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S3 licensed
Why such a ricer camber? You can't drive it on uneven surfaces, you destroy the whole chassis of the car, has 0 functionality rather than to take photos of it and show it on exhibitions.
S3 licensed
+1000, it'd make my life easier, same for skins haha.

Maybe it could be done as like creating a normal folder on windows and then LFS detects that folder contains skins/setups and it shows it with the possibility to collapse/hide?. That was my original idea, dunno if its possible tbh.
S3 licensed
Quote from Apollo21 :Hi, i'm not new, but got questions, got my license a few years i upgrade it to s3.
In multiplayer i connect other players "some server" says when i go to pick any car, go to s2 license to use car...
where can i change my license?Big grin

You might be playing on a Demo server, or the server has certain cars disabled, as if you buy S3 you will have S3 content + S2 content + S1 content + Demo content. Basically with S2 you already have access to all the content (except Rockingham) on LFS, and S3 will include more content for sure, its just a mistery for now what will be added and Rockingham was the track to ""sponsor"" S3.
S3 licensed
Quote from Abone :This is the point i agree/disagree.we need all things you talking about,
but how is at the end?people are more focus in having easy layouts( i watching people using the same ones on AU1 around years lolol),
looking good cars, easy to driving with unreal setups than learn it searching for what is LSD and others components about car to make setup realistic. Mod support implementation + some road shaders and others is the only way to "save" LFS with driving realism lost in time by users hands...

Im sad with this situation because is the only simracing i love play and i have more fun offline than online at moment Frown

I think also newcomers get scared with the clutch simulation LFS has (altho I think some cars are clutch happy -I know how to shift tho, rev match life-). There should be a link when you first launch LFS that opens a browser with the Manual, or have the Manual added INTO LFS itself, that could work. Its countless to see newcomers burning the clutch in 2 seconds, because they are mostly used to powershift with no consequences, or overreving the engine and blowing it. Or first launching LFS and going straight into Multiplayer, not even doing a lap or two to see how things work on Offline.

Also LFS is the only sim I have seen that has a great support and vast options to tweak the mouse settings (Have been using mouse since 2011), I have been told that AC have mouse support, but I have yet to see this myself. I mean, the ideal would be to have a wheel ofc, but any decent wheel is still expensive here, and I have yet to update the PC I have.

Same here, I love playing LFS, but cruising 24/7 is kinda boring, and only race servers I see are GTi for the most part, and FBM is my only escape to GTis, I mean, its kinda redundant, as they are Demo servers.

I'd love to see racing come back alive and strong on LFS, like it was before. For now its just a distant dream Frown...
S3 licensed
But how much of them will stay? Because the first thing they will say is "We want more cars/real life cars and more tracks", frequent updates. Bringing it to Steam with this status will do NOTHING, as people will go away because no updates and no more content, even if you try to convince them. People don't know what they want, even if you give them what they want, they will still complain. Also what would happen to those who already payed for LFS licenses? They would need to buy it again? Idk if most of users now would agree re-paying LFS if it comes to Steam. Games that aren't frequently updated on Steam just die e.g. Spintires to put a clear example, its literally even more dead than LFS -altho it was because of a discussion between Oovee and Pavel (the creator of ST)-.

LFS first needs the new tyre physics, the VWS released and more content added, and then from there either add content via devs and/or Mod Support implementation.

I'd love to see Racing back to LFS, which will be hard to recover. As a kid I used to play and love Gran Turismo 2 -played it via Emurayden Emulator back on these days-, and in 2010 I joined LFS and since then I stayed here, loyal, waiting that one day I wake up, I enter here and see a thread announcing that Tyre Physics and VWS update is released. LFS is one of the really few games that got me hooked to it and never left it abandoned, max I'd stay away 1-2months but I always come back to it, it has something -apart from being a car/racing casual enthusiast- that always gets me.
S3 licensed
Why not give it a shot? I'm in! Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote :please add a lot of brand new cars !

