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S2 licensed
It's on the improvement suggestions list, though, and iirc it could be done in a compatible patch (not 100% sure about this, so please correct me if I'm wrong).
S2 licensed
Would be better if it was stored at least until you start up LFS again -- or, even better, until your next race, I guess.
S2 licensed
AFAIK, you have to rename the temp.mpr before you exit LFS. Otherwise it will auto-delete itself -- at least I couldn't find the temp.mpr after I exited LFS in the mpr-folder .
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :That's a different situation; you gained an advantage by cutting through a chicane (unintentionally or not, it is a little different.) Also, there are rules in most series mandating that you give the position back. (Not always enforced as we saw last year in F1...but thats another topic)

When you hit someone, accidentally, you do not slow down/stop to let them pass you back.

Well, I don't think it's that different. If you're gaining an advantage by hitting someone, you're quite in the same situation like cutting a chicane and so is the driver who's at a disadvantage. Thing is, if you did that in real life, you might face a penalty after the race (which is usually not the case in public LFS-racing). And if the contact was intentional or not, is not so much of an issue, really, it's more aquestion of whether you breached a rule.

Anyway, I personally let a driver pass if I hit him majorly and thus gained an advantage. If it was just a slight tap and I gained an advantage, I was probably faster anyway and won't give the position back, but simply appologize if it was my fault. No written rule, I guess, just courtesy.
S2 licensed
Quote from Markz :Nissan Leopard F31
Don't comment crap about it because you've probably never heard of it.

lol jk

True, but I have eyes and it looks crap
S2 licensed
Problem is, you never know where the threshold for a certain company lies, so keeping your design a little further away from real life counterparts is the safer way to go, if you want to avoid expensive lawsuits.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :To clarify, I don't think "Fairness" comes from letting someone pass you when you take them out accidentally. Do real drivers do this? no!

That's not true, though. As major contact is rather rare in real Life, I'll use a different example: Say you run accidentally straight through a chicane and thus overtake another driver. You'll be punished for taking the shortcut. Yet, you won't be punished if you let the driver you passed unfairly pass again. (Happens all the time in Monaco in this chicane. What's it called? Harbor, or something? Anyway, that thing right after the tunnel.)
S2 licensed
I don't know about the tracks you mentioned for rFactor, but afaik, rFactor is making deals with "track owners". They recently released some lesser known rL tracks (Jiading and Bianza). I suppose that those are a lot cheaper than popular tracks like, say, Spa or Nordschleife. But there are definitely legal issues and you can't just recreate something without permission of the rightsholder -- not when you'd benefit commercially at least. If you're creating free mods it's actually basically the same as far as I'm aware, it's just that the rightsholders usually tolerate it. I guess it's a "grey" zone.

As for nKpro, I'm sure I read somewhere that at least one of the cars (formula 3, I believe?) is licensed in a similar way as the BF1 is licensed for LFS or rFactor (coop with a team rather than a series). And building pretty much exact replicas of rL cars is again a "grey" zone. It's not really allowed, but it's also very hard to prove that it is in fact a rip off, which would be one of the reasons why the rightsholders don't come after you if you do it. Also, a major issue for rL racing series is in fact the name, as it's a major selling proposal for Game Developers. So, take some crappy arcady F1-Game where the cars don't behave anything like their real counterparts, but it says Formula 1 on the box and allows the marketing experts to say stuff like "Now You can be Michael Schumacher and race his F1-Ferrari on the most realistic recreation of legendary tracks like Spa, Silverstone or Monaco in any Racing simulator to date!" We all know that that's rubbish, but it sells.

Btw, even the FO8 is pretty much an exact replica of the F3000.

Edit: One would probably have to see what happens if a modding group recreates real life content that's released for free with approval of the devs and under fantasy-names. Who knows, maybe the rightsholders will tolerate it -- and maybe they won't. It's definitely risky business.
Last edited by Linsen, .
S2 licensed
Are you sure that you've clicked on the button on top where it says "axes / FF"?
S2 licensed
AI is not yet capable of pitting. They will never refuel until Scawen reworks them.

And yes, you can make the AI use the setups you give them. It's under miscellaneous options and called AI use player setup or something.
S2 licensed
Second reason being, that not everybody is skilled and/or calm enough to deal with somebody bumping him from behind, and thus will likely screw up. It's okay, of course to put pressure on someone, but not if it involves contact.

Plus: We still have this issue that two cars sort of get stuck to each other, which makes bump drafting unpredictable.
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Can we have OLFSL racer bars like STCC ,? They said any leagues can have them & its good advertising.

Oh go on you know you want too.


I even quickly created one . It's not very original, and I'm not particularly good at these things, but here's what I came up with (so far only the mini-bar, but that's mainly because I don't have the OLFSL-font):

Edit: Added another quick job on the longer version.
Last edited by Linsen, .
S2 licensed
Quote from keiran :The developers couldn't approve mods. They would be officially linking themselves with copyrighted material and I very much doubt they want the likes of Bernie or Sony banging on their door .

