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S3 licensed
LFS Companion v4.4.1
- Customize UI: Multiple buttons can now be selected.
- Customize UI: You can press the key C to deselect all the buttons.
- Customize UI: Added Average Fuel value to a button.
- Customize UI: Arrow keys can now be used to move/resize buttons.
- Customize UI: Added a help menu that shows a list of shortcuts.
- Add: Hotkey implementation.
- Add: Strobe implementation.
- Add: Toggle strobe with PageDown.
- Add: Toggle siren with PageUp.
S3 licensed
A bit more dynamic sound range with some extra adjustable settings in shift+a would be great. +1.

A global rev limiter for all cars would be amazing, which would eliminate the need for 3rd party tools.
S3 licensed
LFS Companion v4.3.4
- Re-worked RPM Meter button design.
- InSim buttons related to the vehicle now have an engine state.
- Re-worked left click behaviour for ButtonClicks. The children of a button can also be selected, i.e. the title.
- Re-worked right click behaviour for ButtonClicks. The children of a button can also be clicked to toggle the button, i.e. the title.
- Improved api checks as it can crash when the service is unavailable.
- Removed cooldown for SHIFT+B.
- Fixed vehicle properties not loading properly.
- Added laptime tracking and comparison from last laptime.
- Added average speed per lap.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeeaq :Thanks. The new RPM meter looks great!

S3 licensed
The improved bike physics feels amazing. They're much easier to drive now for new comers. Although I'll have to mention the view settings for bikes are a bit rough.

I'm not able to get the view low enough to see the dashboard gauges on the bike.
I've tested this on the following resolutions with the same result:
  • 5760x1080
  • 3440x1440
  • 1920x1080
Could this perhaps be per-mod related?
S3 licensed
Quote from zeeaq :Would be great if the addon also showed split times.

I've been working on laptimes and split times for a next update.

Quote from zeeaq :While running the AutoUpdater folder through VirusTotal, Zillya flags it as Trojan.Evilnum.Win32.556.

Perhaps a false positive but just wanted to let you know.

Yeah definitely a false-positive. Its likely its because the AutoUpdater deletes the LFS Companion, and then downloads it again when there's a new update.
S3 licensed
I believe the standard dimensions for downloading skins in-game is 512x512 px. There's also 1024.x1024 px, but thats a service players will have to pay for to use (£1 = 2000 skin downloads)

While i do understand that the developers needs space on their servers to store these skins, i don't think that consumers should have to pay to be able to download skins for other players.

Perhaps it could be inverted:
Players that want to upload skins in the highest standard, in this case 2048x2048 px - they would have to pay if they are out of skin slots.
Last edited by kristofferandersen, .
S3 licensed
Quote from andrej007 :I have S3 licence but i cannt login. I have good name and password but LFS say me that all unlocks are only unlocked during the week

Should've opened your own thread for this, but you can contact the LFS developers and they'll give you more unlocks. There are a total of 3 unlocks, and you've used them all.
S3 licensed
LFS Companion v4.3.3
- Re-worked RPM Meter button design.
- InSim buttons related to the vehicle now have an engine state.
- Re-worked left click behaviour for ButtonClicks. The children of a button can also be selected, i.e. the title.
- Re-worked right click behaviour for ButtonClicks. The children of a button can also be clicked to toggle the button, i.e. the title.
- Improved api checks as it can crash when the service is unavailable.
- Fixed version comparing incorrectly.
- Fixed version parsing in updater and insim.

Unfortunately, for versions earlier than v4.3.3. You might have to manually download the AutoUpdater and run that.
This won't be an issue in the future.

Download LFS Companion v4.3.3

Download AutoUpdater v1.0.2
Last edited by kristofferandersen, .
S3 licensed
Quote from [OD :Jardim;2061602"]I think he was speaking from a mapping standpoint, like a separate mapping that only activates the lightbar itself without the lights or blinkers.

Ah yeah, that would be a great addition.
S3 licensed
Quote from subUwU :to activate the lightbar on mods, you need to turn on indicators, it would be cool to have a separate button that activates lightbars (that would also mean adding more light features in the editor)

All of that is already possible with InSim
SMALL_LCS, // 9 - instruction : set local car switches (lights, horn, siren)

S3 licensed
Quote from zeeaq :Could you please elaborate what you mean by this?

