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S3 licensed
Love all of them! Specially Mini-Monaco & Alberta Park
S3 licensed
Personally if its a fun set (wheelie, super donuts and etc) I have no prob giving them to whoever asks for it. Same goes for drift setups.

But for racing setups Im not that open to give these sets. Even tho the people that gave me these setups are because its a "public" set and never told me specifically not to share them, I prefer telling these people to ask the actual person who made the setup to ask for it, to avoid problems and confusion basically.

Its up to the person if he/she doesn't want to share a setup, and begging won't make the situation better. If the person says "No", then you just say "np" and end of discussion. I have seen some people getting buttburn just because they didn't get a setup.

If not, then you could simply give the guy a similar set. If the person asking for a set is giving you a bad time, you can just give him a troll set. In the end he didn't specify what type of setup you need to send Omg omg omg

>>The ones I can't stand are those who don't even bother to search first<<
S3 licensed
A 4 laps race Tilt

Also depends of what car and track is selected for a race.

I'd say anything above 2-3hs.
S3 licensed
Quote from TwinySkyline :Then of course there is the usual skins with the Turkish flag, as patriotism is extremely developped in Turkey. But damn me, the Turkish flag looks damn awesome and can be greatly valorized on a well-done skin.

Kinda disagree on the patriotism part. I mean, patriotism is present on EVERY country, except that if its from a certain country its good but if its USA's or European its bad and intolerant (I don't agree with this type of logic, but you know, XXI people offended by anything).

Either way I don't have any type of problem on these people making these skins at all, just giving out an opinion (maybe a bit harsh, but that doesn't invalidate it). They are just ugly for me, which doesn't mean they can't make them nor stop doing these skins. Maybe it also depends on the effort someone puts into these skins. It's not the same the effort skinners here put onto them, than just a casual doing one. Who knows, maybe they get into skinning, just like me. As with everything not everyone will like your work. I started the same way these people did, making those type of skins, but with time I started to like replicating liveries on LFS cars. I enjoy it, its also a way for me to kill time, and of course headaches when stripes don't fit because skin stretching, specially on the lovely FZ5 Ya right
I oveshoot the corner a bit too fast with only specifying on "turks" tho.
S3 licensed
*cracks LFS*
"Ama go post my cracked LFS gameplay on Official LFS Forums, nothing could go wrong".

I really don't know if they do this on purpose (which I think they do), or just a special type of people. Can't help but semi-laugh at these type of threads.
S3 licensed
Quote from GerryTheLeper :It can't make things worse so it would definitely be better. Yes players might leave, but at least some will stay. The vast majority of gamers don't even know LFS exists so even just having people playing it in steam friend's lists would promote the game better than now. I don't think much would need to change. Steam has zero quality control and there are a tonne of junk abandoned early access games so if the updates are slow it doesn't matter. Opening the game to the modding of real cars and tracks would pick up that slack and then some!

I just believe that there is currently a huge gap in the market for a good multiplayer racing sim because the multiplayer in all the current sims (outside of iRacing $$$$) are awful and LFS has a great system.

People nowadays want content, content, content, content, content, And crysis 3 graphics.

At this current state, with so few cars and tracks, updates are rare (they are "major" but not that major) and no Mod Support (this and content itself): there wil be an increasing in player base? -There will be an increase, low and slow, but will increase (I do hope so). But at the same time a chunk of that will be lost because of the aforementioned lack of content. So you'll see the triple of threads demanding content, and updates.

A point for adding to steam are the paying methods Steam has, which will benefit a lot of people from almost every country.

I agree that LFS is really open when it comes to InSim and etc, and has some features that outstand other simulators (Clutch for example, altho it needs a bit of tweaking to it), but in terms of content its really falling behind.

LFS NEEDS this tyre physics update more than ever.
S3 licensed
Quote from GerryTheLeper :If you put this game on steam and open it up to workshop mods it could become the most popular racing game in the world. Project Cars and AC don't do multiplayer as good as LFS and multiplayer games are the ones that draw in the huge player numbers on steam.

They will end up leaving once they see how slow updates come.

The problem is that in case LFS wants to make it to Steam, the whole infrastructure would need to change, and the devs would need to focus on it 24/7 (not like abandon their life totally, but mostly). Mods will make LFS last a little bit longer, but it won't last forever.

I'm not saying that bringing LFS to Steam is bad, but at its current status its better not to. It won't make things better.
S3 licensed
Quote from delis :What's with the Turks and them ugly skins here lately?

