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S3 licensed
Hmm. Thats weird. I had that option set to Anyone, or I just forgot to change it.
My bad.
S3 licensed
Quote from oleroc :Your profile is not visible....

I can see it just fine. I don't have stats hidden.
S3 licensed
Happy birthday Victor!
S3 licensed
Ima go try another ticket Tilt.

I'm in!
S3 licensed
I always avoid these "drag" servers where there are a few kiddos and these weird servers.
I can't count how many times I got banned from these "servers", even being South American. They ban both non-Spanish speaking and the lentos (slow/noob players).Sometimes I believe Im the only person on my country who doesn't like drag. Shrug
S3 licensed
Gonna try some luck I guess! I'm in!
Good luck every1!
S3 licensed
I'd say that they did the minimaps on a certain size, so maybe in South City they used an smaller "template", so part of that off-track on the south is not shown complete. At least that's what I have in mind about it.
S3 licensed
The minimap has 2 colours as stated on the Display>Interface menu:
Small map dark
Small map light
IIRC Small map dark is only used when in 3rd person, and small map dark is used on the rest of views, because of, for example, car interiors where they are mostly black (except cars with no roof, like RAC, UF1 roofless and both LXs) because they would camouflage with the texture and be like there is no minimap, if using minimap on total black colour, or where some tracks have dark spots, or dark textures itself.

Also I know there is a bug on both Display and Interface sliders where they show incorrect colours when moving them (like, you want to make orange and it shows purple or dark green and etc). I think the Interface tab doesn't have this problem, but may be wrong.

Do both minimaps have the same colour? idk if you know the trick, but you can use ctrl+LeftClick to copy and Shift+LeftClick to paste sliders value.
S3 licensed
The only thing you can do for now is ctrl+left click selecting objects (max 30). But ye, an easier way to delete objects would be good.
S3 licensed
Erm, actually you can do infinite laps after the race ends if you like so Tilt.

Usually race servers have an InSim -to simplify it, its like a Program/Application- f.e. like Airio that has a countdown at the end of each race so it restarts automatically.
Otherwise you'll need a certain amount of players to press SHIFT+R (restart race) in order to restart. But, the more players are connected = More people needed to restart race.

Ps: Glad you like LFS!
S3 licensed
Quote from taipalsaari :lmao @abone trying so hard to get me banned cus he cant come up with a proper argument

i already gave u proof and all my request was to get this fixed cus its annoying for mouse users.
whatever, I got my answer now.You guys are clearly all just ignorant.

pls close

I drive with mouse and I don't see/feel/notice any difference from 0.6N to 0.6R.

Seriously, you are believing your own lieLooney Looney.

"You guys are clearly all just ignorant" You obviously can't come up with a proper argument either, so you choose to insult us all.. Just 2 videos with obviously different driving styles and approaches just to make us believe there is a difference.

For the last time, if physics changed, replays would be obsolete and obviously experienced/average racers would notice this, and also IT WOULD BE MENTIONED IN THE CHANGELOG IF PHYSICS CHANGED ffs. Why are you so freaking stubborn not to understand physics didn't change? You think that tyre physics changes would pass unadverted? Seriously?. Scawen replied to you saying that physics changed, so what, you gonna ignore what a DEVELOPER says to you?.

Now seriously, some moderator please close this pointless thread. This totally like talking to a wall
S3 licensed
Yes, you are right.
Physics changed. How can I be so blind not to see it? Frown

Like seriously, this is like talking to a wall...
Not sure if trolling, really stubborn or you have 2 potatoes as eyes not to realize nothing has changed. Again, if physics changed you wouldnt be able to play replays from other 0.6 versions, also if they changed, setups would act weird, as Scawen even stated with the VWS, they had to use unrealistic setup settings to make the car drivable on current physics. If new physics were on 0.6R, first they would obviously BE on the CHANGELOG and second experienced players and WR users would obviously notice if anything changed, which didn't.
Its a placebo effect. Stop trying to convince yourself something changed. Even your driving style on both videos are really different.

As MicroSpecV stated, make a little AI-only race on both versions, and do the comparison. If physics changed, AI would act differently.
S3 licensed
Quote from Skinzinho :le quote

May I ask why you created BRlok in the first place?.

Im glad you decided to shut it down and act as a license/voucher reseller for Brazil and all, but really, what was the point of making BRlok?. Saying that a cracked community is better ain't a reason to create an unlocker..
I seriously don't understand what goes through their heads when making these unlockers tbh, both LFSPlok and BRlok creators. Why not just instead motivate these players to get a license instead like you are doing now? ye I know, not everyone has an international credit card, but still not a reason to use an unlocker to justify it...