He's referring to the mouse DPI, as it is most likely adjustable.
S3 licensed
Quote from MandulAA :Hi, just wanted to say thanks for cosntantly updating and developing the app, great job! Smile

One minor thing I was thinking about: could we have an RPM-widget that has both the colored bar (as in Modern) and the actual value (as in Classic) displayed as well?

I won't release this version yet, but i ended up with this.
See external video clip

EDIT: I'm open to changes.
Last edited by kristofferandersen, .
S3 licensed
Quote from MandulAA :Hi, just wanted to say thanks for cosntantly updating and developing the app, great job! Smile

One minor thing I was thinking about: could we have an RPM-widget that has both the colored bar (as in Modern) and the actual value (as in Classic) displayed as well?

Thank you Mandula, I appreciate that.

I've received that suggestion a few times before, I just never saw the value in having a label with the actual rpm value in addition to an rpm_meter. I can clearly see that it is wanted, so I'll get that done in the next update.
S3 licensed
LFS Companion v4.3.0
- Message Panel search filter is no longer case sensitive
- The button customizer can now be moved vertically. Cannot be resized
- Added pitlane limiter button - this button will become visible when the pitspeed limiter is active
- Fixed LONG_DATE_TIME variable not displaying the correct timezone
- Fixed api data sometimes not loading on INSIM_START
- Fixed PitSpeed button not saving position values properly
- Improved REST_API fetch method
- Refactored AutoLights mechanics, they will now be on permanently
- Refactored close buttons, they are now next to the window title displayed as "×"

Download LFS Companion v4.3.0
S3 licensed
- Implemented Auto Updater for the insim. It automatically downloads and installs the new version.
- Implemented an updater for the AutoUpdater. Same process.

Download LFS Companion v4.2.36
S3 licensed
- InSim no longer stops working if you disconnect from a server.
- InSim no longer has issues if you start it from the main menu of LFS.

Download LFS Companion v4.2.12
S3 licensed
- Adjusted default UI template.
- Added option for 'AutoLights' - this setting will automatically toggle fullbeam as you stop/start driving.
- Buttons can no longer be moved out of the button grid.
- Added option 'Display total fuel' - this setting will display the total amount of fuel (litres or percentage).
- Added titles for several buttons (Short description of what the button is).
- Fixed fuel warning not working.
- Several other minor fixes.
- Fixed LFS API not loading properly on InSimLoad.

Download LFS Companion v4.1.19
Last edited by kristofferandersen, .
S3 licensed
While I would like this sort of thing to be accessed while driving - i just think it is the wrong place to put it, as the entire F12 menu is pit instructions.

What could be done though, is pressing arrow left/right to browse other pages. One of them being track data.
S3 licensed
Quote from uf1 :hi kris Smile)
i had an issue like this
if i use my brake when this error appears ( s button).
how can i fix this issue kris?

good night Smile)
i fixed this. i did move abs too left 0 heheheh so it broke. reinstall lfs and script files, fixed.

Ah yeah, that breaks it.
I should probably make a limit where users can't move buttons out of their screen.
S3 licensed
I've re-designed various features, and changed the infrastructure of the application. I've had to strip out some features.
Most data is now saved in a local database.

There are some minor bugs i need to get to, but i figured i could release this one for others to use.

Download LFS Companion v4.0.0
S3 licensed
Quote from Androphp :I guess this is not a good place to learn programming language, for those who don't know...

Many moons ago when i first started off, LFSExternal was the first library i ever got into. Working with logic and just putting things together was a blast.

While i do agree that making an insim might be a bit overwhelming for someone that hasn't done any prior programming. The chances of success are not 0.00%.

Let me put it this way, for the OP:
InSim.NET is a C# library made by DarkTimes, with contributions from the community. This library makes it much easier to handle the packets between LFS and the insim client. To get an insim up and running, you'll need at least some knowledge from C# or any other programming language. Other than what the others have said above, there's not really much else i can provide.

Best of luck!
S3 licensed
As others have said - running LFS through steam as a non-steam game is the easiest way to go.

That's what i currently use on my linux rig, i never ran into any issues after running it for like 6 months.
S3 licensed
I'd like to additionally ask another question, does anyone else have any experience with direct drive in general?
S3 licensed

I don't think you need to worry to much if they're gonna wear out. I had mine on 10%-12% when i was first starting out with my G27 and it lasted for a good 5 years. I spent most of the time drifting, which would also mean a constant steering and use of the gears.

You just need to stick with what feels comfortable to drive with.
Keep in mind that you can use comma (,) and period (.) to decrease and increase the force feedback. That way you don't have to go into the settings every time.