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S3 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :It's already back? cool

It will be gone when patch Z is realesed though

Na, it was just coincidence that it disappeared when Y appeared
S3 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :It was a girly flick

I thought the Prestige was much better

Exactly my thoughts.

But they were both kinda 'flicks
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Some phones I can't even make a call on, I know every part of the iPhone and I never read a thing ... Including to my shame the multiple licence agreements...

You gave agreement to something you didn't read? Gasp. Go to jail.

There was an experiment once where the license agreement included a note that everyone must pay 5000 dollars if they agree.

Now, if they start selling that thing WITHOUT a contract I'll buy one for sure. 200 dollars.. wheeh. But I'm pretty sure we'll get it for 350

EDIT: Oh, they won't be selling them officially here, then we'll have to order ours from Finland
Last edited by Lible, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Fuse5 :What about this?

Had this in mind for quite a while.
Would be a great addition to either the GT2 class, or to be used with the XFR&UFR as a RWD/4WD car.

Ignore the odd smudge marks. As i am left-handed, i still like to work from left to right, smudging everything i've already done :P

Some perspective issues here and there, (especially at the front) but i hope you get the point

I think the smudge thing actually looks better than no smudge.
S3 licensed
Quote from okijuhans :Lol, I need a fake name too.

You can take inspiration from mine, which is Kala Möte
S3 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :I'm actually working my way through Crysis too atm, it's good, I like it, but I much prefer Stalker. In Crysis, I feel disappointed every time I walk up to someone I've killed, and my only option is to take their ammo from them.

In Stalker, I feel disappointed when I walk up to a guy and find out I can't take his cool suit, clean it from blood and use it myself.

That again reminds me of how you could put 30 bullets into a guy in Hitman and then take his clothes and walk away happily wearing them.
S3 licensed
What the hell are everyone trying to say? They should be banned, someone won money to make him rich and you are suggesting him to throw this chance away. Don't listen to him.

Congrats, care to send me 0,1% of your winnings, please?
S3 licensed
Probably he's right. Ice ages wasn't manmade, or do they say it was now?
S3 licensed
Unseen worked his eyes out yesterday to get "some" new stuff uploaded.
S3 licensed
Now I can't get Marley out of my head, damn you.
S3 licensed
Ok, I only have a personal grudge at Mr Michel.. Micheal.. Michelin.. Michael Shoemaker
S3 licensed
Quote from Fuse5 :i can judge his ego and attitude by that crash.

He might have stated being better.
And now his huge ego just made him show off.
If he had known how to show off properly, or not to over-estimate himself, i wouldn't be judging him.

Huge ego? Come one, every normal guy likes to show off if he's in a new Porsche for the first time.. don't tell me you wouldn't.
S3 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :Many makes mistakes with english, so there should be an english teacher here on this forum.

Okay, today you are going to learn about ***

Reminds me of this awful comedy, where an english teacher tried to make others understand that there is no such thing as Xmas.
S3 licensed
Opera Windows build 10034 (9.5 snapshot)
When some bug occurs, I use Opera 9.27
When some bug occurs with that (which happens a few times in a year) I fire up IE6.

On my phone I use Opera Mobile and Opera Mini. When something doesn't work there (haven't seen that yet), I just don't use the site.
S3 licensed
Quote from f4sttr@ck :No real reason i want to add it, just a car and racing enthusiest. although one day when i buy a new daily driver i am going to make it into a show car. I may add a bit more horsepower to it also, idk yet. but i just wanna know where i can find it incase i do do sumthin to it i shouldnt.

Don't get a rollcage for no reason. Laughing out loud.
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Am I the only retarded n00b who don't know who are these people? It it a kind of aerobic championship?

Nope, you can win for multiple things other than aerobics, including

*sexxy moves (that I wouldn't put under aerobics)
*sexxy body
*sexxy face
*singing ability (haha, joke, got ye)
S3 licensed
Layout [lyt] files compress like crazy btw.
S3 licensed
Ivan's Childhood?

Doubt it is that tough... looks familiar too
S3 licensed
It is very unlikely that spyware will steal your LFS account, and if it happens, I am absolutely sure you will be able to get the account back by talking to Support.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tonttula :Aww i cant download it when im trying to open the Full Version Installer it just says "Thanks for your patience. Normal service will resume as soon as possible. "
somebody help me?


If everything goes as planned, the site will be reopened in the year 2008.
S3 licensed
CAN't YOU just go to and enter Mobile Webcam for phones?. No, ofcourse not.
S3 licensed
The admin owns the server and can do anything he wants with it.
S3 licensed
Got to agree with DH4 being crap. Worth a watch, but it was.. strange. Armageddon was better, as was DH3 and DH1. DH2 beat everything, the MOST MOST MOST silly movie I've seen.
S3 licensed
Nuff' said.
Quote from Becky Rose :As an ex-computer engineer who's seen a fair few virus' i've never sucessfully removed a virus with a piece of automated software since Windows 95 replaced MS-DOS.

Anti-virus software has the effect of making your computer running slower and at times less stable. Fundamentally the same thing as most virus'. It's like choosing what to be infected by.

At least with Vista virus' are less likely to infect end user systems, but common sense and not browsing porn sites or downloading illegal software torrents is still the best protection.

Use AD-Aware for virus check.
S3 licensed
Get a new one. Or bear with it.

Damn idiot