RRE got updated couple of weeks ago. Among the updated things, GT3 cars got new physics and tire model.
Interested on this, managed to find the "starter pack" on 5€ inside the game's store portal. The pack contains 5 tracks and 10 cars (one of those being GT3 car, meaning you can join multiplayer servers hosting GT3 series). Have to say, wasn't too bad the feeling of McLaren GT3 car.
He doesnt tell did he play LFS in a year before buying S2. IMO running modern windows with 2GB ram is insanity, just leave that laptop for email usage and buy a real computer
Also lfsword tells that he had made a strong 1:19 with XRG on BL1, god knows what add-ins he is running
2GB RAM is already too little amount for the OS. You may want to downgrade your LFS version to get back lightweight Blackwood 2016? DDR3 RAM costs nothing...why you suffer with 2GB? Buy another 2GB
In another sim, the voting has a period of time until its valid. In LFS no, wich causes sometimes hilarious situations, when non-voted racers spectate from track.
Short clip of yesterday's division 2 race of round 2 of DTM cup. My race was just disastrous. But what can it be since I was dead tired, and far too distracted to drive a GTR car. Such a shame since I had very nice setup. Nice event, good organization once again.
Don't know what I am doing different than previous times, but today the camera editing works for me, tried on several tracks, everything works :o hmm...this is weird. Would be too scary to tell if Storm/Maus hadn't same experience.
edit: pfff...false alarm, but now I'm able to modify start and end nodes in GUI (though that is already much, can update old BL1R cam...), still cannot modify x/y, neither chat commands work, only "x" works.
Short clip of 4th round of ABC cup at KY2. Caught massive accident at the last corners of first lap.
(was spectacular to see it from my cockpit, I just saw one car quite high in the air.., unfortunately I reacted with a "smile" even it looked like mostly horrific "fatal" crash)
I've seen this happening with people with small experience and usually not even interested to do a whole race, just want to have a "drag race" to T1. They join the server, and even there is race going on, they vote for restart. Absence of server administrators/moderators makes possible this phenomenon to grow into a new entertaiment culture.
Then I've seen racers, who request restart if they fail in T1, even all other cars pass it without problems. If their vote doesn't pass, they demand restart agressively in chat.
True in multiplayer (except on free weekends). Then there is the competition mode, kind of hotlap competition, where this time, you can take part even you don't have bought that specific track. For example there is one ongoing competition at Macau's track, gosh it was nice
Anyone: What is your experience today, on this game? I bought it some weeks ago, but after playing +100hours Assetto Corsa, Im heavily disappointed on the drive feeling of this one, compared on AC.
I have only Legends Experience pack wich containts for example similar DTM cars of 90's than AC.
Tried some cars of that pack, including those DTM cars. And of course on Nordschleife wich also this game has laser scanned version. Compared to AC, this game is like driving on pool table.
Nordschleife track is not flat, instead the surface is curved. This I dont feel in the game at all. The driving sensitivity feels like you are floating over the track, not rolling on the track. Do I have just missed some critical settings, or anyone having same experience?
Such a pity, since the user interface of the game is very good, unlike in AC...
edit: one interesting feature there is in multiplayer mode - you can join servers that contain cars you do not have. For example you can join a sever if you have the track, and if you have at least one car listed on the server. So you can race with opponents that run cars you cannot select.
edit: 5 weeks later I have to change my opinion. The FFB feeling is different than AC, but more I play it more I get used to it and now I find myself enjoying this game. Now I even can feel the track sufrace that I couldnt feel when writing this. AC has still very interesting wheel sensitiviness but I wouldnt say this one game is bad either. Never judge too early...