Netherlands are crazy! Over here, if you don't drive like an idiot, wear a helmet, then you will never get pulled over. Police has more serious stuff to do.
I've always thought about getting a moped with pedals, and every time i see the police switch off the engine and pedal it like a bicycle, just to see what happens
Aren't there any golden handed dudes moulding pistons, if you can't buy any in your country? I don't know, is this because my country is poor, or maybe just because we're awesome, but you can find plenty of places, where cool old guy will make you a decent piston, and in the end it's actually cheaper than buying it from dealership.
Are there some kind of newer two strokes with crankcase filled with oil, or did you make a mistake? I'm not familiar with any kind of machinery which is less than 20 years old in general, so who knows.
Welcome! Yup two strokes wear out much quicker than four strokes, but they're much simpler. I think you should just measure the compression, if it's good, then the engine will definately run for a while. But if I were you pull out the cylinder to visually check the condition of the internals. On two strokes it's usually just a couple of bolts, no special knowledge needed. Good luck!
When i worked in a car repair shop, they had some kind of spray, meant to be used on tyre sidewalls, but works wonderful on black plastic. Simply spray it on, apply evenly with a clean rag, and everything turns black again after it dries. I only remember it's made in Poland, and is pretty cheap. You should find something similar in bigger petrol stations or such.
Here in Lithuania we have 3 month long basic army training, and 95 percent of people stay in the army for 9 more months voluntarily. I guess it's not that bad as people are trying to tell. Just cover your ass.