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S2 licensed
Quote from AJS :Yup

First thing i tried with the new patch was "Shift-Lock" with the XRG.

3rd gear 6000 RPM press the clutch shift to 2nd and then just kick the clutch without to heel and toe at all.

Nada Zippo niente. The rear wheels didnt lock up at all.

I think that’s more due to clutch slipping instead of getting instant grip with the flywheel.

Engines seem to have enough inertia, judging on revs increase and slowdown rate while in natural.
S2 licensed
I didn’t like the first one so match... seemed to me more like a wrecking party…

The second about Fiesta cup was really nice and I ROFLed a lot on what I saw @ 4:15:biggrinfl see?? It happens in IRL also
S2 licensed
Whatever you do, make sure you have 2gb of ram inside… espesialy if you are going to use Vista.
If you what to keep it cheap you could have the C2D 6550 instead of the 6750. They both have exactly the same core... only difference is 330Mhz which you could clock easily on your own without even touching any Volt setting… Just make sure you have DDR ΙΙ 667 or 800 because the fsb of these cores is 333mhz (DDR 667).
Last edited by kaynd, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Rubenz81 :
So basically the lack of (slight as was stated before) chassis flex it's the problem of the high understeer of lfs on tarmac? How it could be improved?

No, chassis flex on its own will it make it even worse.
Now the granit rigid chassis gives the ability to utilitize the full potential of your suspension setup.
I think it is more about the tire model that will improve any kind of unnatural behaviour.
Anyway I don't think that there is extreme under steer now on the FWD cars... you can do pretty match whatever you want, regarding the vehicles basic characteristics, with a proper setup.
It is normal for a front weighted car to be generally understeery...
S2 licensed
he is a demo racer playing XRT so he must have pre X30 vertion
S2 licensed

My only problem is it feels better for me at 128 FF steps but as I see it is only me
S2 licensed
Firstly fast cart driving has nothing to do with fast road car driving.
Then we need a replay of your driving to see where you make mistake, byt anyway you need more time spent on driving to improove than 3 days.
After all you have to wait till your G25 comes so you learn ways of fast driving, usable with wheel and not button driving…
Have a look at LFS word ( for replays. Assuming you have X10 version as you mention XRT, the current LFS world replays should be valid for your version.
S2 licensed
There is not one thing to be fixed (eg understeer in FWD)… tire model needs to be excelled in general. Also suspension and chassis flex… (it is more likely that we wont see chassis flex ever in LFS)
There is nothing completely wrong that lfs’s engine is simulating now… it may be a bit overdone in some ways but not completely wrong…
Also to prevent front wheel spin you do not need only a hard setup in general but higher or a lot higher rear roll resistance that in front.
Do you mind sharing the setups you used while testing the wheelspin behavior?

One of my friends happen to own a 93 swift GTI and I know it spins it's front tires like crazy...
S2 licensed
I was trying to get lower than 64 and couldn't
I did set the FFstep value at 16 and the next time I open the cfg.txt it always returns to 64.

maybe that changed recently so you haven’t noticed it
Last edited by kaynd, .
S2 licensed
so what? a real formula can't slide sideways?
It will sure loose all it's DF and then be completely uncontrollable but there is a long way in front of us for such detailed aero model... it might not come even in S3
S2 licensed
nice thanks for the feedback
S2 licensed
Did you bother testing the set I attached last week?
It was made taking in count what you where saying, it is not what I usually make so a little bit of feedback, even if it was crap, would be good.
If you ever find the time, you can test it on the newer patch just by changeing the name layout and putting it into Setup folder. appart from the gears... It should work fine.
S2 licensed
Quote from BruTaLysT :I think there is quite a logical explanation to the crisp feel at 128 vs 256 FF levels. Look at it as audio as 8bit vs 16bit. A sinewave would be more smooth at a higher bitrate but becomes more like a sawtooth when lowering the bitrate and eventually turns into a squarewave when going even further. The rattle you get from a sawtooth is much more noticable then a perfect sinewave, though the sinewave is more accurate.

Even if LFS's force feedback isn't directly related with the sound format example you gave, I think the general meaning might be spot on for my case....
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
With modern tuned engines you often can't reach the ideal shift point, because you hit the rev limiter just after maximum power. That's because the engine designer achieved maximum power by adjusting valves, intake and exhaust systems to get the most air and fuel mixture in there at the point before the engine begins to self destruct.

Did you mean that?

Good point but in that case I ready doubt 7.5K rpm is close to destruction point of a 4cyl 2lt race tuned engine...

max power is still there but the effective power curve just got shorter so yeah it is not strange that people whine about the less powerful feel…
S2 licensed
If you can't find any difference between 64 and 128/256,Niels, then something isn't right with your hands

Maybe that's why you like rfactor? (jk)
S2 licensed
hmm it could be an esplanation.

