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Quote from Gekkibi :You realize it won't last long?

And i hope for it.
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Quote from Gekkibi :Untrue. I have done that, what, over five years..?

No, right now i don't have time to work. At daytime i'm studying for my driver's license, and after that i'm off to my night classes.
Demo licensed
Quote from Tisza :Lol... go to work... it's not that expensive.

i don't's hard to study and work at the same time...
Demo licensed
Quote from Cash_FLow :Get S2 then ask for improvement!

Pay my S2 and then I ask for improvement!

If you can pay your S2 license, good for you, because I can't.
Demo licensed
Dtrott actually i tried most of the cars when i had a friend with the s2 license living close to me
2 new types of vehicles.
Demo licensed
I was thinking of 2 new vehicles which could be added to lfs.

1 - A rallycross specific vehicle, maybe a buggy, like this one: (yes, i know rallycross cars have been suggested already, but i think this kind of vehicle has never been suggested)

2 - A 3 wheeler, like the Peugeot 20Cup or the VW GX3 ... ages01/volkswagen_gx3.jpg
Demo licensed
Quote from The Radness :brake
side brake
power over

jump drift
swaying drift
dirt-drop drift

a few more techniques
Demo licensed
Altough I really love my country and consider we have the best landscapes in the world, I advice you not moving forward with that idea.
Yes, things are cheaper here , but also the salaries are much lower. For instance (unrealistic values, of course), in Spain, product X costs 10€, and you earn 10€ a month. In Portugal, the same product costs 5€, but you only earn 2,50€ a month, so there wouldn't be much portuguese people around.
The other problem is building the kart track in a rural area. Considering that in the common portuguese rural area most people are over 60 years old, that's another negative factor.

But one question, Which area are you planning to go? Because you said it will be close to the spanish border, and if the kart track would be, shall we say in Algarve, and also with a strong advertisement at Summer time, maybe it could work...

edit: if you would come to my area (Porto/Oporto) I definitely would go there. The tracks we have here are too small...

edit2: off-topic - Speaking about Porto, Champions Again!!!
Last edited by jonny__27, .
Demo licensed
Demo licensed
+1 if using our own best time. -1 if using the WR...
Demo licensed
new idea. to be more realistic, how about making the cpu have the same temperature as the clutch? we could implement the smell that way
Demo licensed
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :
Nowadays even cheap computers can run lfs like 100fps
graphics full.

Not true. My computer runs 30-40fps with me only and 20 with 10 cars...

Quote from Tomba(FIN) :so buy new computer!

yeah, sure, just buy a new one. i don't even have money for S2, and i will have for a new computer...
Last edited by jonny__27, .
Demo licensed
Quote from Hankstar :What's wrong with harsh (yet loving) abuse when it comes to discouraging idiotic threads? Give me a flaming bananna any day.

here it goes :bananadea
Last edited by jonny__27, .
Demo licensed
and i also think it would improve the forum's ambience and some behaviours, because imo no one wants a negative number, specially if it is shown public...
Demo licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :
As for people asking mods to put points on a user for karma... It's unlikely that will happen. The mods here are not paid and are volunteers doing this in their own time. I'd imagine that we'd get rather a lot of requests for karma and it just wouldnt be feasible I'm afraid.

I don't think it would be that much. i believe people are smart enough to only suggest someone when he/she really deserves it...

ps: ...errr, i forgot the little kids...
Idea for Forum - Karma Points
Demo licensed
first of all, save the flaming bananas and the big search's, because yes, i searched, and i found no thread about this. If there is one already, then sorry.

my idea is creating in the forum a points system, usually called karma, for those who don't know, and basically is a...points system , where they are added if you help the community, the forum or even the game itself in some way (for example a very good idea or game add-on), or removed if you do the opposite (for example if you insult someone), and can even reach the state of negative karma.

normally the whole community can add or remove karma to anyone they want, but to prevent cases of points added or removed by no reason, i think only the moderators should be able to add or remove these points.
of course users could request mods to add or remove karma to someone by pm, if well justified.

edit: and i forgot. the points would be shown in the user's profile.
Last edited by jonny__27, .
Demo licensed
Quote from zak_mull :hmm I think by grass car park, he might mean mud.

But what about the Car park with dirt etc and we can modify the ground? like raise the ground for a jump and dips, long sweeping banks etc on dirt .

Another idea. Point to point tracks (not circuits) Kind of like Rally tracks (colin mcrae, Richard burns rally) And have various tracks with jumps, bumps. interesting....

+1 for both
Demo licensed
changeable driver side on setup? Yes, why not? Not all cars have left steering wheel, and vice versa. I like realism in this game, but not an uber realism. this is still a computer, so we can use the benefits of it, if we can easily change driver sides, let's do it, as long as it doesn't affect the physics' realism...

About those "lock the driver sides" replies, ok, let's also lock skins and paintjobs then. If you don't want to change your driver side, just don't.
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Quote from RocksGt :So don't waste your time educating the wannabe-trolls in an internet forum and get yourself a girlfriend

yes, i should go right now . but i have a school work to do (and i'm surfing the web instead of working on it :shy
Demo licensed
Quote from Forbin :I haven't really seen anyone with a mature question or comment get treated badly. Care to provide an example?

You're quite literally attacking the maturity of the LFS community and yet all of the responses have been quite respectful.

i never said mature questions get some bad answers, but since when the immature ones must be strongly attacked?

for instance, i think this one never happened (thank God to that), but imagine there is someone who finds out about lfs, registers on the forum and opens a thread asking if it is that realistic. what would you do if you get answers like "why don't you search noob?"
Demo licensed
Quote from Forbin :And you think the Steam/WoW/etc. forums are better?

what i mean is the new players will think "if they are already like this here, what will they do when racing?"

like we say here, the first sight you have on people really matters.
Demo licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Nobody minds people drifting or cruising. We do mind when people make requests for pointless cruising addons in a racing simulator.

Whilst LFS is sufficiently powerful and realistic to cater for the immature idiots that enjoy cruising or, generally, drifting (though of course each group has exceptions), they are not it's primary aim, and as such are unlikely to be ever supported by LFS itself, requiring external addons to do so.

There are plenty of games that are designed solely 'for fun'. LFS is not one of them - it is made to be realistic. Fortunately the realistic act of driving a car on a racing track in a race is an exciting one. Dumbing it down to cater for those that don't actually care about racing or realism will eventually destroy LFS, and I'm pleased to see that Scawen rarely panders to the wants to the dim.

yes, you're right, but the way some people talk to others, as i said above, might make a new player think twice about LFS because of it's community "behaviour"
Demo licensed
Quote from gezmoor :I agree with the sentiment of your post. But I do feel that the argument that LFS is "just a game" is almost always used in defence of disrespectful behaviour on line and I think that is often what annoys people that take at least the "racing" aspect of the game seriously.

So in conclusion I would say.

a) Yes be respectful to others opinions and how they want to use the game, but that goes just as much for those that don't want to race seriously respecting those that do and not spoiling it for them as it does the other way around.

b) Yes don't let LFS become your life no matter how much you enjoy it.

you're right. i never said the opposite
Demo licensed
not sure, but i think you have to play with the x, y, and z views in options...