Very true. I was going to add that and forgot about it. A system like that would only work with non-rL-content and is therefore probably not what we really want -- evereybody wants the ring after all and not something that's inspired by the ring.
S2 licensed
I used to have the Formula Force GP (still have it, but also the DFP) which is also 180° (maybe 200°) rotation and wheel turn compensation is probably the most important setting for that type. I had it set to 1.0 for a very long time until I figured that a value of 0.75 suited me a little better. It's a little more sensitive around the center that way and not quite as bad in tight turns. Still pretty bad, though. I often found myself loosing the rear in tight turns, and it's really hard to get used to that, as the ingame wheel turns sooo far with just an inch of turning on the controller. Actually I could never really get used to that, thus I got the DFP recently. But, yeah, as herki said, play with "wheel turn compensation" until you find a reasonable compromise.
S2 licensed
Seems like all has been said already, but "Look left" and "look right" are really the only indispensable buttons for LFS imho. Never had use for the handbrake, horn is sometimes nice to have but no guarantee that somebody will not do something stupid (sometimes the opposite). For longer races where pit strategy comes into play, it might be nice to ba able to have F12, F11 and the arrow buttons mapped as well. Pit limiter can easily be operated from the keyboard, but is handier on the wheel, I guess (same goes for TC, but I don't drive TC-cars). Some chat messages ("sorry", "good racing", ":-)", "That was not very nice") are also handy, but not necessary, as kb works fine in most instances.

That said, I have also F9 and F10 mapped to the wheel and one or two other things I don't remember. But than again I've got the DFP and would hate to leave any of the odd 786 buttons unused .
S2 licensed
Maybe a stupid question, but do these .abc files have the fonts in them that are used by the gui? And if yes, is there a way to alter those?
S2 licensed
Quote from MrPix :So... in summary... would and S1 or S2 be best to get away from the idiots?

S1 won't as there are only very few servers running it these days (maybe 5 or 6). But S2 would in fact be the best* way to get away from the idiots. So, I'd say: Get it .

*) It should be noted that there are "better" ways of getting away from the wreckers. But those include not playing LFS .
S2 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :Well as it's not that official i wont use it I use to destroy everything xD

You could just create a copy of your original LFS folder and use it for testing.
S2 licensed
Maybe this could/should be moved to the leagues-forum. However, the STCC-tiered servers are not an actual league and unlike the leagues I know of, work on a pick-up-and-play basis. So the tiered server system is really much more accessible than your usual league and thus appeals to a wider user base. So this thread, which is actually about both, the tiered servers and the STCC-league, it might as well stay where it is. But I don't care one way or the other.

@Hoellsen: Seriously, what kind of foul play is that? Quoting one part of the post and then rephrasing the rest of the post to turn it around as an allegation against the original poster? Ever heard of the term "BILD-Zeitungs-Methoden"?
S2 licensed
I can see how moderate (in terms of realistic for racing series) engine tuning could be interesting for some people as soon as the damage model is perfect (lol), but for now I'm against it -- and probably always will be, as that would be another aspect I have no clue about. Just like setups is now .
S2 licensed
As already said, there will be no sanctioned/legal modding before S3 is finished (if ever). At that time the devs will have a lot of time to test mods (if they should choose to do so :tilt, as they won't have to work on the main programme anymore. But for now, S2 is not even final.
S2 licensed
Well, actually many people around here would like LFS to become modable sometime in the future, I guess. But we know that it will not come before after S3 (because devs don't want it [yet]). And I for one would like to see a different aproach to modding. A more centralized way, where maybe the devs would decide which mod should actually become available to LFS-users. That would not only limit the amount of available mods, and thus the diluting of the community, it would also spare people the hassle to find out if a mod is any good or just pure crap. Because all mods would have to meet the same (or higher) standards like the original game.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Yes of course, because if you use something lower than 100% the Logitech drivers apply the force damping and make the forces non-linear. Though, I've just read through the wingmanteam thread and it seems that values over 100% do the opposite - they exaggerate the small forces, so values of about 101 - 115% may have a somewhat linear FF and at greater values the FF gets non-linear again, just in the opposite direction.

In conclusion: yes, a linearity slider would really help

Glad we finally sorted this out .

@Bob: "pure" in the sense that there's no driver induced damping? Yeah, I suspect I could live with that and don't necessarily need a linearity slider.
S2 licensed
Quote from PAracer :Another option is to get right behind the guy, the bumpdraft GENTLY down the straight. back off before the braking zone begins. This way, the driver, if not as skilled, will run wide due to the excess speed. If the leading car is more skilled, they won't be blocking in the first place and the situation wouldn't start to begin with.

In short, the more skills you have, the more options you have to get past other drivers.

I disagree on all three counts.

1. Bump-drafting should not be allowed, imho. At least not unless both parties agree on it.
2. If the leading driver is skilled but slower than the one behind, he will be "blocking" legally by making his car as wide as possible in order to avoid being overtaken.
3. At least in public pick-up races whether you attempt an overtake or not should also be determined by the skill of the driver that is in front and maybe less skilled than the one behind. Therefore the disagreement on the bump-drafting. (Of Course, it's in general still true that you have more options the more skilled you are.)
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Yep, all except the "league racer" bar for cop-outs like gu3st.

Ah sure, now I see it. But I think the cop-outs deserve the barf-green .

No, wait, WE have to look at it also!