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S3 licensed
Quote from Lulu420 :Hey everyone, looking for one hell of a beginner set up can anyone help? Right now I'm running between 1:42 and 1:50 would like to get that time down.

Hi bro and welcome. Just take one setup at I think I was at the same time with you at AA|Blackwood recently. I noticed you was not familiar with the track, and your driving lines were far from optimal. Begin with spectating faster drivers from cockpit and watch their braking points and driving lines. You were using only 60% of the track width in the corners. Good luck!
Restricted amount of tire sets/ no automatic reset
S3 licensed
Just noticed while driving another sim, that I had old tires while exiting garage.

If we will have some day new tire physics in LFS, I would love to see this feature also. And also that event host could restrict amount of tires I can use during the session/event.

From development point of view this would mean, that during a track session I should explicitly change tires if I want a new set (current behavior is that I get automatically new tires when session changes or when I exit garage). This could be also expanded, that also the car damages would not be automatically fixed.

I think the most simple way to implement this is, to remove car reset effect during garage visit or session change. Nothing else is needed (hmm what about spectating and re-joining track....the game should remember the car state/"save the car in garage"). We can do a pit stop if we want to repair/change tires.

edit: Just noticed that in that other sim you can even choose between tire sets, used tire set is not thrown away, you can choose it later again.
Last edited by lucaf, .
Most sick inventions seen in racing scene
S3 licensed

Just thinking the feeling of the driver sitting first time in that car. No gears, no roaring, just a silent whisper.
S3 licensed
Official mod support for cars+tracks would be the final solution for lack of content.
S3 licensed
A tyre filled with air feels a genius idea compared to this one. I just cant take this serious.
S3 licensed
@GT4tube, did you choose such setup for purpose? Your car behaves like and old american car, I mean old.
S3 licensed
Race start of round2
S3 licensed
thanks for another nice event&layout
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Short vid of my first laps at the pre-season event:
S3 licensed
okay fail for me, I thought Mint cards are something that can be converted into money (or even Steam money).
S3 licensed
send me your mintcard in pm and if it works I buy you voucher?
S3 licensed
Looks great. I was thinking FZ5 for Midtown, but XRT is always a good choice.
S3 licensed
Inspired to make my "edition" of the KY1X RGE Sprint 8 layout. Its kinda "nub" edition (it is easier to drive). Modifications in chicane and t1 (t1 is pushed more far so that braking area is easier). Also some small cosmetic mods. I post it here just to share a copy to Rony, use it if you feel its worth Smile.
S3 licensed
what I shame, I was formatting one hard drive while I raced, and suddenly got popup window "drive formatted" and lost control of the car. So angry Frown hopefully laughing at this tomorrow
S3 licensed
In case someone forgot, this is starting very soon
S3 licensed
Wow you put nice effort on this report. My aim was to get zero damage during race, and I succeeded in it pretty well, I think it helped me to preserve the race pace.
S3 licensed
Interesting! Will check this
S3 licensed
Hope to see this layout also in the championship!
S3 licensed
Quote from texxxas :Also there is lack of signs on this track. When you exit the pits, for the first time especially, you don't really know which way is correct so I would suggest to put some arrows to show where is pit exit.

I would love to have also distanse signs for more corners cuz currently only few corners have got it.

For example the start points could be rotated towards the direction of pit exit so one need not to guess between left or right.

About other signs, during first laps I was also missing that kind of information texas mentioned. But after doing some 20 laps and coming familiar with the track, I don't need signs anymore.
S3 licensed
Just to mention: the server is listed as cruise server in the multiplayer list - may be diffcult to find for anybody who uses the "Race" filter. (sorry for bringing this thread back on topic)
S3 licensed
Nice layout, nice car select. Like!
S3 licensed
Quote from Czerwony Smok : I'm defending players who buyed LEGAL LICENSE and get banned for playing on LFSPro except players who advertising LFSPro here.

in my understanding, banning applies only for players advertising LFSPro here. Relax brother.
S3 licensed

Since its still one week until Round 2, I now open a serious request about the next track/layout. The layout flow itself is genius. I love the track, brilliant creative idea and nicely implemented.

But let's be honest about those speed bump curbs. They are joy-killers.
So my request is to have the following modification

current version:

my suggest:

comments, anyone else?

modificated lyt attached
Last edited by lucaf, .
S3 licensed
Again lfs forum and lfsworld down this morning. Master server was ok. I don't know why I write this in this thread.