I'm all for false starts, of course, as it's a step towards more realism (and of course anyone may choose whichever gear he wants then). As for the possibility to change gears within the current system, I don't know what that should add. If you're not capable of starting the BF1 or FO8 in 1st, than you should probably not be driving it online anyways and simply need more practice
(it should be noted that I never drive the BF1 online, even though I am capable of starting it in 1st gear. I'm just not capable of racing it around the track with a few other cars in the grid safely).
I do think however, that it should be possible to disable false starts from the server side, so you could set up n00b-servers without having traffic jams in the pits when 80% of the field comes in for the drive-through penalty
. I would be practicing starts offline, though.
Who knows when Scawen will implement this (I'm certain he will), as it would have to be an incompatible patch, I suppose.