To me 256 -> 128 make a huge difference in FF… I do not know if it is just me. But I clearly find 128 better…
in what mode do you run?
Do you want to test it and say your impressions?

Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :
If you run the GTR cars with 65% strength in LFS, you're basically having binary FF, its on or off, unless you run 1 or 2 degrees caster. With 6 degrees caster you only need 20% in LFS in order to occasionally max out the force feedback!

I never felt that on or off feeling all that time been in 128 FFstep mode...

After a more detailed search (i did a search before this thread anyway) Found some of your posts Android saying that you couldn't find many differenced between 128 and 256.

Some say that it is smoother @ 256 and i confirm that. But it is smoother in general and that doesn’t give me nice sharp feel when going over some curbs or road bumps.
Last edited by kaynd, .
S2 licensed
Well you don’t have to buy all this kind of stuff (mentioned @ SRT) to get involved.
Just a decent PC- wheel - network connection, will do the trick.

Also 4000$ might be enough just to by a car… the cost of putting it into racing or just events is another story… only tire cost is enough to blow your budget away…
Force feedback steps 128 vs 256
S2 licensed
Soon after I installed the new test patch (X30) I realized some changes at the feedback.
I forgot that I had set the FF step num @ 128 in the cfg.txt and the new patch’s cfg.txt replaced the old one, so back to default with 256 ffsteps.
I don’t remember since which patch the 256ffsteps value became default, so some of you might have not spotted the difference.

But my question is.
Why I feel in 128FFsteps mode the force feedback more alive and crisp? Why I feel better the bumps, the curbs and all kind of forces?

Note that I use a G25 with 720degrees 100% feedback strength from the driver and 65% at LFS
So the hardware should not be a problem… the drivers are fine and my PC & OS has changed entirely from the last time I experienced the same strange feeling in 256FF steps mode.
S2 licensed
Quote from MR_B :
Problem is though it just doesn't give off the same team spirit as preparing a race car together, and getting it to a track. Let alone winning.

That depends on the team

Also yeah it is how involved you want to be in that scene... it is sure not "just" a game.
To learn more about sim racing in general have a look at


LoL @ me sayng about SRT, i now saw the advertisement on Beckys broadcast
Last edited by kaynd, .
S2 licensed
Clutch is ok for infinite number of laps.
There should not be a problem whatsoever in racing unless you constantly flat shifting.

The autoclutch feature is ruining the clutch by slipping it when you crush and go backwards while still keeping the throttle pressed… (Maybe it should be coded that in backward movement with a forward gear engaged, acutoclutch should be fully off?)
It is a wrong habit, many of us have, keeping the throttle fully on whatever happens because there might be a way to save it doing some high speed spins…
The only think you should care when you spin is to stop as fast as possible so you can save the car and continue the race.

In general I still think that clutch heats up too fast but this will affect all other non racing activities which contain some clutch abuse and these activities are not LFS’s main goal, like it or not.
S2 licensed
There are no differences between X30 and X31 in what I am saying
S2 licensed
The Rpm point, in which the shift light will flash, depends on your gearing (in LFS). If you have long enough gears, with the FOX’s power curve you could change up e.g. @7800rpm before X30. Now the rev limiter comes first so the shift light, lights at that point.

Actually, this restricts the available choices in gear rations, and makes it harder to find the right gearing for each track. This is not bad.
My only problem is that I still think 500rpm over the peak power is too low for an exclusively race tuned engine.
Even in most real road cars you have ~ 800-1000rpm over the peak power to play with…
S2 licensed
No I mean the FOX :worried:
max power at 7031 rpm... rev limiter @ 7500 (test patch X30, upcoming Y)
S2 licensed
this set is crap man it's an old attempt of me to make a road going stable set which i just took and lowered the first gear just for the test. lol there is no point driving it

OMG I can't help mysefl i have to stop thinking about it
anyway just a quote

Quote from TomM :Also the clutch in the car is very easy to overheat. Two uses and its essentially overheated and unusable. You'd really have to ride the clutch for a lap to even notice a difference. Now, within seconds you can completely ruin it which isn't very realistic. I've never heard of a clutch on the FBMW going bad from normal use, let alone misuse, and there is definitely some misuse. I used the clutch on downshifts when I raced in 04 (then moved to GT cars and left foot braked, backwards I know) and had zero problems with the clutch.

I hope that's my last word about clutch overheat.
I will try hard I promise
Last edited by kaynd, .