I'm afraid it doesn't work this way, though. We don't (and probably not even the devs) know what will be in S3 and how hard it will be to implement whatever they have in mind. You never know what problems you might run in to ...
I'd like to second what ajp wrote, just for emphasis: Not a good idea to post something like this as if it was ever even a confirmed goal by the devs. Afaik, they've never said anything about it.
Hm, I'm finding historic reverse rather nice in the FO8. Several interesting sections with a great variety of turns, imho. But maybe I just feel that way because I'm really not used to driving the FO8, yet. I haven't been driving it online at all, I think -- yes, a glimpse at my laps chart confirms: 1 lap at BL. That's it.
Well, I'll try to be on your server tonight, gentlefoot. Can't promise anything, though, as I have to see what the missus says .
Well, with the OLFSL race coming up I'll be racing the FO8 on As historic reverse as much as possible (which will probably not be much seeing that I don't have time, but I'll try).
Whatever that means. Personally, I think iracing is very promising. Not only because of Kaemmer, but also because of John Henry, principal owner of the Boston Red Sox (=money. A lot of it).
If we should ever get a 4th GTR I would prefer a GTR version of the Raceabout, as we have no mid-engined GTR.
And then there's still the option of getting a WRC-like version of the RB4 along with the Rallye-Pack, of course (which I don't believe will come before S3, if ever. But you never know ).
I've been following this thread closely, and honestly, matze, you're the only one whose manners are severely lacking. Richard might have some opinions many people around here don't agree with (which is to be expected), but he's certainly been voicing them in a very civilized manner.
You could always turn up the turbo volume all the way and reduce the turbo muffling (or whatever it's called), couldn't you? Or is it still not loud enough then?
Yes, that's the way I see it, too. Worded my first post wrongly. Nobody should be *expected* to move over under blue flag. It can be a nice move under certain circumstances, though (like, when the blue flagged driver is not racing for positions and does it early enough to not cause any misunderstanding).
Nothing wrong with enforcing blue-flag-rule strictly, but the way General Lee describes it (I didn't see the replay), it sounds like an overly strict (=wrong) enforcement of the rule. It's total bogus to expect someone to move over the instant the blue flag message comes up. And no experienced driver should expect anyone to give room in a chicane. Just my 2c, of course.
Actually, I'm getting some flickering no matter what I set the mip bias to. Higher (0) is supposed to be better than lower (-4), though. But I really don't see much of a differnce, tbh. Shadows flicker a lot sometimes and so do signposts etc. Must be the gfx card, I guess (7600 GT).
That's a popular belief and it comes from the fact that the human eye does perceive everything above ca. 25 fps as one fluid motion. However, that doesn't mean that it can't detect more than 25 fps (if one really notices a difference betwenn, say 100 fps and 13k fps, I don't know, but I doubt it).
Probably 50 at max, but I can't really remember. I drove quite a few miles offline in S1, though before I finally jumped online (I was too scared to suck and mess up other people's race :tilt.
Didn't know about the endurance nights before last night (and won't be there next saturday), but I'd say keep it! I enjoy a little longer races, but pits are a must imho. Also, it would be nice to know at what time exactly the first endurance starts, so you could either try to be there or at least somewhat calculate when the next will start.
Being able to request ones own license notes is all good, I guess, but I doubt it will achieve what Dru was pointing out. Thing is, if I -- or any other responsible racer (yes, I am, I swear ) -- do something stupid, I know it the instance I do it. I might request my license notes in order to find out if I was reported, but I'll try to not let that happen again regardless of any notes. The not so responsible racer, however, will probably not request his license notes if he did something stupid (cause else, he'd be a responsible racer) and therefore will never know that he screwed up, unless he's presented his notes without requesting them.
Uh, long and winding explanation of a rather simple thought, it seems.
Well, anyway, I'll wait what you have in the pipeline, Becky.