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Quote from Tomislav531 :Fix upshift glitch.

You might wanna elaborate.

I noticed the gearshift debounce was a bit higher than I'm used to, so i just set it back to 10ms.
This can be done in Settings > Misc.
Is this it?
S3 licensed
If you use Windows 10, there is a builtin recovery function. Run that and wait 20 minutes and you'll have a fresh Windows 10 again.
S3 licensed
You do have 256MB memory, that is definitely a part of the reason you're lagging. But since you haven't always had this lag i would suggest you to make sure the drivers are updated.

Back in the day when i had issues with my laptop, it usually helped to reinstall Windows. I did that like 4 times a year.
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I use 'DB Browser for SQLite':

Thanks for this. I did some searching around and it seems like SQLite is serverless, it doesn't have a server/process running all the time. Its a file that the coded program/website reads/make changes to.

Could someone confirm that this is true? If yes, that's amazing.
If this article is right, then I'm gonna give SQLite a try with my C# apps. Would definitely save me some time.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Options - View - Full width external views

The option is staring you in the face but you can't see it (same with everyone else by the way).

I was struggling quite bit to find this option. Found it eventually, i didn't know it existed.

shift+u to enter freeview. Press options bottom right and turn on Full width external views.

Sadly, I couldn't use LFS in triple-monitor-mode in freeview (shift+u) when i'm on live servers.
S3 licensed
Quote from skywatcher122 :LFS_External itself is old, I would recommend that you guys start using LFSDotNet instead and convert the whole code into new DLL itself.


Quote from bulgaria05 :Hi, the Insim mod is very good but i have a problem! WHat is the TowTruck tag?
If you have time please answer me Smile

Yeah, it is good but it is old. The towtruck tag should be in the code somewhere.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :No,I just saw 6B and became suspicious,so I entered a phase of this in search field - wasn't too surprised about results as I have seen such spambots before. Just wondering what's the target of this? Anyone has an idea?

I've seen many like this one before. They randomly post some text and then after a few days/weeks they edit their post and put in suspicious links.
Last edited by kristofferandersen, .
S3 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :though i think canada weather would go more to norway than denmark because up higher.but it usually spins that way.

Norway would definitely be closer than Denmark but oh boy! Canada is a tough one to beat. I'm sure they're used to -25c+ degrees over there. We peaked at -22c this winter. Most winters we would get rough wind and -10c, and let me tell ya. You would wanna be inside when that happens.
S3 licensed
This thread fits pretty well for todays weather we had in northern Norway.

It had been snowing for 5 hours straight, rained for 2 hours. I was working at the time and had to drive 45 km to get back to work to get some stuff sorted out before going home. Usually this drive takes 30 minutes. It took 1 hour and 20 minutes.

First of all we had to drive 30 kmh under the speedlimit (snow + rain is not a good combo). Tried to go 10 kmh under the speedlimit but would then lose traction to the road. After driving for 20 minutes we found a bus that had driven off the road. It was laying there in the snow, we stopped, walked over and talked to him. Everything was fine, we could move on.

We kept driving and were on our way to the Town Hall (where our office is located). Still had to drive pretty slow due to weather condition and very slippery road. Nothing too much happened on our way there, nearly drove off the road ourself due to ALOT of wind (i live close to the coast in north norway so we always have wind, but today was more than usual).

I forgot to mention that earlier today i saw 4 cars stuck in a parking lot. It had been snowing quite a bit that night. The ironic part is that all of those 4 cars were all-wheel-drive. Yikes!
Its been a pretty interesting day at work.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Turned out much longer than i expected.
S3 licensed
It could be your LAN/WLAN driver for your computer. Have you tried a neweer version of that? I've had a similiar issue at work, where the computer turns off after a specific time.
S3 licensed
I would suggest you to do the same that I did in 2016.
So I had two monitors of the same model. They were 144hz and i wanted one more but the one's i had were out of production.

So i sold them both to a close friend of mine and bought 3 new one's. Same brand and model. I'm pretty sure the one's i bought back then are now out of production once again. But all i know is that they're ASUS 144hz monitors with low ms and i paid approx. €900.

I have had second thoughts about them, to instead have 1 big 32" ultrawide montior. That would've been cheaper.
Whatever you decide to do, you should have all in the same hz.
S3 licensed
You signed into LFS as in opened it and logged on to a server? Or signed in as in activated LFS?
S3 licensed
Since no one has replied yet. You might want to use imgur or another, preferably a global image service.
I'm getting the Forbidden error.

Edit: or you could upload it to the forum..
S3 licensed
Post above should do it.
What LFS version are you running?

Moved post to Technical Assistance.
S3 licensed
It is not possible to change username.

I talked with one of the devs about this a couple of years ago. IIRC the racing stats were linked to your username, therefore it could not be changed.

You can always change your in-game nickname though Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Yeah. Photopea is one of the better one's. I know the developer of photopea did an AMA on reddit the other day. Pretty interesting stuff.

Some context first. AMA (I Am A) is a subreddit where people can talk about their accomplishments, creations or things they have done. I'm sure you get the point.

Another great and useful editor (that i've used myself), also pretty close to being photoshop:
S3 licensed
Winner winner, chicken dinner!
Winner from this monday is _Vinicius_! Congratulations!

With nearly 37k driven kilometers in demo I'm suprised you lasted this long, enjoy S2.

I've sent intructions to your forum inbox.
S3 licensed

Edit: The car has been like that for as long as i can remember.
But tbh, I would rather have them finish up the tracks and shaders and have this fixed later on.

Edit 2: I can remember back when i first bought LFS i was so hyped for the F1 cars, and could never get to 2nd gear.
Last edited by kristofferandersen, .
S3 licensed
Hey again.

I can't seem to make it work. I followed the instructions and got as far as where i needed to open the program. I have never used or even gotten close to python, so I'm assuming its that I'm suppose to open?

In the instructions it just says
Now start the Collsion warning program.

Where is that located exactly?


Rob contacted me on discord and sorted out the issue, i was using the wrong python version. He agreed to put a download to the right one in the next update.
After showing me and demonstrating the features, I'm impressed by how well this insim works.
Good job, Rob.

Note: I'm using Python 2.7.15

Edit: Moved to LFS Programming Libs and Tools.
Last edited by kristofferandersen, .
S3 licensed

Something appears to be missing…
Isn't it better to use something like Dropbox?
S3 licensed
Quote from herogaca :Get me in

I'll do my best.
S3 licensed
New giveaway in a week from this post (12.11.2018).
Good luck!
S3 licensed
I like the concept, good luck!
S3 licensed
These days there aren't really a need for antivirus *inb4 this thread turns into an anti-virus discussion*.

I personally just use windows defender.
If McAfee don't even have the option then I'd just uninstall anyway. Every antivirus should have that.