If using buttons for controllers I believe there is a slider in the options called "button control rate" or something similar. Try adjusting this to give a better feel.
ie - less on/off and more progressive/gradual
I like it better than your driving, and thats not saying a lot
Saw a handy thread on the Trukz forum recommending the International 8100 as your second truck purchase. I thought the Kenworth W900 1997 looked a bit better value for money, and judging by the number of people who own same, it seems the majority agree?
Any thoughts?
We need more team members so we can start contract runs, its a slow process otherwise Heeeeellllllloooooooooooo, is there anybody out there
I know we have enough money now, but is it worth waiting until we have some more in reserve? Also, can we sell the terminal at a later date (if need be) to finance our bids for contracts?
Or how about some new truck discount from the company, 5% even?
Still only 12 drivers, 9 of which are active. Come on troops!
edit : Sure the 2nd terminal is $7,500? I thought they got gradually more expensive?
I dunno about that, may I refer you to FE4R in the LX6.
As it is one of the MHR and in one of the trickiest cars to drive fast, getting inside that benchmark is really difficult (for me anyway, and I'm as average as they come :tilt
Moot point, but of the 6 regular racers in our squad, its a 50/50 split
Why don't they like it? The only reason they don't like it is because 'it is too hard'.
I find it harder too. Simple fact is, from an immersion and simulation point of view its worth the effort to learn. Historically I have always been a chase view driver.......until I bought LFS.
This all IMO of course, but this simulator deserves to be as realistic as possible.
Forced completely and utterly? Almost, but ultimately no. Cos at the end of the day its all about having fun
Controllers and FCV are two completely different issues. Please don't confuse them. FCV is already a server option as you already know.
Eh? I don't race in chase view. This is a simulator.
I don't have a server with that enabled at all. DMR do tho, that was my point. I just happen to think theirs is one of the best servers in S2.
What does your location have to do with choice of view?
Lol, don't we all race on servers we enjoy? Do they all have the same preferences, no. Have fun 'diversifying' your real car to one with a seat on the roof or a stealth cloaking device
Chill dude, I ain't for forcing anything on anyone, theres only 3 people who can do that. Nobody can force you to stop driving LFS if FCV does become integral Which, btw, I don't think it will.
ps - our server does not have FCV on because some of my friends don't like it . Does that sound like someone trying to force their views/opinions onto others?
I tend to use the custom front wheel view only for hotlapping and then cockpit view for racing.
I figure I am generally a tiny bit faster in front wheel view, but then again some of my race times (with cockpit view) are better than my hotlaps!!
Cockpit view is so much more absorbing tho, and more challenging. Especially at SO tracks trying to miss the barriers by inches thru the tight sections
When all the interiors are complete I hope FCV becomes integral to the game
I just signed up and made my first two trips Imagine having to deliver beer to Munich , like delivering sand to Saudi Arabia!
Not really got much of a clue whats going on at the moment, just gonna figure it out as I go along. City and commodity bonuses seem to be the way to earn cash?
Got about a dozen e-mails from companies wanting me to join up. Is it worth it, the discounts seem pretty hefty but I quite like the idea of going solo.
Maybe run 2 accounts?
Yes I could read this whole thread, and prolly will do, jus not now
Any pointers for a noob welcome, see yas on the E roads, fellow heavy haulers
That doesn't look like something you can deep fry, keep it
To the OP - with all due respect, unless you turn out to be an alien theres no way you have had enough practice to extract the best from the set ups you do have. I've found the difference a real good set up makes is 2-5%. Of course this figure will vary person to person.
I don't know if you found the Team Inferno and Set Up Field download pages (if not you certainly should!). They contain some proper gems
Just get the heid doon and get some miles under yer belt, then come back and tell us it's all down to set up, cos its plainly not