Tell me about it . Friggin BMW needs to make the damn hydraulics more reliable. And I could have saved a lot of money if I hadn't bought a Williams chassis prior to Indy -- I'll prbably ditch it again before the next round. And then: Watch out! I'm coming back .
Yeah, that's why it doesn't really make sense to talk about stuff like that in general terms. Each situation is different, and even the stewards don't always agree whether or not someone deserves a penalty.
Let's not make this a blaming and shaming thread, please!
(And besides, we all know that senna has a reputation for reckless driving )
@boris: the way I interpret your pictures, it does in fact look like a completely legal move. If the green car is fully alongside the grey car *before* the turn in point, that is. And as the cars don't look as if they have started to turn in, yet, the green car should have the right to the apex. If the grey car however, manages to stay alongside the green one through the turn, it has the right to the exit and the green car is not allowed to squeeze it off the track.
Just my humble opinion, of course.
edited for clarification: The green car doens't even need to be fully alongside before the turn in point in order to have the right to the apex, considerable overlap is sufficient. the opinions what exactly considerable means differ, of course. Personally I think it should be a little more than what would be deemed acceptable in rL racing, since we lack peripheral vision in 3D-land.
Well, and depending on when exactly you 'lunge' they might just be right in blaming you. It all depends, really. There rarely is clear right or wrong. Or, to put it differently: In rL-racing, you know you've done something wrong, when you're being penalized by the stewards.
Another interesting quote by de la Rosa which sort of sums up this discussion:
"You should be fast in the simulator, but that doesn't mean that those who are fast in the simulator are also fast in a race car. Those are completely different scenarios. But if you're not fast in a simulator, you surely won't be fast in a race car."
It's hard to see from this angle, but judging by the rubber on the track, it looks like Heidfeld is on the ideal racing line. It's true, though, that there's plenty of room to take a wider line, so maybe it's indeed not such a great example. But a nice manoeuvre by Heidfeld nonetheless .
Even though pretty much everything has been said on this matter, I'd like to post this video which for some reason has not been posted before (Heidfeld overtaking Alonso on the outside):
Luckily, Alonso did not drive according to karting-standards and Heidfeld afterwards said something like "this was the greatest moment of my career." And guess what? Norbert Haug did not say "Alonso should have pushed Heidfeld off the track, it was his damn right to do so". Instead: "That was a damn good manoeuvre by Nick. One has to acknowledge that without envy."
Damnit! With Heidfeld retiring in Barcelona I lost another 2 places and am more than 40 points behind the leader . Plus, I didn't make enough money to buy a decent second driver. I was hoping to earn enough to get rid of Davidson finally and hiring Hamilton -- not an option right now.
I guess I'll just keep my feet still hoping for Hamilton to have some bad luck next time . (I think I'm a hopeless case by now, though.)
Damn, I've been desperately trying to come up with at least one car that has not been suggested before just to open up a new thread. Seems I just hadn't thought about a Minivan .
Oh, wait, it has been suggested before in a thread called "Cars we wanna see in S3".
Erm, and the LFS demo is not improving? It might not get more content, but it gets all the features (well, most of them) the full version is getting. Like improved physics and overhauled graphics etc. And: NO, the devs should not listen to demo racers if they're so-called "improvement suggestions" regard having more content. If they have bugs to report or ideas about overall gameplay or whatever, that's great, and I'm against banning demo players from the improvement suggestions forum. But what I really don't understand is, why it is so hard to understand that the demo offers rather too much than not enough. Just look at the number of demo players online. If I was a dev, I would think about making the demo less attractive, because from a marketing stand point it's a disaster. But, of course, not everybody has to understand that. It's just common sense after all.
I hear the CST pedals are awesome, but wouldn't know since I'm not going to spend that much money on gaming gear and don't have the time nor the skill to build my own, but they're supposed to be really great.
Hm, personally, I think using more rotation is potentially faster, because steering is more precise. With my old Wigman FF GP I found myself constantly correcting steering inputs going into the turn and I spun much more coming out of the turn or got too much understeer (depending on the car, obviously). However, catching slides is much harder with a higher degree of rotation, so if you screw up, you're more likely to crash. And FFB is an issue, at least with the DFP, because it's painfully slow and even if you react quick enough, you might still lose it. And I honestly doubt that the fast guys are using little rotation. I think they're usually capable of being fast despite of controller short-comings. But I couldn't be 100% sure since I'm not one of them.
It's filesize is huge compared to a proper jpg, that's what's wrong with it. Also, it doesn't even open in the browser window (at least not in my firefox), but needs some other viewer.
Would you care to elaborate? Too severe as in sliding too easily/early or too much sliding overall as in: car should not be able to slide without completely loosing it?
No, I meant a law allowing that kind of contract would be against the law, or to be more precise: I'm pretty sure that a contract like that would be against morality/immoral in the judicial sense of those words in Germany -- unless the participants had to agree to those terms beforehand, maybe, which is not the case here, I'd assume.
Anyway, that's terrible. What if the winner can't afford to insure or store the car? Does he have to give it back and won nothing then? What kind of company would make you sign such a contract?
You can't be serious, lol. Such a law would most definitely be against, erm, the law . Of course he can sell it whenever he wants. As soon as it's his property nobody can tell him what to do with it. If he wants to thrash, it's his choice. BMW would probably put him on the black list and never let him participate in a competition again, but they can't keep him from doing that.
Btw, it's base price is 113.300 Euro in Germany. Don't know what kind of extras it has, but I wouldn't wanna be seen on the road with it .
That's plenty, I suppose. I'm using around 105% in the profiler and 25% to 35% ingame on a DFP. To me, with these settings the overall force on turning feels much more natural than when FFB is set higher ingame, but it is too week to really feel the curb-rumbling most of the time.