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S2 licensed
Maybe also worth downloading and watching the WR from LFS World for a few pointers on the best racing line. Best not to try and emulate their braking points tho, just yet!
S2 licensed
Quote from yoyoML :Hmm... no one has mentioned Richard Burns Rally! Well, if you consider rallying a kind of "racing", too.

Aye good point

A friend bought this for a tenner or so a few months back, and for that kind of money it's a stonkin game Really need to spend some proper time getting into it. Seems like it has a decent and lively community too, but I don't know how good the control is on the modding front.

Also provided a nice wee flashback to all those hours of CM rally back in the day!
S2 licensed
Dunno dude, the website has been closed
S2 licensed
Quote from Inouva :MMM... in s2 lic servers in bl1 whit XFG ,what time is the WR??

In demo servers the 70% of racer we have :1:34: xx , or 1:33: xx

I dont under stand why no use more the XFG , is a great car for great races

I think its high 1.32's for the WR........

We don't use the XFG much cos we have the FZR
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :If you had the slightest clue how much time i spend racing this bloody sim you might see the irony in your comment

I am rather shockingly at number 10 in this months most completed races chart. I think that's enough racing for one month, don't you? Mr 30 races in 2 months.


I had to bite my keyboard to not respond on yer behalf....
S2 licensed
Aye, the G25 is the wasy to go for sure! Save those pennies and buy one soon. It will take the game to a whole new level (I really should listern to my own advise and go get one, instead of this old Thrustmaster GT)

I disagree about the driving aids tho, not really required and would just result in slower lap times (apart from the F1 car where I can't finish a lap without the TC )
S2 licensed
Don't think so.

Have you read the manual? Ther is a good tutorial on how to set up brakes properly in there.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Also, a "finished" sim is expected to have half decent AI, not the muppets we have now, Scawen obviously envisages a "finished" LFS to have decent AI, so thats what we'll get.

Is this not covered by the AI's 'learning curve' whereby they get better with practice (much like the real thing!). I appreciate they are awful to start with, but.....hey ho.

Back to the OP : I kind of dread the day S2 Final is released. As this will most likely mean no updates for a considerable time, plus I agree with previous statements that some of the things envisaged (rightly or wrongly) in S2F will not actually appear until S3.

But at the end of the day, it's just a name for a damn fine sim racing game
Last edited by HVS5b, . Reason : typo
S2 licensed
FE Green is one of those courses where riding kerbs and the ability to take the chicanes at practically full throttle can make or brake a lap time and/or race position. Perhaps not the best course to use for comparative puropses?

Totally agree with the consistent statement made above, thats the way to go first off Then build the speed and reduce braking distances etc.

Good luck
S2 licensed
Can someone tell me why improving the AI is so important?

I presume they are popular in single player mode of for beefing up race numbers in multi-player mode?

I much prefer to race real people or HL, maybe used the AI for competition half a dozen times or so.

Are they really that popular or have I missed the point
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :I think he means the double hairpins halfway round Aston National............

Ah ok, then keeping the minimum apex corner speed to 45-50mph is pretty good in any of the above cars, imo of course . Use all of all the kerbs to make the road as wide as possisble.
S2 licensed
For what its worth!

1) As mentioned already the XFG is a pretty straightforward car to drive. Also maybe try the FXO and UFR to illustrate how differently each type of car drives.
2) Try team inferno for WR sets then reduce tyre camber and increase tyre pressure as a start.
3) Brake and downshift together, no trail braking for hairpins usually.
4) East side? Sorry lost me there......
S2 licensed
Quote from Aegilops :
If you made it this far, the focus switched to beating the hotlap benchmark that came with the game, which from memory I think was 8 minutes 29. The real hotlappers of course were aiming to beat 8 minutes flat, but I never quite made it. I got down to 8:22 or so, I think, and was just buzzing with elation when I crossed the line. It felt like a heroic achievement, such a massive victory. Even though it was a hotlap, it was a badge of honour, like graduating at the 'ring to show that I demonstrated at least a minimum basic competence there, even though I was a lifetime away from any conceot of 'mastering' it (as if anyone ever could anyway).


Nicely put and a big +1 from me.

After I'd learned the course inside out, I started to learn the names of the corners/straights......sad eh :o.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :And y'see this is why threads should get archived after several months.

I can't believe you made me open this thread...

Ach well, just goes to show......I thought it was quite amusing
S2 licensed
Quote from FL!P :As I said earlier, HVS5b, you can ask specific questions here and I'm sure you'll always get an answer. But questions like "how do I set it up?" or "Why doesn't it work?" are less likely to get useful answers because these questions are too vague and don't give any information about what the askers want or failed to do. "How do you disable auto-messaging?" has a very precise and short answer. "How do I use it?" doesn't (err, well actually yes, it does, it's "RTFM", but you didn't like it ). It's simple as that, and of course nothing personal.

Aye, no arguements there. However, may I refer you to my first post on the subject.

"Just to clarify, I want the pitstopper, but not the two other add ons.

Thanks in advance "

I think it's pretty to the point and not totally vague?

