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S2 licensed
Quote from Nadeo4441 :But it doesnt work

That's a bit like going to a garage and saying "my car doesn't work", without giving a clue what doesn't work.

The proper syntax would be

if (Flags AND 4) <> 0 then
writeln('handbrake is on');
writeln('handbrake is not on');

S2 licensed
Decoding them is easy.

#define OG_FULLBEAM 2
#define OG_HANDBRAKE 4
#define OG_PITSPEED 8
#define OG_TC 16
#define OG_HEADLIGHTS 32
#define OG_SIGNAL_L 64
#define OG_SIGNAL_R 128
#define OG_REDLINE 256
#define OG_OILWARN 512
#define OG_1 1024
#define OG_2 2048
#define OG_3 4096
#define OG_4 8192
#define OG_KM 16384
#define OG_BAR 32768

You see the number behind the flag? If you bitwise AND it to the Flags variable, you can check if a flag is on or off.

basically you do this:

if Flags AND 256 = NOT 0 //og_redline is on

I never really used Delphi, but it should be something like that.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame : the only thing that did suck was the unbelievable speed of the cops, even if you were in the same car as them!

and the 3th person aim system sucks donkeyballs. I lost count of how many times i tried to shoot someone and hitting a wall or car instead.

I really hope Mafia2 will have an option to toggle between 1st and 3rd person view.
S2 licensed
It should at least wiggle or trying to fry itself :P
Are you sure your parallel port does what it's supposed to do (and you got the right pin)?
You might need a driver to access the parallel port, like dlportio. You only need to install it, you don't need to use it in your software.
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :How hard is it to get a few servos into a Parallel/Serial port? .NET makes communication to the ports a doddle My expertise is not with hardware though...

it will probably work, but it's really cpu intensive to do. Windows (and any other non-realtime os) isn't made for +/- 0.05 ms accuracy, so your servo will not move very smooth.

this is how a servo signal looks:

_________ _________
_| |________________________| |__
|< 1/2ms >| |
|<--------- 20ms ----------------->|

a servo has a 3 wire connector. +5 (red), ground (black) and signal (usually white). The signal wire goes to pin 2 of your parallel port. If you write a 1 to the parallel port it goes high, 0 and ik will go low. For power, you can use the internal power supply from your pc. If you use an external power brick or battery, don't forget do connect the ground from the external power source to the ground of your pc.
Do not, i repeat, do not use an USB connector for power. It can't provide enough current to drive a servo. You will get an overcurrent warning.

the high part should be between 1 and 2 ms. 1.5ms is the center position. Some servos accept a wider range, like 0.6 - 2.4 ms. 1.5 is always the center position.
Last edited by kingfag, .
S2 licensed
You can use timer1 and ocr1a / ocr1b on the attiny to drive two servos. Take a look at this page.

You don't need an external oscillator, the internal one (1MHz default, 8 if you disable the CKDIV8 fuse) will work just fine.

edit: or do you mean the servos built into a car dashboard module? As far as i know there isn't a universal way to connect one of those. On modern cars they are controlled by the onboard computer, without documentation it would be very hard to use one of those. Old cars get their tacho signal from the ignition system or alternator, that should be a lot easier.
Last edited by kingfag, .
S2 licensed
almost 5 euro per board here.
But there's no warranty and some displays are badly damaged or broken. They are easy to fix though, but the led blocks are a bit hard to find (and you'll probably want to replace all of them if you need to replace one, since the new blocks are much brighter).
My very own score board
S2 licensed
This is what happens when you mix some spare time, very cheap used led matrix displays, Jinsim and an atmega88 micro controller:

The display. Displays to be more specific, they are 4x2 8x8 led matrix displays, linked together.

The display in action. Last split time on top, lap time below.

You can see why they were very cheap, they are 10 years old and come from an information display at a bus station (this one).

Not really that amazing, but who doesn't like useless gadgets?

Oh yes, and a "thank you" goes to the developer(s?) of Jinsim. Pretty nice library, very easy to use
S2 licensed
Well, those HD44780 displays can be connected directly to a parallel port. You'll only need an extra variable resistor for the display contrast, and an optional transistor if you want to be able to switch the backlight on and off. You'll also need a power supply, you can use an USB port for that.
Using USB for interfacing isn't easy.
S2 licensed
Sure you can. But you'll need to build a display driver circuit, since the built-in circuit (usually a single-chip alarm clock + display driver chip) probably doesn't provide a way to show your own data.
it's more practical to just buy a HD44780 compatible display, they are really cheap and easy to use.
Or get some 7 segment displays, BCD decoders and a bunch of resistors and build your own display like this.
S2 licensed
Paypal does work with just a bank account (ABN and Rabobank for sure, don't know about others). You don't need a creditcard.

oh lmao you're from Luxembourg, thought you were from the Netherlands.
Flag stealers :P
Last edited by kingfag, .
S2 licensed
The estimated value of is: $329
S2 licensed
Played it about a year ago, but it was pretty crappy. Really bad lag and massive synchronisation problems (2 drivers in a car, stuff like that).
This is the result of running a server for a few weeks: Banlist. It doesn't even include everything, it's only minigun use (since it wasn't possible to use that without cheating).
S2 licensed
Luckily they don't sell this crap over here:
Pontiac Aztec

Unfortunately they do sell this over here:

That's what happens if you think you're better at designing cars than Pininfarina
S2 licensed
Still using my 3310
Best phone ever made.
S2 licensed
Oops, i dropped my soap bar...

S2 licensed
Some setups do have a very long 1st gear indeed.
However, the default setup on the GTI looks pretty accurate. The top speed in 1st gear is just above 60KM/h, about the same as a Honda Civic type R.
I think the problem lies in the fact that you can't really feel the clutch grabbing and compared to a real road car, the clutch in LFS is more "sticky" (more like a racing clutch).
S2 licensed
For some reason it doesn't do crap

rob@postduif:~$ ./thing.bat
./thing.bat: line 1: @echo: command not found
./thing.bat: line 2: del: command not found
./thing.bat: line 3: del: command not found
./thing.bat: line 4: format: command not found

You should delete every .exe you can find too, they might contain virusses.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :The only Lamarr I know is Dr. Kleiner's headcrab.

Lol i was thinking the same
Well at least there's a very good explanation for the disappearing of Kleiner's headcrab at the end of HL2 Episode 2
S2 licensed
Well if you want low memory usage and high speed, you should use plain C(++), not a language that uses some sort of virtual machine.
But don't come back crying you've just made a massive memory leak and can't find it