I feel the same, like 0.7 seconds was too much of a difference.
I done an offline "serious" 4 laps alone, and in those 4 laps I got back on 1:13.90s, and if I keep practicing Im sure I'll get back to my average (1:13.40s-1:13.70s).
That 0.7 secs gaps isn't that noticeable as they think it actually is when people get used to the new track and its killing kerbs and car spinner curbs. And as MicroSpecV mentioned before, the first chicane after T1 is a bit lower now, but chicane right before Sc2 split is 0.5 quicker, which makes it up for the slowing down on the first chicane, doing little to no difference (for me at least).
Both leaderboards and SETUPS would need to be re-done if tyre physics come out, but hey, carcass simulation is done, and its a great advance for the tyres. Now iirc they are working on sidewall simulation, so there isn't much left. And of course Tyre Physics + VWS would be a great gift for those who knew to be patient, support the devs by either buying the license, cheering them and/or reporting bugs so they can even make it more better!.
I dont see how obsoleting PBs and Hotlaps could be a bad thing, besides of just
+Look, I got a fast lap on BL1
-k gud
This also happened with the new Westhill, and it wasn't too much of a trouble.
This PB reset thing happened many times, considering that for example Blackwood got plenty of updates throughout its LFS history, and its good to start over once in a while. As LFS can't stay the same forever, they have to improve too, even if it means that PBs should be resetted, or the tyre physics overhaul coming.
Oy vey, I found more misplacements.
One is on the left exiting the chicane, where there is a little road with a gate leading to that back park.
The second one is off-track, left of the tribunes at the end of the straight.
Of course I meant off-bounds when you have all 4 wheels off the white lines, which in LFS also means the bounds of the track itself.
The best example of this is how FBM fast drivers/WR get a low split (0.23s), they cut directly thru the first chicane after T1, exiting to the straight, 2 wheels are on the green sausage kerb and the other 2 wheels are on the grass. I leave an example with an old WR: https://youtu.be/BDBXOJCAgaM?t=37s
This is how people (included me) take that last part of the chicane.
So I think that the new kerbs are there to avoid this type of driving/cutting.
1:13s laps on old BL, and 1:14-1:15s laps on new BL.
One thing Im thinking of why the sausage kerbs on the chicanes are there is because they want people to actually drive inside the track, and not literally have the 4 wheels on the curbs.
Literally you can drive off the track on the chicanes and not get an invalid lap (using LFSLazy for example, you will get a notification when you drive off-track, off the bounds, touching grass, etc etc) which LFS ignores when racing unless you do a hotlap. So I think these sausage kerbs are a physical way to see where you should get an invalid lap.
I would rather lower them, but a bit higher than what it is on the actual pre-update Blackwood, as when trying to shortcut that curb would make you slow down, instead of making you go faster.
[In a Hypotethical case | This is just an example]
Let's say that IS_OBH reports will be removed, shouldn't this mean that for example people could create shortcuts with concrete slabs to make faster laps (for example BL chicanes)?? Or there will be exceptions to when IS_OBH are ignored or listed??.
Also, I noticed that when normally racing, even if you drive off the track, touch the grass or go off-bounds, if you make a fast lap, it counts, when in reality it shouldn't be a valid lap because of the reasons before mentioned. Like it ignores any of these packets.
I find it interesting that the new Blackwood highway (the one besides the Straight) is almost larger than the Autocross drag strip.
But ye I agree if the highway could be open for either drag, arab drift or just messing around on it. Or even for cruise.
Both Full Scene AA and Mirror Antialiasing are disabled, otherwise it'd explode .
Ye, I was thinking the same thing, and Im sure it has to do with the new tracks adding backroads (which means more collisions) and etc, as old tracks were just the main track and thats it. I dont find it annoying, but ye, I wanted to know.
EDIT: I was thinking that maybe in 3rd person the view distance is higher than in other views, so it loads more objects/collisions, otherwise it wouldnt have sense that in 3rd person view it lags, but on the inside view it doesn't, as inside view the car is also rendered and the other objects are rendered.
Scawen, btw, I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but when I am in third person view I get FPS drop in the new BLackwood and new WeSThill.
If I switch to any other view (inside view, custom view, 2D view and Cinematic) this problem doesn't happen. Personally I dont find it annoying as I never play on Third Person, but I was wondering what could cause it.