Anyway, enough of this off-topic poo. I'm off to download the b*gger and give it a try.
S2 licensed
Quote from flinty72 :HVS5b, you are unbelievable. I can't understand why you are like this particularly to Gai-Luron who selflessly dedicates his own time to developing some of the most useful applications for LFS. Just to prove that Gai-Luron also offers the source code for free for anyone so inclined to develop it further or along another tangent. Please remember that Gai-Luron does this without reward other than the praise he receives from ppl in forums like this. For you to come along and totally insult him for not helping you is both unjustified and disrespectful. It is also incomprehensible that you do all this without even downloading the app and having a look at how it works.

Now that being said I feel that some of the communications between you both have suffered due to the language barrier (no disrespect meant either way) and possibly that you happened to catch Gai-Luron in a moment of frustration, either way it would be nice if this could come to end.

Finally I would be more than happy to help you but first I would like to see you download the app give it a go then tell me exactly what you want. This could be quite simply saying I just want pitspotter and nothing else, or I want pitspotter, gap times and km's driven. From this I will create your own custom cfg file and post it here.
I will even help you understand how to edit the cfg file, if you would like to that is?
It may even help others who stumble across this.
BTW I am no coding genius, so I am sure you can learn how to do it as well.

The offer has been extended I hope you will consider accepting.

Cheers for the offer flinty72, I just fancied trying to figure it out via the forums, which are not a place I frequent too often. I have friends who are more than computer literate and can help me sort this out, but seriously a big thanks for the offer, much appreciated and more like the response I'd hoped for, regardless who it was from. *Disclaimer* I may yet get back in touch with you for some assistance if thats ok.

As far as I'm concerned GL has contributed a fine and selfless application (not the first time I've said that), and it is to be admired and appreciated, no doubt. But his insulting and stroppy reponse to my first post for help got my back up.

I insulted him for not helping me? Where? I responded in kind to his "it's my ball and I'm not playing anymore" attitude.

Whatever, my next messages will be in broad Embraish.

Off to do some translations on the French much for the auld alliance eh? And oh, I studied German, not French.

Ach, hud enufo awe this keech anyhoos, gonnae git back tae sum graft.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

For the new add-on, i need your help because now you are an expert of configuring LFSRelax.


Well, until I actually download the file and investigate something called a cfg file, that would be a little pointless

Just keep on patronising me dude, it's creating a fuller picture of the person on the other end of the avatar..............

ps - is that dog in your avatar having a sly toke?
Last edited by HVS5b, . Reason : typo
S2 licensed
There is always another side to the story mate.

The other night I ended up on CTRA2 with a two or three Titanium and Platinum drivers and it was a total pleasure to experience.

I kept a Titanium licence driver behind me for 2 laps on SO4, and only thru his excellent car control and anticipation did he miss me on a couple of ocassions when I half slid wide or left half a gap up the inside.

No names mentioned, but it was a proper education in my rear view mirrors for 2 laps then more education for half a lap until he disappeared over the horizon

The good, the bad and the noobs, lol
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :LFSRelax 1.41 Released
RTFM There is a doc!! Anyway


Dude, really...........

I don't care even if you did give half an explanation after your uncalled for strop.
Not a nice attitude towards non-technical types. Again.:grumpy:.

You may be doing a good job creating a new Pitspotter, perhaps work on a new add-on for self-attitude improvement next time?
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :I made some great laps today, I was getting good lap times so I thought I'd have a look on LFS World, but to my great deception, even hotlaps aren't shown on LFS World. Do I really got to hotlap online to see my laps on LFS World or is there another way?

Lol mate, I thought my lack of knowledge surrounding LFSWorld and the actual LFS game was pretty outstanding

Glad to know theres always someone out there who lives in Scooby Doo land as well (scooby doo = clue : clarification for foreigners!)
S2 licensed
Quote from dungbeetle :After installing LFSRelax, open up the LFSRelax.cfg file in notepad.

As an example, scroll down to the line that says 'EnableTSView = true' and change this to 'EnableTSView = false'. This will disable TSView.

Save the LFSRelax.cfg file before exiting.

EDIT: Sorry - already covered elsewhere. [Note to self: Read the WHOLE thread next time before replying!] :slap:

Thanks for all those who took the time and effort to explain these changes to an IT dunce You're actions are much appreciated.

You know who you are and you know who you are not ants:.

Happy racin, troops!
S2 licensed
7% too much front DF. Try 3 -5%.

Slo mo replays (as well described above), analyze for speed, and the timing of the downshifts can all help you reduce breaking distances.

Have you read :
S2 licensed
Quote from HVS5b :To The TJ nand LFS Drifter:

Cheers for the pointers folks. Had a read thru' the link and another play on the XFG skin last night and things went a lot smoother

Happy skinning people

No accounting for taste :splat:, but it's definately coming together.

This could take up as much time as the actual racing now
Last edited by HVS5b, .
S2 licensed
Quote from RacerAsh3 :How do u make the background black? mine just messes up wen i try

Background to what mate?

Have you left the black mask layer on?
S2 licensed
To Gunn and Hellboy99 : Thanks chaps, gonna give it a blast tonight if the Mrs lets me near the computer :arge: