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S3 licensed
Notice also the blue xrg (tonder) who takes a fly out of the bridge to the "north korean territory" (to the left) xD
S3 licensed
full race (I finally managed to shoot a decent finish for the video, with results)

If you want just entertain yourself with the crash fest part:

#camfile FE2R.CAM
S3 licensed
And tv cams from race 1. I bit modified the cam file I had

#camfile SO5R
S3 licensed
I don't remember needing R4 with UFR, but with XFR. About handbrake, I remember I used it in the south city race, but after my rear tyre begin to heat too fast, i stopped using it.
S3 licensed
BTW can I crash how much I want, if I trust that the victim will not make a protest on me?

I have mixed feelings when watching Gordon vs Gabriel on T1 and his later rushing on Ascona. Both victims were on XFG. I just test, I don't make a protest on this.

On another side, watch how Kid or M@C or Christian wait with patience that the road is cleared before they continue. While M@C kindly giving his time to Katila to pick up his bones, ciMin takes another strategy thinking Katila's car is transparent. Hmm... yes I have done that also myself many times on demo server races, but could it be now a time to grow a bit? If we decrease our greedy and increase our kindness, it will be win-win for everyone in long terms.
S3 licensed
Not a personal one, but a protest anyway, since that behaviour is not very nice in these events:

driver [Mgpro] being immediately in the beginning of the race, three laps behind the pack, on his first lap (at replay 6:11) he doesnt give space to Saphira under blue flag, even he cannot keep his car on the track, he keeps on staying in front. Coming on the main straight before chicane, he gives signal with turning lights wich seems he is going to give space, but still he goes first into the chicane forcing the lapping car to lift throttle. On next lap when he was finally passed by saphira, he disturbed her drive by diving into her and pushing her out (7:46). Mgpro then continue his hazardous driving cutting and going on grass in every possible place and throwing tyres on track on t1 under blue flag in front of lappinig cars.

Just quite frustrating to watch that, and his only motivation was to fight with cars that are several laps further, since he retired quite soon after being left alone.
S3 licensed
Quote from Luigi333 :As I said earlier I have the S2 license, but I want to post this acc to earn some points on servers.

S3 licensed
UFR flips even more easy. I would love to see less flips the day new physics are released.

IMO the turning issues are worse on XFR than UFR but can be handled in both cars just by changing Lock diff -> Clutch patch and then finetuning by other setup paramters.
Tyre management would be nightmare if R4 tyres would not exist. We had recently one event at SO5 on Absolute Beginners, and R4 worked surprising well there.
S3 licensed
FE2R *********

Sorry for my hazard pit exit, watched replay and maybe it wasn't nice for Lukas.

I watched also the crash fest after T1 and noticed we dont have a rule how to behaviour if you have many cars sideways in front of you - do you just wait until there is space to drive, or do you just rush through them like in demolition derby? The latter is faster method and maybe more popular, but would be nice if everyone could agree that we try to make it like in real life.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Great move, welcome! Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from _Gordon_ :
You didnt see me, i didnt see you. It was just a race accident. I was on the narrowest path in 1th corner and you had a lot space , but you turned into me. See replay from "top" camera /

Sorry if I am too curious of accidents where I am not involved myself, but sometimes I feel its not bad if some other gives his opinion, especially if there may be some misunderstanding. For me it seems you are talking on different issue. You talk about 1th corner and you say you didnt see him, when ciMin talks about last corner (7.29.95) where you tried to divebomb him and you saw him all the time. (imo I would call it still race accident - wich would had been easier to forget if a "sorry" had followed the hit but it hadn't)

Quote from ataslfs24 :
4.39.79 -> Justas hit the (me) cimin ( can not say sorry )
7.29.95 -> Gordon hit the (me) cimin ( BESTTTTTTTTTT can not say sorry ) Lap 5

That sucks :/ first you get hit by Justas, and couple of laps later by Gordon, in the same corner. And nobody says sorry.

