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Well well, the Monaco street circuit looms again

I guess it's one of the tracks you love or hate? Me, I love it ( and have even driven it in a 1.7tDi Astra ) despite its obvious drawbacks........

The bets are there to have a look at (tricky ones too, *close eyes -point mouse*) although the bonus question is not up yet.
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Quote from amp88 :
I'd really appreciate a good list or two thanks

I'll fire them over when I get home from work today, hope thats ok for ya
S2 licensed
Quote from SabersKunk :Have they built one or just spent their time making pretty renders of it...

<cough> I have the sole working prototype in my spare room <cough>

Back in the real world, why no G25 with it? The wheel mentioned only has 270 rotation and the H shifter is optional
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :@Rdcranno: Not sure yet but it'll be somewhere in the Scottish Highlands.

Avon Skin So Soft is a must for the midges..........
Fuel for the fire, down jacket for a pillow (or for nights as they can still be chilly)

Is it car camping or heading into the wilds?

I have lists for both in the house as my memory is total keech and I end up heading north camping most weekends

Do you want me to PM an excel spreadsheet or you happy enough with yer list now?

S2 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :Not that simple. There are many ways of usage. If you over-rev your engine in a car and gets broken, the warranty won't cover it up, because even you used it properly (Driving, that is), you "used too much force".

It has to be designed and constructed as "fit for purpose" with regard to the useage it is recommended for.

Treat it like a piece of sh!t (rip out gear levers, kick it around the room after another T1 incident..... ) then fair enough if they KB your claim, if it fails thru normal wear n tear or a faulty part then claim and expect a fresh one.

I fear this thread is being overcome by pedantry, so I trust we can agree that it is a steering wheel, not a bottle-nosed dolphin, and should therfore be treated as such. Even if it is to destruction................. lol
S2 licensed
Sounds like "use to destruction" has been lost in translation in that case.

Perhaps I should clarify that said instrument should only be used for the purposes for which it was designed

Should you decide to use it as a football or perhaps mistake it for a a cake and eat part of it, then yes you will be unlikely to be able to claim back a new one from the manufacturer.

On the other hand, if you just use the d*mn thing in line with it's fitness for purpose and then if it breaks within 2 yrs you can claim a new one under warranty.

Simple, no?

S2 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :Err... No.

Will you also get a new one if you throw it out of the window or put it into railways and train smashes it? There is fine line between "It broke when I used it" and "Malicious and/or wrong usage". It is not meant to take hard beating. It is a controller, not a real thing.

Oh ffs, I hope you were trying to be funny..........
S2 licensed
Well after wasting hours (days even :schwitz faffing around with driver cleaners, updates, safe modes, defrags etc etc the bl**dy thing still didn't work........

So I uniinstalled it, borrowed a mates copy then only installed patch 1.02 (before I was doing 1.01 and 1.02) and it now works a treat

There is a wee bit of lag with the in-car view when yer flat out in 6th thru' heavy tree lined roads and rain/snow is chucking it down, but nothing too serious.

Cheers Turbo Dad, this game is ace

I'll be LFS'ing tonight but on Friday I wanna get some decent set ups (KSP) for RBR and maybe try some mods (RSRBR08 - is this any good?). Any idea where I save the sets and how I access them in-game? Ta

Gonna try the G25 tweaks as suggested by Deggis as well although I don't feel any steering lag when playing the game. Also change to flippin' "intro=false" in the cgf file

Game on!
S2 licensed
I've had mine for 6 months or so and the paddles are becoming a little unpredictable when driving the SS cars Missing crucial downshifts into braking/corner areas doesn't help too much......

The H shifter is fine so far, touch wood!

ps - I believe the G25 comes with a 2 yr warranty tho, so use it to destruction and get another one free
S2 licensed
To James F1 - thats a cracker, jealous I am
S2 licensed
Deepest condolonces dude, that is truely a right sickener

Keep faith tho, I watch a programme callked My Name is Earl and karma will catch these ar$ehole w*nkers, hopefully with their pants down.......

Chin up dude, it's not over yet
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :
I just feel like I lured myself into wasting years of my free time doing nothing valuable whatsoever. Call it "winding down" or "me time" or whatever you like, but you'll find you end up craving it, and at the same time doing nothing with it.

I suppose it kind of depends upon what motivates you to achieve the certain goals which you have. It's all fine having "me time" or whatever, but I believe you still have to do something personally productive with that time and something of which you can be proud (even if in hindsight!)

After years of the rave scene ('91-'96 for me) I had a proper hard time with myself outside of work, trying to decide what exactly I wanted to do with myself. Luckily this was before home computing became the force it is today .

I ended up going back to basics and started walking the hills again (my Dad took me out a fair bit as a bairn) slowly learning the ways and developing new skills, an apprenticeship that took years and in truth will never be complete. This in turn led to scrambling into rock climbing into Alpine mountaineering. Now I'm lucky to have a passion for this activity in all it's guises. But how much more different could it be from those mental strobe-lit years

Point is, there is no way any of this stuff could be described as 'creative' but it is what keeps me ticking over, and after 10yrs I still cry like a baby as the weather forecast inevitabley craps out for the weekend .

What lights yer fire Kev? Whats gonna get you out yer bed at 5am on winter mornings beacause you want to? Is there something that motivates you in this way? What is it that presses yer switches, do you know (that) yourself?

IMHO thats something everbody needs to find out :detective

The thing is, change. You just never know when..............
S2 licensed
[quote=samarius;795612]Latest 5.02 drivers.....snip..... they also allow the game/sim you are using to adjust the wheel settings to suit the game/sim.


True, unfortunately LFS does not support this function yet
S2 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :Joining to a team is one of the ways for enjoying LFS online. The other way is playing with some friends. Otherwise, forget online, it sucks.

Are you serious? Surely this is a masterpiece of sarcasm that has sailed way over my head? Forget online without a team, it sucks? :slap:

Never heard such p!sh in my life.........Are you suggesting the AI are more fun to race, lol.

Some of us have a fine time racing with randoms from all over the globe. Some of those randoms become recognised names, and if yer good enough, invites to join teams will be forthcoming.

Whilst also meeting up with friends once a week or so for some fun down at the Skunkhut 2 server All clean drivers welcome!
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :
I found it quite boring. Kovalainen brought the only excitement.

Funny, I thought it was the best race of the year so far

Apart from the fact that Halimtno scored points, bah

Monaco next, oh ya beauty
S2 licensed
The bets are now open for answers, guid luck all

Ferrari ftw
S2 licensed
Still waiting on the 3 final "guesses" to be revealed.......

Kimi ftw, sure, dunno about the rest yet. Better waiting for after Fridays practice.......

Can't do any worse than last time tho
S2 licensed
It's such a shame, what should be one of the most amazing TV spectator sports has turned into a snore-fest.....

Whatever they end up doing with the cars will only matter if we start to get some decent coverage again.

I'm all for dropping to a 2L NA 2WD spec with todays technology and increase the stage lengths dramatically.

I have so much respect for the top level rally drivers and their crazy skillz - lol - the way they have been sold short is criminal. Some of the in-car footage is just mental
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pmsl :hihi:

thanks for all the entertainment
S2 licensed
I've used Pixmania as well and had no problems.

Tried dabs?
S2 licensed
Ford Transit ftw

Optional sandbags for rear axles!
S2 licensed
I can't believe the RAC is winning the poll !!!

It's a beautiful, if challenging, car. One of my absolute faves

Stoopid BF1 and LX6 are the beasts to drive fast and consistant imo (although I do love to try and drive the LX6)
S2 licensed
Quote from marzman :Cool. We walk on wooden shoes, live in mills and surprise our wifes with tulps over here. But in the evening we smoke pot with hookers. Always nice to see those cultural differences.

I know, thats why I visit my relatives in the Netherlands so often

Of course it's difficult to raise the finances for these trips, what with being such a tight-fisted, perma-drunk haggis chaser
S2 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :Damnnn i forgot to place my bets!! and my team was awful!, now i dont have money to change my drivers or anything!

You and I should form a joint team next year called "Is There a Race On This Weekend?"

Cuppla f*nnies
S2 licensed
Quote from AW06 :Following on from:

Ive decided to have the race on sunday the 4th of may, at 6.30pm Gmt, due to that being a good time for me and most (hopefuly) lfs players. Ive got a server sorted now, but thank you for the offers.

On a Sunday Bank holiday weekend?

Some would say "gerra life!", however I wish you good luck on getting a guid turn out

If it had been a normal weekend I would have signed up, bah