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S3 licensed
oh fk, true, game ruined Uh-hu I wished this contest would help us to wait for the "real" update, but....rules are rules....any official update will do the job Shrug xD
S3 licensed
I think my reality doesnt match with the reality of ddos attackers
S3 licensed
Quote from Tomislav531 :What is it with lfs everybody wants to ban someone, do you get off on this kind of this. The guy confessed explained everything got dnf end of story no need for ban. Most of you dont know the story and were never part of any fragmaster race but you read now that somebody cheated. But you still comment because deep down there you like it when someone gets banned. And its so funny when a demo racer comments about this too. Stick to your businness ppl, involved are smart enough and can handle this situation without you "ban predators".


Using speedhack is a cheat of totally greater scale than just having an unbreakable clutch. Imagine you rob one lollipop in supermarket or if you rob a bank. In both cases you are just a robber? xD
S3 licensed
I am not for a ban - South was willing to co-operate with us in Discord by answering and explained his clutch behaviour.

BUT admins should also reset his series point, because he has used this mod also in previous races, (at least in AS2, FE2R... he used it and in Street Obsession league races also, Im too lazy to check all mpr's).
S3 licensed
I think it is good username cannot be changed
S3 licensed
Give power to uneducated people, and the result is this
S3 licensed
I can access lfsworld
S3 licensed
Its possible to edit the file, but it will not work, I tried. What I am interested of, is this a bug/leak that should be fixed by devs, or is it smthing else. The actual problem is, that debounce value of 0ms will make your clutch "unbreakable" - it will not slip anymore. So as long as we have this issue, I think its better than everyone is aware of this, instead of being a secret of chosen ones.

And since we have new release coming...would be nice if this clutch trick would be prevented there.
Last edited by lucaf, .
Gearshift Debounce less than 20ms
S3 licensed
Some users are able to modify Gearshift Debounce value to 0 (parameter in Options/Misc, officially lowest value is 20ms). Could anyone tell how that is done?
S3 licensed
Does it create a problem, if you have too many sign ups? If yes, just drop those who joined only first event or only one, I think there are some...
But if there is not a concrete upper limit of sign ups, then just let the show go on...
S3 licensed
Nevermind, the community will not leave LFS, we can wait. For the Devs I would like to say - stay cool, we all be back when the hate messengers have finished their mission.

Its summer on the door. Let them waste their money and time with happy ddossing, lets enjoy life elsewhere meantime.
S3 licensed
live broadcast ongoing Smile

S3 licensed
You have multiple accounts?
S3 licensed
official stream of 29.3.18, in case somebody has missed this great new FM channel

my struggle, eh it was my first ride on points! LFS
S3 licensed
Quote from RC-Maus :Just watched replay (how can one guy not burn clutch at all?)

In my eyes clearly a cheat

Me and celeritas were wondering this in Discord also. Really strange and doesn't look like autoclutch.

edit: actually may be autoclutch? Its orange after green light, and goes slowly towards 0% during first 8 laps. Ekme...share us your knowledge Smile we are curious ppl and want to learn new things Smile

mpr sucks :/
Last edited by lucaf, .
S3 licensed
here is my drive from yesterday

In my opinion the sign up could be still open since the amount of participants is decreasing on each event
S3 licensed
One hour earlier better for me

edit: anything 1-3hours earlier is better
Last edited by lucaf, .
S3 licensed
If you need to use handicap and you don't do it, its like using speed hack, isn't it?
S3 licensed
Incar videos of my races at FE5 (fresh upload, HD version will be available later)


round2/reverse grid;
S3 licensed
On some forums I have seen the restriction that a new user cannot insert hyperlinks in his post
S3 licensed
Free Weekend going on Raceroom - drive everything for free all weekend
S3 licensed
That was great learning session. My 2nd FZR event. WE2 is fantastic track for that car. Unfortunately I got distracted twice and both times end off track (ah, 3rd distraction the pits). First half of the race was exciting try to catch Redbot while Snoopy was catching me.

I made TV Director cams for WE2, tomorrow maybe record the race and some day I hopefully have the patience to upload it with wireless internet.

Quote from jackson93 :I lead wrong tables but that is the price of lack of gtr experience. Sorry everybody I put in danger.
After a morning practice I improved my pb by a second or so.

You improved great during the race!


#camfile we2
Last edited by lucaf, .
S3 licensed
LFS TV Director
S3 licensed
remember guys quali 20min in XL events, don't join late Wink
S3 licensed
my incar. HD version available soon