You can't just add cars like nothing happens. You have to pay a License (IIRC it has a certain number of Years of validation, but I might be wrong) and they don't cost just 1€, they cost thousands and thousands, and you can only add cars the brand wants. Thats why they make the fictional cars (except RAC, MRT5, FBM, BF1 and the so awaited Scirocco).
S3 licensed
Quote from RC-Maus :Me and my kids play sometimes on private server Smile

BTW trolls are easy to detect just put them on permanent ban

They are a pain on the back when you can't IP ban them, or if you don't have an anti-multi acc system (matches IP and bans the acc on the moment), or if you are a simple moderator. They come with 30 accs and connect and insta disconnect. Meanwhile you try to even copy the username they disconnect. Not to say its annoying to deal with.
S3 licensed
Why would someone have so many licensed accounts? Like there is no point on that. 1 or 2 are enough, no need to have 100 licensed accounts.

Unless you have a room with 30 computers running LFS (i.e. SimulatorRental), then there is no point of having SO many accounts.-
Last edited by Ibtasim6781, .
WSThill Tree Blocking Camera
S3 licensed
The camera is blocked by the tree when going along that road (Screenshot 1 and Screenshot 3). I know the camera points at the car when at the intersection, but that tree blocks the view all the way until it passes to the next camera -which iirc its near the bathrooms- (Screenshot 2).

I'd guess suggesting to removing that tree.
S3 licensed
Ye, kinda that. Skinning in LFS is complicated at first, as the templates are taken from a Beamer/Projector (Which I'd like to be a 1:1 template with the car, no stretching no nothing) and they aren't 1:1 with the car, so there will be different areas where they will mismatch if you are trying to make a line across the car for example, or logos.
Wirekits also can help to see where the skinned part is and correct it on the skin. HQ WireKits: (they are 4096x4096, but you can resize them, or use the wireframe that already comes with the Skin Kits).
Mind that this needs time to get it right, so expect to have some patience getting used.
I might be wrong, but I read somewhere that you can add 1024 iirc to the skin's width to compensate it, but don't take my word in this one, but feel free to try it.

This explain the stretching I'm talking about:
S3 licensed
Quote from BeNoM :It's quite sad that the people on that forum/thread actually believe Gran Turismo, a consoole simcade, is the most realistic game physics and graphics wise.

I'm amazed of that too. Some of them are really convinced of that, even one of them said that AC and PCars physics were "unrealistic" and that GT's physics were realistic Looney

It's even sadder to compare tire modelling, I kek'd on that one. Even LFS 0.5 versions had a more complex tire modelling than GT will ever have. And I can't even imagine what it will be with the new one coming up not too far.

Ps: dem tiny heart-attacks believing a new update came up everytime I check this one Tilt
S3 licensed
Quote from super_gt :I posted this here because I find it very strange and funny someone to compare LFS with Out Run and Ridge Racer,I disagree with him.
Sorry if this is off topic.

His kind of "physic testing" isn't proof of nothing. Obviously going full-steer lock won't make the car oversteer, but understeer *(if going too fast. Otherwise it will slide like in the video)*. Haven't seen a single sim where full-steering lock makes the car lose control, unless it is NFS or other arcade games. And making the car lose control and crash like the user above him posted the video of the GT3 crashing, following how he crashed on AC by onto 1mm of grass and crash, is a common thing on LFS. Obviously the car won't lose control if you full-steer lock the moment it goes onto the grass.

Really, he tried to make LFS look bad, but failed. Physics aren't perfect, obviously, but they are realistic.
Last edited by Ibtasim6781, .
S3 licensed
Quote from BiH_DRIFTER :Hey i have 0.6r can someone make how to run layouts i dont know pllsss

It's only available to those who have s1/s2/s3 license.
S3 licensed
Only LFSLazy has this filter (when you are on Servers tab menu), but I'd like to see these license filters, and the filters lucaf said. It's weird LFS doesn't have a demo/s1/s2/s3 server filter tho.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eric :Thanks for the bug report, but I can't see any holes in that location.

The next time you get that bug, can you please save the replay and post it here?

