Anyone has that problem? I have it too and i am looking for a solution for 2 days now…
The screen freezes periodically every 4-5 secs fore some msec only when racing online…
Ι checked the task manager while running lfs in window mode… nothink seems to interrupt the processor.
Also checked firewall and nothing else uses bandwidth except lfs.
Every time it freezes, i see the hdd led flashing… but my memory is sufficient… and never loads more than 500mb when playing lfs…
End the strange think is that it just started to freeze 2 days ago… I had already updated the U20 version 1 week ago…
My system:
Athlon XP 3000+
Abit nf7-s
2048 ΜB Ram
Pov 6800 U
2*80gb WD
1*160gb Maxtor
Win xp sp2
Plz hlp !
Ι tried that but id hasn’t solve the problem (finally… that solves the problem)
Last edited by kaynd, .