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S3 licensed
Apart from the wobble, I like it

Altho one thing I noticed is that Right and Left on the skin template aren't symmetrical vertically, and the Front is part of the sides which makes skinning difficult due to the extreme stretching. Also could the police config boxes be part of the template also?
S3 licensed
Nice little coffee car Thumbs up

Needs skin mapping fixed (same goes for Espresso D)
Last edited by Ibtasim6781, .
S3 licensed
Looking good Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Looks amazing Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Skin mapping needs work. jpg skin is totally black but car has white spots.
There is also an strange stripe across the whole template overlapping with right, front and left cutouts.
S3 licensed
When using custom skins, the No Pop Up headlights stay white. Tried both Pop Up and No Pop Up skin templates
S3 licensed
Probably obvious, but better be safe.

Can old and/or alternative versions of those logos be used? Like Castrol or Michelin's older logos. Question also goes for using new/updated logos (e.g. Dell's logo is now surrounded by a circle)
S3 licensed
was messing around with it and noticed the hitbox doesn't match the model. Screenies below

Apart from this, I like this car Thumbs up
S3 licensed
oof it looks quite nice Thumbs up
Mods not being highlighted [FIXED]
S3 licensed
(Don't know if I missed a post about it, but here goes)
Something I noticed since 7B10, is that mods randomly get "un-highlighted" (its name shown in white text when using it and thus the page no longer "focus" on it) in both the Mods Screen and the Test Mods screen.

1st screenshot: Selected XF Cargo Mod
2nd screenshot: Its highlighted in the Mods screen
3rd screenshot: Selected a different mod (Rockspecial in this case)
4th screenshot: Went back and selected the XF Cargo again
5th screenshot: The mod is no longer highlighted
6th screenshot: Went back to the Rockspecial and it is now highlighted but not the other mod

This happens with any mod but seems random as it sometimes work. Dunno what causes it or if its just my LFS doing shenanigans
S3 licensed
the engine sound is there, but since the .eng file uses cyrillic words, it doesn't load on PCs that don't have Cyrillic set up.

(This is from the Gorkiy 14 thread)
Quote from lfstech :On my computer there is no engine sound at all. I think this is because the engine sound file has Cyrillic characters. These will only load if the computer is set to Cyrillic. The engine sound must use only standard ASCII characters (A-Z / a-z / 0-9)

S3 licensed
Fun to drive and the model looks really nice Thumbs up

Only thing missing is a skin template :DD
S3 licensed
Oof, what a beast Thumbs up

Small thingy: Front bumper is mirrored
S3 licensed
Regarding skin templates, would it be possible/feasible to have an option to export in 4096?.
S3 licensed
I noticed when turning on lights ( 3 key ) is that only the rear light turns on, but the headlights and the indicators don't work.

Other than that I like it Thumbs up
S3 licensed
The driver is sitting too low. To be able to actually see anything I need to set Z offset to 0.50 which is the height that the original bimmer mod is at. Don't understand this strange change to driver's height.

Also the hands are inside the wheel for the whole duration of the steering animation.

For Reference:
1º screenshot: Original Bavaria 335 mod with default position

2º screenshot: This mod with default position

3ª screemshot: This mod with Z offset set to 0.50
S3 licensed
Looks gorgeous!
S3 licensed
Lookin good Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Looking good!
S3 licensed
The wheel is set to 1080º lock to lock but the driver animation is the one used for 900º, so after turning the wheel 450º the wheel moves but the hands stay still.
S3 licensed
A little oversight I noticed

The wang has that default red color and doesn't change with the colour slides.
S3 licensed
Love this little thing!

Only thing that bugs me is the driver animation being the one for 900º and not for 1080º, since the default setup with max degrees is 1080º lock to lock. After turning the wheel over 450º the wheel moves but the hands stay still.

The normal Snail 1111 also suffers this error too
S3 licensed
Love this bike! Thumbs up

One thing that tickles me is that the headlight and the front indicators don't work.
S3 licensed
I get this kind of error whenever someone joins with this car. Not sure what it is about it

MergeSubs (JD081-017) - Too many triangles