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S3 licensed
This would be very welcome feature
S3 licensed
Quote from three_jump :

However cockpits are another issue. There are plenty of cars in LFS that are desperatly in need of some visual updates: UFx, RB4, FXO, FZR... Those still look like 2006 when S2 was intially released. And while the demo cars got updated (yes, some others as well) the updates for those "nearly finished" cars (2009, I'm too lazy here to search the exact post from Scawen) never arrived.

Maybe for there are some technical reasons (incompatible LFS version?), I don't know. Probably. But since then we also had incompatible track updates for Blackwood, Westhill and Rockingham. I'm not sure why, but updated cockpits were just never mentioned again, which is really a shame, because that is what a customer first sees and what pulls you into a game. And compared to other games LFS is at least 10 years behind in that particular department (sadly).

I haven't given up on those updates yet, considering how stunning Blackwood / Westhill turned out to be, but an update on that front (Hello Eric!) would be very much appreciated.

tl;dr: Other cars are in desperate need of a (new) cockpit too!

Going off topic but there is some truth here. Let's take as comparison the older sim GT Legends, does anybody even remember it? It has nice graphics and especially the cockpits are impressive detailed. (even more offtopic, what I have understood GTL has at least as fanatic small community as LFS)

Nevermind I dont want this to sound a complain, I personally don't even noticed LFS cars cockpits until some1 mentioned about it. Im superhappy with LFS already and very pleased its still under development
Last edited by lucaf, .
S3 licensed
What I wonder 2nd most in Sarlin's racing, after his attitude, is that he constantly over-revved his engine in downshifts and still I couldnt hear any sound indicating engine damage.
S3 licensed
My incar from RO10
S3 licensed
Very nice improvements in layout editor, thanks!
S3 licensed
Quote from lucaf :bug report: With LFS 0.6R12 I don't see anymore the WR/PB values in the car-selection screen. With new Lazy and old 0.6R I see them.

with latest Lazy and R15 i see WR/PB values in car-selection ONLY in single player mode. Not in multiplayer. Anyone else having same issue? When I first reported this, I did not even try single player mode
S3 licensed
Here's TV director vid

I fixed the delayed switch from last cam to first cam after noticing the "bug" while creating the vid
#camfile WE1R
S3 licensed
Lol he drove some 8 meters on red lights
S3 licensed
Here's my incar. Thanks for ThreeJump for awesome fighting Smile
S3 licensed
Ok, looks like Simaris server rules Smile)
S3 licensed
NOW: I'm testing to launch own 0.5F2 server with my 4G wireless conn. (may suck) Feel free to join KY1 with LX8 Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from k_badam :full fuel = more stable, like, way more

I put also max anti rollbars and max positive toe in front. Now its almost drivable Big grin

Last edited by lucaf, . subscription hosts supporting 0.5F2?
S3 licensed
Does anyone know if lfs hosts supports version 0.5F2

If yes, I could rent one host for one week just for some fun LX8 oval races.
S3 licensed
hahaha never seen such old version. South city with the pits at the other side looked like a bad dream Big grin Big grin Now after this experience I am afraid of going to sleep

ps. even I unlocked S2, it gives me only XFG car :o guess Im doing smthing wrong. edit: oh, i need to click car name instead of car picture
Last edited by lucaf, .
S3 licensed
Quote :help!!!

is it really difficult to write an explaining subject to your post?

If you are in such big need of help that you need to shout it like that, why don't you do an emergency call? In your country I think its 19 (police) or 15 (ambulance)
S3 licensed
bug report: With LFS 0.6R12 I don't see anymore the WR/PB values in the car-selection screen. With new Lazy and old 0.6R I see them.
S3 licensed
I don't see the event in LFS race calendar, no hope to see many new racers..
Search function hangs in
S3 licensed
Anyone else experiencing? If i put anything in forum search, it doesn't respond and after that hangs for at least 1-2 min
S3 licensed
my incar from RO11, RB4 had 4% intake restriction
S3 licensed
Nice Daniel! I am still waiting for the Donate-button in your app...
S3 licensed
Quote from RC-Maus :I'm supriced nobody reported Robin Lilja for going full trottle into traffic first corner.
I think this kind off behaivior should be punished Taped Shut
Guess he did to little damage Shrug

I leaved a protest in 3-4 messages before. Just scroll up Smile I read later it was discussed in Discord already.
S3 licensed
And especially for demo game.
S3 licensed
Stig welcome to LFS!

I have noticed the last couple of days that skin download is working again also in 0.6R
S3 licensed
My incar last night at WE1R
S3 licensed

#camfile as1 (you may want to modify first cam place a bit :/)