Edit a picture in which the car is 'out of control' - a situation where the driver cannot regain control of the car, but there is no accident.
Cars: All Cars Tracks: All Tracks
When you have finished your picture and want to enter it into the competition, please write 'Final Entry' in the relevant post.
You must provide a preview picture (no bigger than 400 x 400 pixels) as well as the High Resolution copy.
The preview picture does not have to be exactly 400 x 400 pixels - it can be smaller to maintain the correct aspect ratio (for example, 400 x 300 pixels)
Any entries with preview pictures bigger than 400 x 400 px will not be accepted
No renders or old images to be used and NO VOB MODS
You may incorporate external non-LFS images into your work, but you MUST give a link to any images used.
You MUST NOT use any LFS screenshot material that does not belong to you.
Competition Closes FRIDAY 2nd July at 22:00 GMT
- You must obey the rules
- No bitching/moaning/arguing
Lynce is the winner, please PM me with the theme you would like for next round
Some other notes:
- I have stopped including the number of ratings each person recieved, since it wastes my time to calculate it and add it to the graph, and it is also an almost completely irrelevant statistic.
- Could the select few bunch of morons who vote for themselves please refrain from doing so in future, because I simply delete any scores given by people to themselves.
- From now on, blatent 'sabotage' votes, whereby someone votes 1 for all pictures except voting 5 for one picture will be ignored.
That's only true if you book at exactly the correct time within the window of just a few milliseconds. Otherwise it's just as expensive (and sometimes more expensive) than other comparable hotels
Having said that, it's worth it for the good night guarantee. We complained about one of the spot light fittings not having a bulb in it in our room as well as the bed headboard plastic having seen better days, and the girl at reception voluntarily (we weren't looking for a price reduction/refund or anything) refunded us the entire £155 for the two nights... LOL
Premier inns are usually unbearably hot in the summer months, so just make a fuss about that and get a free stay out of it
Using this FORM Please rate each picture on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being poor and 5 being excellent. You may rate as few or as many pictures as you want to.
Once you have voted, you MUST make a post in the LFS Forum voting thread to confirm that you have voted (you do not have to disclose any ratings you gave). Making this post is simply to confirm your identity, and any votes without confirmation posts WILL NOT be accepted.
You MUST NOT rate your own picture. Any such ratings will be ignored.
The winner will be the person with the highest average rating.
Voting Closes at 9:30 BST on Monday 21st June 2010
I would agree that this is a VOB mod. The gap in the front bumper is too perfectly lined up with the background to have been done afterwards. The exhaust pipe and helmet also look suspect.
This entry is dissallowed until you can provide me with the original unedited screenshot that proves this is not a VOB mod.
It's silly for a car to be out of date as soon as it is released, so I'm sure it wouldn't be very difficult to implement these minor updates so that the car is as up to date as possible.
A game doesn't stand much chance of being very future proof if the content is out of date before it is released
I don't see why no overseas buyers? (Not that I am an overseas buyer interested in buying it)
You're gonna end up having to pack properly it anyway, so it's not like it's any more hassle to send it abroad, so long as the buyer covers the cost of postage
If you would be willing to run it whilst I'm away that would be very helpful. If you're interested in doing it I'll PM you some details about the voting threads and other things in the next few days
Is there anything wrong with the IS version of this lens, out of interest? I've seen this which looks good value (assuming it actually is in good condition). It's bound to go up in price quite a bit though (£281 currently)
I'm guessing you recommended non-IS simply because it's cheaper?
On the subject of the next theme, we have three possible options, because I am going on holiday soon-ish (2nd July)
Option 1: We have a 1 week competition running from Monday 21st to Friday 25th, with voting on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of June.
Option 2: We have a 1 and a bit week competition running From Monday 21st to Tuesday 30th June, with voting on Wednesday 30th and Thursday 1st of July.
Option 3: We don't run next week's competition until after my holiday.
My holiday is 2nd - 24th of July, so the competition would resume on Monday 26th July
Indeed.. currently my desktop background (I assume that's ok with you Don? :schwitz
So I took some pictures at Silverstone (yes, there are better places to take pictures :rolleyes the weekend before last. Having to somehow manage with an 18-55mm kit lens combined with cropping to get a somewhat reasonable shot (somewhat reasonable being bloody awful in the general scheme of things), I decided that sooner or later I'd be best off getting a telephoto lens.
If anybody could recommend a (reasonably) good budget lens (budget being around £300 give or take a few quid) for a Canon DSLR, this would be most useful. I know £300 won't get me anything too spectacular, but I'm interested to know what would the best options in terms of image quality and general value for money. And would it be a good idea to consider used lenses? (DWB having said that he buys many of his lenses used (iirc)).