Only lately?? I'd say since the entire LFS' history.

I get it that not everyone is an artist to make skins (me included), but I agree, average turk skins on LFS are ugly af lol. Either badly done, stolen or renamed from XRT skins.
S3 licensed
Quote from delis :Skins are nice and all, but why bother posting just screenshots? That's what edited pictures topic is for. Post skins here please.


Whats the point of showing off skins that are private use only on a subforum about getting skins?.-
S3 licensed
IMO the XRG took the corner alright and the XFG braked too early and turned into the XRG.
S3 licensed
AFAIK there is already a LAN option, when you create a server you can choose between local-network-hidden.

LAN/LOCAL - Your host will not connect to the master server. Guests can connect by clicking on "Join Specific Host", selecting the "local network" option and typing in the IP address of your computer.

NETWORK/INTERNET - Explains by itself.

HIDDEN - Your host will connect to the master server but will not appear on the List of Hosts. Guests may connect to your host by clicking on "Join Specific Host", selecting the "Internet" option and typing in your host's name.

More info here:

Plus you can set a password on these 3 to avoid unwanted people to join.

It should be that, unless I understood something different lol.
S3 licensed
Some cars need a more durable clutch (XFG,RB4,FXO,XRT,UFR,FZR). I have the impression XFG burns more clutch than the XRG, and there is little difference between them, apart from weight, engine and etc. On the other hand, powershifting a RB4 or a FXO equals to clutch dead literally. UFR and FZR aren't a quick dead clutch, but it suffers, specially the UFR. XRT would be in the middle, not clutch-happy nor a durable clutch either. I get that with mouse its a bit easier to burn clutch, but still, these cars are clutch-happy, and sometimes you need to powershift, which CT makes the difference.
S3 licensed
Not actually cars, but I'd love to see motorcycles added to LFS, doesn't matter if real or fictional. Same goes for trucks and vans.
S3 licensed
Because for ppl its boring to do jobs, and since on TC you only drive to make money, plus being a med or a cop, its far more simpler to adapt (makes no sense to me, as only driving gets boring after a while, and jobs add that bit of "fun" to it, same for bank and etc).
S3 licensed
Quote from :press - ... No need for a button. Or hold shift and - to also block system messages.

Individual people on a server cannot be muted, that is true. Not sure if this is really desirable, back in the days it was not.

I already know about that, I use them on these random servers, but at the same time some servers don't allow players to block messages (If the server has an InSim they would put a message on screen to re-enable messages, or they would kick you or ban you if you keep on blocking messages), plus if I block messages a moderator/admin could be talking to me and I wouldn't notice and would end up banned thinking Im ignoring him.
S3 licensed
+1 Some people are really annoying but at the same time you don't want to disable all messages in case somebody talks to you, or a moderator/admin is calling ya.

There could be a button on the Connections List to mute/unmute players.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eri9k1 :Screenshots by my friend, he have S2

1º- You can't post VOB-mods nor talk about them on LFS Forums (at least until a Mod Support is added);

2º- Then why doesn't your friend post the pictures himself? Or is it another """friend""" story? You are demo, you can't post pictures of licensed content, even if it was taken by another person...
S3 licensed
Quote from daftKow :1. Is there a way to get the computer to run a "perfect lap"? Sorta like in OptimumLap; so I have a reference to approach. I see the "Pro" AI; is that a good place to start or still easily beatable by a good driver? Can I export that lap to look at the data and compare mine?

2. Is there an autocross course generator? One that follows SCCA guidelines would be awesome. Not crucial, but it'd be nice. I found the thread on the layout database so I'm sure I'll be happy for a (long) while.

(kinda a followup to q1+q2Smile A computer driver run a "perfect lap" on a custom autocross course would be awesome ...

3. I'll probably be focusing on the XRG as it's RWD with similar power to the Miata. It is a bit bigger and heavier though. Any plans to include a Miata-type car? same power as XRG but a bit lighter with double wishbone suspension...

4. Would love to eventually get a VR setup; or maybe a 3 screen setup. Does this require a lot of computer power? I'm trying to find what are recommended specs for a 3 screen or VR setup; it's difficult to find any feedback! Any would be appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance! Sorry about the long post; I appreciate if you've made it this far Big grin


Welcome first of all!