Obviously who doesn't want to have all the content LFS has to offer? They can use Demo forever without any type of limiter, even go online, race, do PBs, Hotlaps, etc etc etc. Now they even got a new configuration for Blackwood, Historic. Like if that ain't enough, they got 3 cars to race/mess with, infinite and limit-less setup modifying, using and downloading skins...

But then again I appreciate that both repeat83 and you closed these unlockers for good (LFSP and BRlok respectively).
S3 licensed
People and Scawen itself stated that if physics changed even 0.00000000000000001% all replays would be obsolete.....
If physics really changed, replays from the other 0.6 versions wouldnt be able to replay, and of course people would notice this change.
You think that if physics changed players will ignore it?
I agree that its a placebo effect that makes you think physics changed, when in fact it didn't.
What else do we need to explain? A developer replied to you that physics didn't change, but still you disagree on it lel.
And if physics changed then they would appear on the changelog of a new update.

--Why would Scawen lie about physics change?--

Your mind is playing with you.
S3 licensed
Looks good. There are a few questions in my head:

1º- Will it burn your clutch when using automatic transmission/automatic clutch? Specially in efficiency mode ~3k RPM (in my case I use sequential+manual clutch)

2º- Will it be safe to use it online? I think this question will be a FAQ.

Im interested on it tbh. There was a "mod" like this time ago( ) but it isn't CVT iirc and didn't get updated anymore afaik.
S3 licensed
I really liked this layout!!
Most of cars I raced with felt really good on the track, specially the BF1
Speedy and kinda tricky, specially on the mini jump bridge Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from kristofferandersen :I'm not sure, but I may have found a bug.

There's no option to change the position of the scroll menu, right?
I changed Text Size for the car radar to 1,5m and it happened.

You mean that the scroll menu goes to the top right? When in Gadgets menu you can click and drag it like the other gadgets.
Happens to me often xdd. Ps: Image link is broken.
S3 licensed
Quote :but its kinda stupid that devs don't care about people that don't buy the game

Why should they care? Buying a license gives you access to more content that is a privilege for those who pay for these Sx licenses. Giving Demo some of this privilege (custom layouts in this case) will make licensed users feel less supported, as you are taking away a licensed content to put it into Demo.

Whats next? VWS for Demo?. I'd either suggest to switch/add the UF1 to demo.

You are lucky Demo isn't time-limited or days-limited. You can even go on Multiplayer on it, pls...
S3 licensed
Quote from Sobis :That would only encourage them!


But of course its always other people's fault and not them for admitting they did wrong. They will do the best to make a fake story like "they banned me for no reason, lets make the crack".
S3 licensed
Well, the Pereulok closing threads had like almost ~50-100 posts and were some good days active before they decided to lock them.
Seems the saudi guy is almost the same.

Is it some kind of "we let the thread open to see what people thinks about it and when it scalates we lock it"? I know personally that moderating can be boring and sometimes "painful" (like an user creates spam threads/post, you ban them and they come back), but these threads should be locked and/or deleted and the user banned for promoting cracked usage (not in this thread, as it is more of a show of cracked users).

I can't believe how an S3 licensed user created BRlok... Just has no logic. They pay the game as a way to say "I support the devs" and then you stab them on the back -BRlok/Pereulok-. I'd take that S3 license away and ban him imo.
S3 licensed
Airio sometimes has a bug where Demo players are shown as Licensed, and Licensed are shown as Demo.
I once was racing (like end of January, near ~30th on MRc) and checked !pl to see something and it said I was Demo, when in reality im Liced.

I dunno if Airio shows cracked players as Liced tho, which may be the case you describe.
S3 licensed
Looks good! Thumbs up
Another hole & ¿floating tire barrier?
S3 licensed
Well, I took these screenshots days ago, but found them today.
A hole on the gravel pit next to pit exit, and what appears to be the floating tire barrier, dunno if its well appreciated on the screenshot, but if you try to level the camera on the ground, I think you can notice its floating.
S3 licensed
Quote from MicroSpecV :In-game? Isn't it already there with SS option? Or do you mean while driving..?

I think he means a system like it was with SetupGrid, which there was an app where you could search SetupGrid's Database while in-game, you select a setup, download it and appears when you enter pits.
Like it was a LFSLazy, but setup related. I used it time ago, but a shame it doesn't work and SG is dead.
S3 licensed
Quote from HunterHei :I'm in Big grin

Congratz Big grin