Come over here. I'll show you 5 of those in the same place. It's sad.
I've bought a couple of times. 1st time - fake stuff, 2nd time - dude intended to sell me .5 for a price of gram (always carry a scale), 3rd time - another dude said us (we were 2) he didn't have pure weed at the moment, offered laced shit, then offered to try some kind of powder he didn't even know the name of, for free of course. We know him, so we didn't beat him up (i regret not doing so now, as some kid can accept that offer), 4th time - a friend of mine bought from some shady dudes, turned out it was salvia, smoked anyway, saw a devil, never again. Normal smoking people are common here, but they don't usually sell, as the buyers are mostly wasted souls too.
Those wings look big enough, to have plenty of lift. The only problem is - you need super human strength to take off. I bet i wouldn't be able to move my hands after 10-20 reps.
I think they could stop punishing people growing and using natural drugs, like cannabis, salvia, peyote and shrooms. Damn it should be people's choice, what to put in their body and what not.
You're correct. The only reason why cannabis is a gateway drug, is because it connects children with dealers, who have plenty of chemical stuff and persuade to try it.
I want your car! Too bad it's illegal to have sideways seats over here
Mah boot. With all that junk out and seats down it transforms into a comfy bed (note the pillows) . However i need to always carry some motor oil and coolant for reasons
I think the lady is just lightweight, that's why she flew that far. Cow doesn't look mad enough to kick that strong. But yeah, she must have some trouble eating solid food now lol.