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S2 licensed
Where's the splatter bonus when you need it
S2 licensed
tw = Taiwan, your Youtube is Chinese, not Japanese
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :How is that a silly comment?


"maintainance free" doesn't mean that it can't break.
S2 licensed
The video editor is nice, very easy to make your replays more interesting
S2 licensed
Where's that Matrix theme song when you need it
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Why do the fans not care ?

That's not what the audience is hearing, she's lip-synching. The audience hears the normal song. I guess somebody managed to record the output of her microphone.
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :akhem... that... is... the anti crack protection

or it's just an attached joystick. You can't turn the joystick off in-game :/
Maybe clearing the joystick axis map fixes that, don't know if that works though.
S2 licensed
There is an update available
Quote :
Rockstar listened, and is now delivering: a new patch for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV is available for download. To get the 32.6Mb update, simply start your game, log into LIVE, and select to update when prompted. The patch is reported to make the following changes:

A fix to the crash after legal screen that some German customers were reporting.
Numerous improvements to the video editor: Smarter naming of videos, improved rendering quality, better fx during replays.
Fix to bowling while using certain sensitive mice.
Fix for ATI 1900 shadows.
Overall savings to memory.
Graphic improvements to particle systems and mirrors.
Multiplayer character settings are preserved.
Support for DirectInput controllers.

Already found a bug, the sound is broken after using the benchmark feature
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Anyone?

(I knew it. No one of you knows it!)

It's just Batman drawing a dickbutt, nothing more nothing less
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :This is rubbish! downloaded Drivers 8.12 and i get a BSOD! just like 8.11 Vista 64bit vista + crossfireX 4850/4870 + 8.11/8.12 = fail. This is really bad. ATI should fix this!

And exactly what is causing the BSOD? What DLL, what stopcode etc.
S2 licensed

Third world mobile phone

S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Do you also notice any improvements on the graphics?

A slightly higher framerate. I didn't have any strange glitches, it just randomly crashed.

Quote from [UKR] Race King :This is what i get.

What more would you need? You get the stop code and the dll that's causing the trouble. The rest of the text is rubbish anyway. ... m-causes-blue-screen.html
S2 licensed
Windows automatically reboots on a BSOD, Here's how to turn the automatic rebooting off.

Those beta drivers worked for me, never had a single crash since i've installed them (with Ati HD3850).
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :What's "dynamic" about the world? Could you explain that for me? I haven't noticed anything about the world that has changed while I've been playing it. There's a day/night cycle and it rains sometimes, that's about it. I think all those things happened in GTA3 too.

Just look at the streets of San Andreas and GTA 4. In SA, the streets are boring walls of repeating textures, filled with cloned zombie pedestrians and zombie cars. In GTA 4 the streets are much more alive. People actually walk down a street in a somewhat normal way, you don't see 20 identical pedestrians in a single street, people are no fully pre-animated "wooden" models and cars behave much less stupid. Pedestrians actually call the police if they see you stealing a car or shooting at someone.
S2 licensed
I think you guys forgot how GTA 3 looked...

This is GTA 3

This is GTA 4 on high / high @ 1680 x 1050, with the blur option turned on (you can't turn it off on the console version, on the pc you can). GTA 4 has very detailed cars, a way more dynamic world and true dynamic lighting (shadows and glows aren't mapped anymore, they are calculated real-time). And don't forget the very nice damage models.

It could use some AA though.
S2 licensed
It really depends on the server. Some free play servers are total mayhem, some are more friendly. There's more than just free roam, there are also deathmatch and teamplay servers, and of course racing servers. Racing is great, especially with the right vehicle classes (like firetrucks )
S2 licensed
Maybe they can use this image instead of the original cover:
S2 licensed
No video recording out of the box
No modem capabilities (connect your laptop to the internet)
No a2dp for wireless stereo sound
No true MMS support
No exchangable memory card
No user(-friendly) replacable battery

I wouldn't mind any of those points if the iPhone was cheap. But it isn't.

Anyway, i'm still using my Nokia 3310
S2 licensed
The graphics card has a PCI Express card slot. Don't let the name fool you, PCI and PCI Express are not compatible with each other at all.
To make it more confusing, the tiny white slot is also a PCI Express slot, a PCI-E 1x slot. The graphics card has a PCI-E 16x slot, basically 16 of those tiny slots in one big connector.
The bottom purple slot is either an AMR or CMR slot. It was designed for a cheap 56k modem, but those modem riser cards were very hard to get and a normal pci modem was dirt cheap anyway, so nobody bothered to use it.
S2 licensed
Had an epic firetruck race yesterday:

S2 licensed
Quote from RossUK :What happens if you get a Death Metal band to cover Britney Spears?

or this: ... pWQPg&feature=related

Shit quality alert
S2 licensed
Quote from Velociround :Yes, it's REALLY recommended. I heard of people with core 2 quad + 8800GT running much better than with core 2 duo + 9800GTX
The CPU seems to be what matters for this game.. (that's why the recommended is 8600GT and Core 2 Quad)

Anyway, this game is pretty... strange... there are some people running with 8400GS 128MB, pentium III and 1GB RAM and having ~17-19FPS on 800x600 (low, low, 1/1/1/0). I think these people should be grateful it's running lol. And there are also people claiming to have 4 way-SLI GTX280 (4 graphics card), Intel i7 3.6GHz, 8GB RAM and running the game with 14FPS no matter which graphics/resolution

I don't trust anyone on the GTA forums anymore. I'll wait till I get my game and just then I'll see how it really works here (and I'll tell you guys).

A Core 2 duo processor shows up as a Pentium 3 xeon

Anyway, the game itself is great I like the car handling, a good mix between arcade and realism. And the damage model is awesome, smashing little cars with a sand truck is great, you can totally pancake a car :P
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :This thread is great, so far it's boasting about how awesome your PC is, or complaining that the game won't run. Give us some useful details about the new features on the PC!

Afaik the only real new thing is the replay editor. I don't think many people bothered to use it, since turning replays off gives a much needed performance boost