Answering the question/s:

1. Well, even in PRO you can beat them easily if experienced enough. To get you an idea:
BL2 (Blackwood Historic) with Formula BMW: A good lap for average racers is mid-low1:12s-low1:13s, and AI on PRO do 1:15-1:16s. Its good for references, but for online racing its pretty bad. Idk if you already discovered it, but pressing 4 both on numpad or the numbers below Fbuttons, you can toggle the race line, which will help you learning the track. AI runs 2-3 seconds below average racer laptime to resume such a testament.

2. If I understood the question well, Autocross has only MRT SCCA-alike layouts by default. Sadly there isn't any SCCA-like layouts by default for other cars, so you'll have to create them yourself, or search around the forums for them :S.

3. For now the top-priority is to release a new and improved Tyre Physics and the Volkswagen Scirocco. I'd leave that on a not certain. There will be more content added thats for sure, but we don't know which cars and tracks will be. It's a big question mark for now.

4. I'm not into VR, so maybe another user experienced enough with VR will answer you this question better than I could even do Nod.

Hope I answered your questions. Have fun racing on LFS!.
S3 licensed
Quote from :My A-bomb suggestion wasn't really welcomed, sadly. But what about making continent internetz? Lets isolate Middle East internet from the rest of the world? Yes / No?

So because 1 guy attacks a server the rest of the area needs to be isolated?. Non-sense at its finest

The only thing that would do is transferring the problem, not solving it. Meaning that ppl from the rest of the world would still be able to attack the server... Then we should isolate the world from the internet?.
S3 licensed
You can use SHIFT+<key assigned to camera view> to go backwards.

If the race line was set to on by default, it'd be annoying having to switch it off. We run into the same problem in the end. Mostly if not all racing sims have the raceline switched off by default, and the user is the one that decides if he wants raceline or not. Better leave it disabled by default and let the racer decide if they want to enable it or not.

Personally I don't have an issue with the camera views, as you can change it in a blink of an eye, or at least when you get used to switch cameras fast.

Camera cycle: 3rdPerson>TOP view>Cinematic>FPV>Custom View.
SHIFT+C(or the key you have assigned to camera view) will go backwards, so for example if you are on the inside view ( FPV ), pressing SHIFT+C will switch to cinematic and so on.
It will go backwards on that cycle to resume it.

Ps: Press and Hold camera key for ultimate seizure Omg omg omg
S3 licensed
Quote from kristofferandersen :Good catch!
Maybe having wider camber could just be for certain cars, like just the turbocars.
I'm not known for my ideas, so this is probably just silly.

Quote from BeNoM :Exactly, kind of like how only certain cars got extra steering angle for drifting.

Same as GTR and Formula have Slicks, and some road cars have 45º. That should definitely work imo.
S3 licensed
Quote from LUKIII :Hello
is it possible to rotate my wheel same as in the game (i mean in perfect synchronization) ?
Im playin on PC on g27 as well. Asking cuz its annoying to rotate wheel a lot but in game it moves only a little bit.

UF1-XFG-XRG-LX4-LX6-RB4-FXO-XRT-RAC-FZ5-UFR-XFR uses 720 degrees
FXR-XRR-FZR uses 540 degrees
FBM-FOX-FO8 uses 450 degrees
BF1 uses 400 degrees
MRT uses 270 degrees

Seeing as you are Demo, if you gonna race with XFG-XRG use 720 and for FBM use 450.

Ps: It's better to create a thread instead of reviving a dead thread.
S3 licensed
Quote from kristofferandersen :*grabs popcorn*
I'm ready.

EDIT: I would like to have features like this just available for licensed players as this would make people get the game (some).

But what happens if a licensed user makes a XFG-XRG-FBM setup with that extra camber and a demo user asks him for that setup and he sends it? The game would either Reject to send that setup because of that extra camber, or it would create a black hole -crash the game-
S3 licensed

Find the differences Omg omg omg

I might be failing at seeing the charm and visual appealing Tilt

I agree with UM21 tho, 1 or 2 more degrees won't do harm.
S3 licensed
Quote from Skytrill :It would be nice to have more realistic collisions when having a wheel to wheel contact on formula cars. In the real world, a car that is coming from behind and hit another tire is sort of propelled in the air which is certainly spectacular, but also encourages drivers to be more careful knowing the risk of an eventual contact. That would certainly add some suspense for close racing.

LFS would become Flight Simulator, specially on fbm servers Tilt

+1 to this.