I was thinking of 2 new vehicles which could be added to lfs.
1 - A rallycross specific vehicle, maybe a buggy, like this one: (yes, i know rallycross cars have been suggested already, but i think this kind of vehicle has never been suggested)
Altough I really love my country and consider we have the best landscapes in the world, I advice you not moving forward with that idea.
Yes, things are cheaper here , but also the salaries are much lower. For instance (unrealistic values, of course), in Spain, product X costs 10€, and you earn 10€ a month. In Portugal, the same product costs 5€, but you only earn 2,50€ a month, so there wouldn't be much portuguese people around.
The other problem is building the kart track in a rural area. Considering that in the common portuguese rural area most people are over 60 years old, that's another negative factor.
But one question, Which area are you planning to go? Because you said it will be close to the spanish border, and if the kart track would be, shall we say in Algarve, and also with a strong advertisement at Summer time, maybe it could work...
edit: if you would come to my area (Porto/Oporto) I definitely would go there. The tracks we have here are too small...
edit2: off-topic - Speaking about Porto, Champions Again!!!
and i also think it would improve the forum's ambience and some behaviours, because imo no one wants a negative number, specially if it is shown public...
first of all, save the flaming bananas and the big search's, because yes, i searched, and i found no thread about this. If there is one already, then sorry.
my idea is creating in the forum a points system, usually called karma, for those who don't know, and basically is a...points system , where they are added if you help the community, the forum or even the game itself in some way (for example a very good idea or game add-on), or removed if you do the opposite (for example if you insult someone), and can even reach the state of negative karma.
normally the whole community can add or remove karma to anyone they want, but to prevent cases of points added or removed by no reason, i think only the moderators should be able to add or remove these points.
of course users could request mods to add or remove karma to someone by pm, if well justified.
edit: and i forgot. the points would be shown in the user's profile.
changeable driver side on setup? Yes, why not? Not all cars have left steering wheel, and vice versa. I like realism in this game, but not an uber realism. this is still a computer, so we can use the benefits of it, if we can easily change driver sides, let's do it, as long as it doesn't affect the physics' realism...
About those "lock the driver sides" replies, ok, let's also lock skins and paintjobs then. If you don't want to change your driver side, just don't.
i never said mature questions get some bad answers, but since when the immature ones must be strongly attacked?
for instance, i think this one never happened (thank God to that), but imagine there is someone who finds out about lfs, registers on the forum and opens a thread asking if it is that realistic. what would you do if you get answers like "why don't you search noob?"
yes, you're right, but the way some people talk to others, as i said above, might make a new player think twice about LFS because of it's community "behaviour"