In my opinion everybody should have the "sorry" binded to an easy key/button, a "sorry" and can save the other from unnecessary anger on race accidents that havent been caused by purpose.
S3 licensed
Its like that only on locked diff Smile
S3 licensed
I can't imagine Devs want to spend their summer on the computers, thats why I voted the end of May. If it doesnt come until that (anyway they need to be aware for some weeks after release, for possible critical bug-finds), it will be postponed to autumn. But ofc this is just my personal guess Smile

**** VOTING CLOSED **** thank you every 60+++ participants. Your votes should be seen in the first post
Last edited by lucaf, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Ped7g :I somehow feel in bones this thread will get better with every year passed... Smile

Haha! Oh I could have done wise by guessing a date after yours
S3 licensed
**** VOTING CLOSED **** thank you every 60+++ participants. Your votes should be seen in the first post
S3 licensed
My incar live recordings of last night race at South City


Last edited by lucaf, .
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :
Everyone must have to keep in mind that no pitstop repairs the clutch overheat!

Even the most overheated clutch gets cooled/repaired by itself if you have just patience to wait. If you do that waiting in the pitslot, you can imagine how your pitcrew works on it Big grin. Instead what is sure, that pitstop won't repair your engine damage.
S3 licensed
60 participants! After this day, no entries can be submitted. After this day if somebody edits his post and modifies his guess, he will be out of competition! You can still today change your guess if you feel!

I keep first post updated
S3 licensed
Thanks for the first event! Here my incar race at Blackwood. I'll post later a TV broadcast of the race

Last edited by lucaf, .
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from simon1234 :I thought I would turn this thread around slightly to a WHAT NOT TO DO.

I'm fed up with everybody asking me why Monza GSE is banned from the MRc servers. These are recent logs even though he was banned ages ago It just goes to show we were right with the original ban.

Connecting with insulting names

Jan 11 00:56:52 HappyNewBanYearSimon!^L connected (Monza GSE)
Jan 21 00:26:42 Newbie=Drunk UK Nazi!^L was kicked (Monza GSE)
Jan 21 16:50:44 XabaAfraidFakeFriend^q^L connected (Monza GSE)
Jan 21 00:26:42 Newbie=Drunk UK Nazi!^L was kicked (Monza GSE)
Jan 21 16:50:44 XabaAfraidFakeFriend^q^L connected (Monza GSE)
Jan 21 16:53:00 ShutYourMouthTzatziki^L connected (Monza GSE)
Jan 22 23:08:31 Xab^qBan All Idiot^q^L connected (Monza GSE)
Jan 29 22:49:18 Simon=Obersturmführer^L connected (Monza GSE)
Jan 29 22:51:18 Simon=UK_Nazi_A.H.^L connected (Monza GSE)
Feb 09 22:09:33 Xaba=[MRc]Simon_Licker : connected (Monza GSE
Feb 09 22:12:32 U R the biggest Fupelo^L connected (Monza GSE)
Feb 09 22:14:17 Fupelo=big fat idiot^L connected (Monza GSE)
Feb 10 15:35:12 Joking=999daysBanOnMRc^L connected (Monza GSE)
Feb 10 15:36:43 ^S…eMRc=NaziBanServer…e : connected (Monza GSE)
Feb 10 15:38:05 ^S…eMRc=NaziBanServer…e^L connected (Monza GSE)
Feb 11 22:00:57 Xaba^qEL_Yes_Monza_No^q^L connected (Monza GSE)
Feb 11 22:02:11 Xaba^qEL_Yes_Monza_No^q^L connected (Monza GSE)
Feb 11 23:00:26 FUp^qBetterPoorThen***^L connected (Monza GSE)
Feb 12 23:08:49 : connected (Monza GSE)
Feb 12 23:11:47 ShutYourMouth****Xaba^L connected (Monza GSE)

I think I have **** out anything to offending sorry if I missed any.

Monza has individual bad moments, but in general he is very nice guy. I would use only short bans with him, because as I said, his "mad moods" are just temporarily.

Watching that log, looks like he has taken very personally the ban. He is so sensitive soul. I would treat him differently.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from jmeade :29.02.2098

such date doesnt exist - discarded