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S3 licensed
Quote from adamshl :Hello,

I have two suggestions for improving connection list in multiplayer mode:

1. Muted player icon - status of a player who has blocked all messages.
e.g. I saw many times when players ask other players for setups and don't get any response, reiterated question several times...

2. SS button in game menu (grid list)
e.g. When host changes track and someone doesn't have setup for new config, usually asks for it, but we can't sent it before race start.

still good suggestions, after eh....some years xD!

I would like to add one small: if any user exit the server, we need let's say a 0.5sec delay in connection list responsiveness. Why? Because if I am at the same time voting for a kick (usually a crasher on race track) then at the same time this crasher leaves the server (lets imagine this happens 0.1sec before my voting click), my vote goes to the next guy on the list. In worst case other players follow my vote and the wrong guy gets kicked Petals
S3 licensed
No events next wknd? :o
S3 licensed
Quote from benjamin.torres :What did you expect from 12 pounds? That's fast food territory. /thread

Well, they owe me food.

And you come to tell me I expect too much for 12pounds? I have a weird feeling I am getting trolled by someone.

Actually I felt this same feeling the day I was in that restaurant. After eating I went to the kitchen to give my feedback. There was nobody. All staff were in the room beside, it was like a entertaining and rest room. Can you believe they played videogames there? I entered the room and saw two guys on computers laughing and turning wheels like kids. The other of them was the chief. I started to talk them but they did not even watched at me. They continued playing and the other guy told me to "stop crying" and asked me to leave. That hurted me. I insisted them to listen my message. Then the chief shouted "ban him Bob". U know I was like WTF Im not a criminal. However a big guy came in front of me. He had a western hat with some CDP text or smthing, idk. He violently pushed me off the room and slammed the door. Then I heard them shouting "Thanks for the S license" or something like that, anyway totally out of context. The situation was really confusing. I am sure they were on drugs, every1 laughing all the time. Please explain me this..
S3 licensed
bloody hell that look so exciting. I really wanted to be there. Really nice to see so many cars on the track and nice clean racing.
S3 licensed
Oh cmon guys, you know those authentic look french fries that do not have the taste of a potato, and the composition is more floury than potato. They are made from some syntethic stuff. I am asking for a quality dinner, and I receive such crap. No thanks! I'm off. This will be my last post on this one.
S3 licensed
If we look at the other racing sims, they are marketed with the price of minimum configuration.

That strategy would put LFS price to 6-12£ while by default it would contain just S1 license. (As it would be obvious, that nobody buying S1 could resist the temptation to expand his license to S2 later.)

But now everybody is just talking about the price of 36£.
S3 licensed
Quote from Facu03 :I'm in.

giving my vote for this mate. Very nice friendly racer and bloody fast
S3 licensed
Maybe try here Autocross-Layouts
S3 licensed
Quote from Da_Patriot :Whith all respect, but what good would that do? Can't see anything wrong Schwitz

Often people tell "it doesn't work" but they don't explain what happens on the screen, maybe there is some message or something. I didn't know what is your case, thats why I asked for screenshot Smile Nice you found a solution!
S3 licensed
Looks like it has been fixed now Petals
Better selling/marketing of LFS
S3 licensed
Two things came in mind:

What I have noticed during past years, many demo users think S3 is the only option if they want to buy the game. Almost everybody is talking that "LFS costs 36£".

In my opinion, its not good idea to use the term "LFS S3" about the game. We should bring more awareness of S1 and S2 license levels. Nowadays people do not have patience to read pages, so even the license politics is described crystal clear in the Shop page, we should still stop talking about LFS S3 game, instead talking just about LFS.

Second thing: Like on some other forums, the Files section on forum should'nt be free (to demo users). It should have a payment, for example the half price of S1 license. That would encourage people to buy S1.

Also forum visibility should be restricted so that only Tehcnical Assistance and Bug Reports is accessible for Demo users, other forums either hidden or read-only.
S3 licensed
Yes, Devs definitely do what *they* want, and they have the right to do so. There is no need to defend that kind of thinking, because we simply cannot but accept that another person do what he wants to do.

Of course they don't aim to bring back the old playerbase, because with two developers its nothing else than impossible. Deloping a high quality racing sim 15 years ago was much more simple than it is nowadays. If you have any experience on software development, you don't need explanation on this.

