second-rate non-prescription shit so I employed my own special blend - get mashed on single malt and chase it with a family-sized jazz cigarette. Thank hell I was off work. I spent five whole days completely useless. I'd do it again in a second
S3 licensed
By the time S3 actually comes out, you would have had plenty of time to upgrade
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Why start another "I want car x" thread?
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I'm just going to stick to watching the rugby world cup until I see footballers consistently punished with yellow/red cards for diving.

Kids were playing for fouls and rolling around clutching their shins (the most well-protected part of any footballer, ironically) when I was playing in the under-12s 20 years ago and now it's everywhere. There's no point (or even truth) in picking one team or nationality as the worst offenders (and this is coming from a Socceroos fan who saw us knocked out by a questionable Italian free-kick in the last World Cup). Diving happens in every team in every competition and it shits me right off. That last World Cup reminded me exactly why I got sick of watching football - the goddamn drama queens who leap into the air at the slightest contact with another player, writhe in agony on the ground and then jump up unscathed to take their free kick. It's easy to pick a dive from a real foul/injury and it's about time refs were given the power to punish players who take the piss (video ref anyone? Other sports use it all the time, why not football?). Diving annoyed the crap out of me when I was 11 and it still does. The worst offenders are ... footballers. Not Italian, Scots, Uzbeks, Aussies - just footballers in general. No other team sport has such a problem with divers. Toughen up or get off the bloody pitch!!
S3 licensed
Duly noted.
S3 licensed
Quote from harjun :look, im not spoilt ok? the expensive things in my life...Petrol RC car, PC, Laptop, £300 bike....and other extras like going to private school and stuff....

Maybe not spoilt. Maybe just unaware of how fortunate you are.
S3 licensed
Quote from Stang70Fastback :I'm assuming you were referring to this?


LOL Thanks, I haven't seen that for years! I actually worked for EDS about 7 years ago and they used to play that in the foyer of the building on a big screen. It probably sunk deep into my psyche after seeing it every day for months on end
S3 licensed
Quote from (-Mark-) :How come topics which harjun make always go offtopic? :P

Because keeping harjun's threads under control is like trying to herd cats
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Flatout 2 forums? Just putting it out there ...
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i can haz cheesy ripoff?
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If your tiny monkey brain can't figure out why your last thread was closed and why starting another one on the same topic is even more retarded, you have no business talking about "dimensions" - or anything else - with the grownups.
S3 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :As I said, Drifting is just another strategy in racing, it's not much different. Some people choose to use it primarily, others only use it in worst-case scenarios...or crash...

In the context of this discussion that's 100% wrong. The kind of drift this thread is about is not a strategy used in any kind of racing that LFS features. The kind of drift being discussed here, in this thread, is the tail-out, points-for-style kind of competition drift that goes on at lots of LFS servers, which is utterly useless in races both for corner entry/exit speed and tyre conservation, is unsafe when racing in a pack and is likely to get you kicked from a race server. If you were to use show-drift as a race strategy your rear tyres would be liquid halfway through a 5-lap race anyway.

We have to be clear which kind of drift we're talking about here to avoid confusion. The only kind of drift that's useful in a tarmac race is four-wheel drift, which is far removed from the drift you see in LFS drift servers and often barely noticeable. It's not useful at all in a high-downforce, slickshod car like a GTR or open-wheeler and only semi-useful in a low-grip RWD road car like an LX, XRG/T or FZ.
S3 licensed
Woz, the board/ski analogy is spot on :up: And look what's happened now: boarding's so mainstream skiers are now doing boarder stuff like grinding rails and riding half pipes It's all the same snow, people can do what they like on it

Not that I ever expect to see a drift/race hybrid sport, but it just illustrates the teething problems and eventual "levelling out" that a lot of sports go through. I'm sure a lot of BMX'ers got the shits when guys started riding MTBs at dirt jumps (I did ) but now MTBs practically outnumber BMXs (sure do in my house) - however MTBs are still outlaws at skate bowls (which is correct) That also brings up the time, many years ago now, when guys started riding BMXs at skate ramps and got in fights; the time when bladers started invading skate ramps and got picked by both skaters and BMX'ers (good ); the time when body-boarders started hitting the good breaks and pissing off "real" surfers - I could go on ...

You often get a new sub-set of players bringing a new angle into an established sport. There's always a bit of friction because there's an element of the new "tribe" that feels entitled to just act however they want with no respect for and sometimes no real knowledge of what already exists. Mix that with the small element of the existing tribe who are suspicious of the newbs (and may even fear the demise of their own thing) and you'll always have some headbutting.

Drifting and racing doesn't have to be like that though. The equipment & arenas may be the same but the goals are completely different. Despite that, you do get the old-schooler suspicion and the newb upstart mentality anyway. But drifting will never replace racing. I don't even think it'll ever reach anything like the same level of popularity so racers needn't worry. But some drifters need to settle down too: you're not being persecuted, either in LFS or IRL. It's just that LFS is focused on racing and that's a simple, inescapable fact. People around here (not surprisingly, most of the LFS community are racers) just get a little over it when they see yet another "what's with the hate?" thread started by a drifter or another "give us drift stuff" thread in the improvements section. Generally, people aren't saying "don't drift", people are saying "LFS's physics are good enough to enable you to drift realistically, so go drift your brains out - just don't expect anything more than that because that's not what the game's about".
Last edited by Hankstar, .
S3 licensed
Whoever you are, we missed you.
Tokyo Motor Show: killer concept cars
S3 licensed ... cept_cars_tokyo_moto_8020

Some of these look silly as buggery, others look utterly sick.
Big yellow bike please