Unless he found a new place for that bug, that bug is achieved by reversing towards a fence gate located at the end of the straight, before the corner. Only works with FWD -FWD because its the only one that can drive out of it when doing that bug- and small cars (Screenshot attached)
S3 licensed
Quote from taipalsaari :Can you please send me walls texture?
Or atleast someone tell me name of texture if possible

Slabs/ramps/walls from the AU editor uses for the texturing. The one OP is using is the same but darker.
S3 licensed
Well, in my personal experience, made almost like 40k on a few days by just driving the UF1 with 50% res, including the trip bonus. At least for me I like driving it. Its just patience and depending on what you want to do on the server.
Overall its a good community, obviously with everyday's rule-breakers, rammers and so on, like any other server. Like, its not like they bought these prizes or bribed every voter to vote for TC. They have that "magic" that caught most of s2 users i.e. for those who like cruising 24/7, or racers that come once in a while just to take a drive around.
Also remind that TC is Cops 'N' Robbers based, whereas jobs and banks doesn't exist -at least on TC-. CLC, RC and LCS on the other hand are more cruise focused, where there IS jobs and banks. Adding jobs on TC has been suggested many times on its forums, but has been denied. TC members and owners want to keep it this way. I mean, if it works, ¿why change it?*. Sometimes jobs can be boring to do, whereas in TC you just drive (it can be a bit boring too).

*: I know that in English you only put the ? at the end when making a question, but idk, spanish language manners ftw Looney
S3 licensed
Quote from DatBoiTom :your stupid he didnt do it on perpose if anything it was the guy hwo died fault

No need to call him stupid. It was enough to just say he was wrong.
S3 licensed
The UFR already feels like that, or at least with a proper setup, or maybe its just me.

TBH I can't see a difference on how the UFR drives vs this Golfy 1. Maybe the UFR doesn't slide too much like the Golfy does, but overall it has the same "feeling" when driving it. Maybe I'm wrong or haven't raced with the UFR (I did few races with the UFR, and love it).

You can soften the suspension and put some camber on the rear wheels to get the sliding the Golfy does.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :Well there is the "Driving School" which is a bit more, with lessons and driving slalom around cones and stuff.
I think there are diffent starting-points depending on experience.
Absolutely no idea how to drive: there is the parking lot where you can just drive in wide circles or so.
And from there one can step up to driving school / singleplayer / multiplayer etc

Ye ofc there is the Driving School which I forgot to mention, but the thing is that the Tutorial should redirect newcomers to pass the Driving School for example pass the DEMO DS lessons when opening the sim for the first time to access the track (BL and its respective configurations), and then when the player buys either S1, S2 or S3 it should be totally optional and up to the player to continue it or not. But also LFS stands out for its really open-to-you gameplay. Like where in a few games you need X to access Y and drive Z; where here its just select a car, a track, and even open configurations and edit them with the layout editor to recreate real tracks, or just go mad with the objects.
S3 licensed
Better have an exclusive feature (kinda redundant to say it as it is the only car without reverse on LFS) on the MRT where you press a key and the car rolls backwards slowly. Like the driver jumps out and starts pushing it, but without the animation.

But at the same time it makes up for a challenge. One corner misjudging or turning too wide and you are out Uhmm more like a 50-50.
S3 licensed
Quote from Daniel564 :spanish, argentina, mexican servers, they're all bad.

I remember being on a angertina server, one of my cruising mates told the truth about their crappy dirty behaviour for poking us unecessarily and banned him...hmpf I left right after

Just stay in servers where most english speakers are and you'll be fine, nothing more, nothing less.


Agree, specially from Argentina where most of these ""servers"" come from.
They don't care who joins, they even ban people from their own country (like me, one of the reasons I started to hate drag on LFS, apart from Turks having 300000 tweak servers and Brazilians doing the same). These are suppossed to be private servers, but ofc they don't put a password I assume just to ban people. Instead of just telling their "friends" the password and done.
Couple of Suggestions
S3 licensed
Well, after 7 years of playing LFS (yes, I had an account before this one (mekhon), but long story. TL;DR at the end) I thought of a few suggestions that could improve LFS.

1º- Sub-Folder system for skins and setups:
What is this? As the title says, a sub-folder system for skins and setups, where in the specified folders you create a new folder to put setups, like for example, you have setups for different tracks, so you could create folders like:
And so on. And when you go ingame, on the setup list it would show these folders with an arrow next to it, so you can extend/collapse it according to what setups/skins you need.
Example: (See Attached Screenshot)

Repeat the same for skins. So for example, you can have multiple folders for different skins, with an arrow to expand/collapse it:
skins>Stock cars
skins>DEFAULT skins
And so on. Refer to the attached image, but for skins.

