Recently, as game ports to PC start getting worse and worse I've started thinking about getting a Gamepad. I want a decent one that will last though.
So, your opinions -
Gamepad or stay with the classic keyboard/mouse
Wireless or wired
Rumble or no rumble
And any other suggestions.
So far I've found two decent ones - The Xbox 360 (Wireless) Controller and the Logitech (Cordless) Rumblepad 2
I'd especially like to see opinions about wireless stuff. I haven't got any wireless computer things in the house except Wi-Fi and remote controls. What is likely to intercept the connection and is there any significant lag.
Wireless would be better, because with it, It'll be easier for me to contact the gamepad to the home cinema computer.
There are some reviews but I want the opinions of "real" people.
EDIT: Should have posted in the hardware section..
Now, I've tried firefox and for me, I haven't found a single extension I'd use more than once per week. All of them are just toys and unuseful clutter for me.
I can sure understand you if you like using Firebug, but the other things.. Opera will have something like Firebug soon.
Unless it's in the license agreement, you can resell your account. The fact someone tells you that you are not allowed to sell LFS in a forum is worth nothing..
OK, constructive critiscisms, here I come.
First of, everything on the forum should have a purpose
1. Friends. What is the point of that? What benefit does this give. All I think I could use it for is user-bookmarks, but heck, if you have a friend you should know him without looking at a damn list .
2. New Profile design - absolutely everything could be fit onto a single page from there (unless you have too much friends)
3. Tags - I think that is a pretty useful feature, but, thing is, it would only be useful for those that are searching and people only think about themselves and don't put tags.