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S3 licensed
Found a little "bug"

When using the Wheel on the Right side, the indicator lights on the dashboard are reversed/flipped (See attachment below)
S3 licensed
Found a little mis-placement

When using the driver position on the right, the beacon has a hole which I assume is where the cable goes

Attachment #1 : Driver Position on the Left
Attachment #2-#3 : Driver Position on the Right
S3 licensed
Love your layouts Thumbs up

Stay safe and good luck in future endeavours Heart
S3 licensed
Nice Thumbs up

Sadly can't use ReShade but the LFS shaders alone look nice
S3 licensed
Just... Beautiful Heart
S3 licensed
I see old car, I like Heart

A few things I noticed after driving it and looking around (i guess future updates cover some of it):

· The seats and the seating position (and thus the default view position) are quite low. By using some references of pictures and the videos listed below, I think the seats are much lower which makes the steering wheel block the view quite a lot. The shoulders are well above and over the seat compared to the mod which has the shoulders at the seat's level.

· Getting "Cross-texture triangle found in LOD2 - mapping corrected" when selecting the car


For reference/s about the steering wheel (need to skip around a bit to fit good shots of it)

· The steering wheel is thicker than the IRL car. I think the size/diameter is fine (while the IRL one is quite larger, I think its fine for LFS).

· If not mistaken it should be leaning more forward (im not savvy with LFSEditor so I don't know the limits of what can be done)

· The animation stops working after turning the wheel 3/4 of a full 360º turn (270º).
In regards of the animation in general: Is it a temporary one that will be replaced later down the road?


It's a nice car overall Thumbs up
S3 licensed
The suit skins currently are inside data/pic as Gutholz stated. Mind you that the files are used both for the Male and Female drivers (except SUITB and SUITR) so some custom skins might have black parts showing in either of them due to that.

For reference:
SUITB - Blue Suit (Only used by the Male)
SUITG - Grey/Blue Suit
SUITO - Track Marshall Suit
SUITR - Red Suit (Only used by the Female)
SUITS - White Suit
SUITX - Black/Red Suit

Hopefully in the future Suit skins will also use the car skins system
S3 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :It's a video or computer game after all. Simulator or not. Different genres. Smile

Here we go again

Why feed the troll
S3 licensed
Looks lovely Heart

There is something about those old race cars that capture me...
S3 licensed
Looks amazing! Heart
S3 licensed
I like this bus. Nice Thumbs up

Minor thing is that indicators don't work on the rear
S3 licensed

They look beautiful 🔥🔥
S3 licensed
hhh nice

Love the mod Heart
S3 licensed
Isn't the Stack logo a "real life" logo?
S3 licensed
Beautiful Heart
S3 licensed
Nice bus Thumbs up

Do you have plans on changing the steering wheel by any chance?. I was thinking maybe changing it for the RB4's st wheel since its closer to what IRL Scanias and Scania-based buses/trucks use
S3 licensed
I downloaded it and indeed doesn't load in LFS. Not sure if Illustrator being a vector graphics editor have something to do with it, which I doubt, but you never know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But then I copied the image instead of saving it, pasted it in, saved as jpg and it worked. Maybe try using a different image editor (preferably a raster editor e.g., Photoshop, GIMP, etc etc) and see if it works?
S3 licensed
This car has the ear-destroyer stall. To fix this you need to lower Tone Variation to at least 0,99 or lower to avoid this. (for example 0.95 if you wanna be extra safe, and the difference in sound is barely noticeable)
( for reference )
S3 licensed
Nismo logo on the steering wheel

Quite weird how some things go un-noticed for some time lol
S3 licensed
Drove a few laps and I'm amazed. Amazing looking and handling Thumbs up

10/10 and 5 stars is too low to rate this
S3 licensed
gg I just found out the steering wheel has the Trabant text & logo, and I have been driving this car sometimes since it was released almost

Not sure about the radio. Can't make out if the logo is Clarion or if its edited to be read Clanon, so I'd suggest probably changing that too

If you can, fix this ASAP so it doesn't get removed
S3 licensed
Quote from Gunn :I have uploaded the LFS World logo. The rar archive includes both PSD and PNG versions with transparent background.

Was about to ask if someone had that "plain" LFSW Logo

Thanks! Heart
S3 licensed
Nice Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Love this car Heart Thumbs up

Something I noticed is that it gets stuck trying to shift gears when using Automatic trans.
S3 licensed
Nice car, nice handling Thumbs up

Hope to see skin mapping & templates in the future Smile