2º- Pre-heat tires in Pits, like in Hotlap mode:
Im not sure about this idea tbh, but gonna put it either way (Im sure there are 1000 threads that suggest the same). Again useful for Racing. And ofc a drifter would find this useful.

3º- Better replay system
Well, as discussed before on another thread, the current replay system is actually good, but at the same time it could be improved. Mostly concerning FastForward and Rewind, but I'd guess FF is slow because of ¿physics calculation?. Correct me if wrong.

4º- A proper Introduction Tutorial
Well, I guess that many people would agree with this. LFS lacks a good starting introduction tutorial. The actual tutorial is just select a language, create a driver, name it, grab XFG with default setup, enter Blackwood and off you go.
Yes, you have LFSManual. But how many newcomers really read it? I include myself on this one tho. I haven't read it, but all I know I learned all by myself and with practice. Or how many newcomers even bother to practice/experiment?. A setup won't make someone make a good lap if they don't know how to drive the car.
In my experience, I suck with FWD, but have a better driving with RWD. And how could I improve my FWD driving? By practicing and doing laps. Doesn't matter what lap time I get, the important thing is to learn how the car handles and behaves, find the advantages and disadvantages of that car and take advantage of that.
Quote from Ibtasim6781 :Ye ofc there is the Driving School which I forgot to mention, but the thing is that the Tutorial should redirect newcomers to pass the Driving School for example pass the DEMO DS lessons when opening the sim for the first time to access the track (BL and its respective configurations), and then when the player buys either S1, S2 or S3 it should be totally optional and up to the player to continue it or not. But also LFS stands out for its really open-to-you gameplay. Like where in a few games you need X to access Y and drive Z; where here its just select a car, a track, and even open configurations and edit them with the layout editor to recreate real tracks, or just go mad with the objects.

21-03-2017 Forgot to add it Tilt
5º- Possibility to skin Windows and Lights -Ik that this have been suggested a few times-
What this means isn't just editing XX_interior1 to get different lights, but the possibility to have like a layer above of these lights, so for example, you could have a play with them f.e. cover completely a headlight, or make the "Angry Headlights" -they look ugly on some cars imo-. Or make "broken" like lights, and have default lights and with this layer above, even replicate real life cars lights.
And for windows, well, either cover them completely, add decals/stickers either ricer like or like IRL racing cars ( -Its exagerated with the front window visor, but you get the idea for the rest of the windows. Also note the number 1 on the headlights-).
Or even make ads for the back window ( ), or make more complicated and better looking skins with decals going through the windows ( ).
The disadvantage I see is that covering the back window f.e. would block any type of view, and knowing LFS that would end up bad. But other than that, I don't see anything wrong.

I will be posting more ideas if I think of.

Note: I was also thinking to add Mod Support, but would be better for LFS to wait until the devs think its the finished stage to include Mod Support.
Imagine a race with Daihatsu Midgets, or Reliant Robins Omg omg omg

TL;DR: Had to create another account, first I Forgot Password, and a guy was following me to every server I went just to crash me with ghost mod.
Last edited by Ibtasim6781, .
S3 licensed

I'd love to have this feature added. Super useful Thumbs up. Altho I would do it better as if you have 2 options:

1º- Swap tires in Pairs like the OP says:
Front Tires [R1]/[R2]/[R3]/[R4]/[Normal]/[Super]/[Hybrid]/[Knobbly]
Rear Tires [R1]/[R2]/[R3]/[R4]/[Normal]/[Super]/[Hybrid]/[Knobbly]
2º- Swap tires individually:
LF [R1]/[R2]/[R3]/[R4]/[Normal]/[Super]/[Hybrid]/[Knobbly]
RF [R1]/[R2]/[R3]/[R4]/[Normal]/[Super]/[Hybrid]/[Knobbly]
LR [R1]/[R2]/[R3]/[R4]/[Normal]/[Super]/[Hybrid]/[Knobbly]
RR [R1]/[R2]/[R3]/[R4]/[Normal]/[Super]/[Hybrid]/[Knobbly]

Note: Tires swapping depending of what the car tires it supports.

I think that real swapping tires (from R1 to R2, R1 to R3 or R1 to R4, and so on) would change how the cars handles if indivual tire swapping was added?. And wouldn't tire physics go crazy/cause problems/glitches/bugs if you switch from e.g. R1 to R2 without entering pits?. Or from Normal to Knobbly?