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S2 licensed
The focal blur effect in the beginning was awesome.

All the video has nice clean shots but the skins don’t convince me about the Octavia part…
S2 licensed
I use 80-90.
I need to see at least one of the side mirrors…
And 90 degrees seem to be ok at my 17 crt

Tried to set 50 dedrees or lower and it seemed to be extremely unnatural that I could see only the half front windshield from the drivers eye view…

I understand what you saying Bob but i can't follow realistic fov unless i have a multi monitor setup or a projector...
S2 licensed
That’s a video with story… this worth’s 10 minutes of watching.

You have to work your compression method… the 70mb version looks wrong.. youtube almost looks better
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Silk tyres?

spelling mistake (fixed )

thanks Βlas
Last edited by kaynd, .
S2 licensed
I don’t like that eng sound… (FZ50) brings up all the bad characteristics of the current sound system. Way too digital for my taste.
Last edited by kaynd, .
S2 licensed
In the licensed agreement page...

That’s how it happened... i unlocked S2 on his computer... he wasn't able to see my unlock key.

He never used that account on line
S2 licensed
How I could miss that!!!


great movie, Nice idea
S2 licensed
The fps rate while recording the game is always much lower than that in normal gaming.

It depends on CPU-RAM-HDD …not that much on the vga card which that has to do with the overall gaming performance.

Also it depends on the resolution - color depth you are recording.

Tips on recording are here…
Even recording in 15fps you can make a descent movie.

Btw any Celeron is not enough for video capture at all…
S2 licensed
I had the same problem.
Its fixed following that instructions.
It is still working after 4 months.
S2 licensed
Loved both videos. Great camera angles!

Ι love evos too.
S2 licensed
There are tips & rules to prevent that behavior but noobs (with all the bad meaning of the word) are bored to read and learn anything…
S2 licensed
This is an easy way to understand what the parallel steering has to do with. ... n_steering_principle.html

The Bob Smith's explanation in the advanced setup guide is accurate
S2 licensed
The overall sound engine seems to be a step a step to right direction but the result isn’t that good…

Is there any way to separate the sources of the sound?

eg. engine sound from the hood , muffler sound from the back of the car

Its annoying that the sound seems to appear in the upper middle of my head (when wearing headset)

Sorry if it has been mentioned many times before
Last edited by kaynd, .
S2 licensed
Nice quality and frame rate.
Good music selection.

Well some more cameras such us in car, sowing mirrors, bumper view etc etc would be nice.

Good movie over all
Last edited by kaynd, .
S2 licensed
Good effort with the cameras but they need more work.
Eg for the in car cameras you can use the custom camera view.
In that way you would have real clocks and stable “fitted to the car” camera.
I liked the music which matches with the action.

But I think that there is no point in the messages… every combo needs practice…
S2 licensed
I loved the music which fits as a glove to the action of the movie.

Plenty of good camera angles.

I didn’t like the action. I just don’t think its funny or exciting, cars racing and wrecking its other.
When not racing its ok.

The youtube quality is very bad, you should follow the tips they have already mentioned in this forum and in youtube upload page.
Last edited by kaynd, .
S2 licensed
Really excellent video quality having in mind youtube standards.
Very good camera work.

It’s a very good movie over all.

The music is too slow for my taste but that’s just me.
S2 licensed
I also don’t like new sounds. They definitely need more treble… Engine sound lacks the hid frequency hi revving tones.

And it seems like the same adjustments made to all cars no mater the unique characteristics every one has.

Differential sound needs improvement but it is definitely one step to the right direction. As for the engine sound I am not sure if there is any improvement or just bad tweaking.

I found that my force feedback does not work correctly… some curbs don’t even appear… So I settled again to 128 steps at the cfg.txt and works ok.

Is it normal for my wheel (driving force pro with the 4.60 drivers) not to be able to work in 256 ff steps?
S2 licensed
You are right. It’s not even close to force feedback feeling…:nol2:
S2 licensed
Maybe your fraps version is too old.

In all recent versions you can set a custom frame rate.

As for the settings it depends on what you want and your pc capabilities.
For project settings I use the resolution of the source video a have recorded with fraps and the fps I have decided to use fore my movie.

The rendering settings depend on the use of the final video file.
Remember always to keep the same aspect ratio when setting a different resolution.
S2 licensed
In the codec’s settings.
Eg Visual dub

You should compress again your initial project video in a higher bit rate… not the, already in low bit rate compressed, video.
S2 licensed
Yes that’s good for the video quality but uploading the movie in such sites makes it easier for people that don’t have time (or they are bored) to download big video files or search for the codecs, in witch the video is encoded if the don’t have them, to see it.

Best is to use all the ways.
Last edited by kaynd, .
S2 licensed
Youtube always drops the bit rate even more so the videos can be watched in real time when downloading them from a 512kbps connection

So videos in no way they can keep their perfect quality.

One tip is to upload the video with the recommended resolution and codec but with as high bit rate as possible.

The upload limit is 100ΜΒ so you can upload a 3mitute video 320*240 @ 30fps and 4000kbps bit rate
Anyway youtube is going to compress it again but now the overall quality will be better because the source video quality is better.

Anyway I am anxious to see how ethan520 can improve the quality without having the source vid.