Maybe this is useless to say, since some people seems to be bit stubborn to understand that in life there are some things (usually outside us) that we cannot change.

So what is the reason to be still happy? Think for example an other wonderful simulator GT Legends. The sim was introduced in 2005, and they already closed master server years ago.

We can still play this online for fkin free, and even the Devs are doing something on this. Its brilliant. What can we wish more? Okay, somebody says now "what about 8 years ago when they promised...." please...let go of the past! It was what it was and its useless to cry for that forever.

For me it sounds, more Devs are working on something, more they hear crying. Maybe better they don't tell us they are working on it.

In my opinion the november progress report was honest. They could have chosen not to say anything. Instead, they tell us honestly at what speed things are progressing. And yes, the progress is not what most of us wish, so what? Go and buy that Project Cars 2 and stop crying please Omg omg omg

It has been said:

“Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Please, understand the difference. Because as long as we don't understand, we can only S L O W D O W N the progress, by crying and spreading bad atmosphere.
S3 licensed
Lfsworld pb doesn't get saved always
S3 licensed
I deleted my pb from XFG/BL1 combo this morning, then drove 12 quick race on multiplayer (still same combo), approx 50 laps, but lfsworld still displayed n/a Looking - even I got (several) lfsworld messages of new PB while doing those races.

Its weird, because now after some 9 hours (and I realized it now) I joined again one demo server for testing this issue and got immediately my first lap into lfsworld as new pb (i had now lfsworld window open at same time).

Is there some transaction time after you delete your old pb, until the new one gets registered? Hmm..actually it felt more like the delete transaction has been run again later. Maybe I'm just drunk LFS fanboy Looking LFS
Last edited by lucaf, .
S3 licensed
maybe check Hardware section?
S3 licensed
Gratz uNite (assume you got inspired by this last RTFR event)
S3 licensed
Radical Bitterness introduced
S3 licensed
Love is in the air... Heart

Thanks @Mountaindewzilla for picking those quotes. Hadn't read that Eric's quote on physics, sounds exciting.

Software development is not an easy task. It's not that you just take your pencil and start to draw a drawing. Adding intelligence into software often requires exponential amount of effort. In my point of view, the current target is already inhuman for two developers. On top of that, the need to merge several source code branches, sounds like a small nightmare. I simply can't believe they release both graphics and physics next year.

edit: Would be interesting to know how many lines of source code each release contains.
S3 licensed
Quote from ImudilaSkyline :what an useless threadBig grin

lmao yes, though so entertaining.

Somehow funny that the guys who are most waiting things to happen, writing like "I don't understand how people can wait..." and "LFS fanboys" while seems obviously that they are the real fanboys w a i t i n g and taking all this LFS stuff too serious.

Being positive is just a general attitude towards life. Doesnt mean I believe anything to happen in LFS context. I am just happy Devs are with us and keep master server up. Oh... master server... that wonderful service they offer us for free year after year, decade after decade. For F R E E.

Actually I would love to see reactions of someones if no more LFS releases would come. But of course, its free will to be a negative person and choose complaining as life purpose. That's why internet forums were created for.
S3 licensed
Will be interesting. I remember the CESAV event with LX4. Blue flag situations bit messy, otherwise fun.
S3 licensed
Oh "benjamin" <3 I feel your pain, but....aren't you repeating the same cry we have read here hundreds of times during last 7-8 years? Is it worth? The amount of bitterness you are carrying, doesn't sound healthy. Please, stop waiting, go, get a life. Do something else. Now you sound like a victim who lost his money, house and family.

I understand, once upon a time three guys made you happy for many years, with a ridiculous low cost. You were successful and respected racer in LFS community. Your life was running high, because those guys created a context where you can shine. But this all doesn't mean they are responsible of your happiness until end of your life. Time to grow up. Good luck!
S3 licensed
Quote from benjamin.torres :It's time for Victor to stop being lazy and do his job.

How can you say he is lazy? That sounds like an accuse. If you think you know what is his job, what about your job? Are you a king? You go trolling around the forum, that is your job? Its an entertaining one, but wrong context. Please create a youtube channel for your opinions, and put your energy there. I promise to follow you.
S3 licensed
Quote from super_gt :hobby=fun/full time job=not so much fun

well said! Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Doesn't make different, they decide what to do with their job Smile. We can just make noise and "know better" what they should do, but at the end, it is all ridiculous. Unhappy people will never get happy, even when they get what they want.