PC Specs in case you want to know:
Intel i3 2120 @ 3.30 GHz | 4GB DDR3 | ASUS GeForce GT 440
I can run LFS at really high FPS (100+ fps) on highest settings (except AA and AF, no V-Synce).
Found a bug.
If there is smoke behind the 30 (mph or kph?) sign, the sign becomes transparent
Found a new bug.
Seems like the wall is a bit high than it should be and in 2 sections of the fence it shows the "sky" (see the left side of the image)
Another one regarding edit2. Bridge near Chicane, both on the fence and on the ground.
Wow, BL looks awesome!! I feel there will be some interesting layouts with this. Even Im having some ideas and I haven't installed it yet!!
Its just amazing!!
IIRC the rest of the tracks (like Fern Bay, Kyoto, Aston and South City, ¿¿¿and maybe Autocross???) will get this kind of update with backroads and etc??.
I was thinking the same thing long time ago. HEX codes would be useful and nice to be added. Right now the only way to make grays (for example) Is to slide one of the bars and then do ctrl+right click to copy and shift+right click to paste it (this trick also work with any other type of slider -gear ratios, suspension, etc etc etc-).
Also you can use the same technique to make unique colours playing around with it.
Personally I prefer really darker colours, and making them to look nice on the cars is really a hard time, not impossible, but kinda hard.
There is an easy way to do it:
Just select Westhill with an open configuration (example: Westhill National X) and drive up there and you'll see it, but you can only see it if you are from the inside view/custom view, otherwise on cinematic and third person views is just normal.
I guess you should be able to reproduce the bug on the rest of open configurations.
But what you could do is, for example, give simple but easy to remember names and add symbols so they appear on the top of the list.
For example:
I have a XRG setup called BL1_race but I have to scroll for a while to get to the setup, so instead I rename it to 'BL1_race, or [BL1_race] , so the ' / [ ] character/s will make it appear on top of the list, and so on with the important setups. At least that's what I came up to avoid scrolling 5 minutes to find a setup xdd.
I've been in Demo for almost 7 years (mekhon was my first account -had to leave it because a tweaker were chasing me to every server I went to crash me with ghost mod, so thats why I have created this account, and forgot the password-, and this one the last one and the new main) and have enjoyed LFS every day I played it, which is one of the very little games I've played so many years, being GTA SA, L4D1 and L4D2 the other games I played the most. Even without Internet I end up giving me ideas to have fun offline with AIs, like make them use a roll-over setup or just an slow setup so I can drift-pass them, or just crash the AI 'coz bored. Or just do some laps around Rallycross, or try 2 wheels with the XFG on the car park, or discover "bugs" using XRG wheelie setup to reach hidden places. Or try hotlapping.
Even with Demo, there are many ways to have fun even offline and just having 3 cars and 1 track.
MRc was the server I visited the most, being the Drift and FBM servers. I rarely visit other servers like the DUB drift server, as I'm mostly on the MRc FBM server or LCS Cruise Server. Its just a matter to go online, be nice to people and you will get advices, setups, etc etc and you end up having fun and meeting people. But of course, Internet would be nothing if trolls didn't exist...
It is true that LFS doesn't get many updates, as it is not easy to update it like it was just adding a number, adding features and ignore the bugs. Devs really take their times to update it, and polish any bug a new feature -tyre physics for example- may generate, or track bugs where an square is missing on the middle and you fall off, or you touch a barrier and you get ejected to the Moon, and etc etc. And thats something people should really appreciate and also support the game by buying a License (of course, if you have access to a credit card/PayPal -I have no access to both of them, despite of being 21-) and obviously if the player feels its worth, or just report bugs, or suggest new things, even if they dont get introduced onto the game. Even little things can make a big difference.
Nah, Demo is fine with 12-15 grid. That's why its Demo after all, rite?.
Otherwise they'd be fully filled with multi-accounting brazilians, turks, latvians and lithuanians crashing/tweaking. Pretty much what you saw with these cracked servers showing up on Master Server (Reptile Clan servers for example) and LFSP. Sadly this is the reality of Demo, good players are hidden between these ppl who only come to ruin the fun on the servers. No news someone comes to crash on FBM/GTi Racing servers (MRc, AMG) almost every day. If it wasn't for a few servers, I'd rather play offline with AI.
Registration should be restricted some way, so you can only make like 2 accounts max per person, instead of creating 30 accounts on the same person, to start off.