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S3 licensed
10 years, so you already have new Westhill and new Blackwood to explore
S3 licensed
Rockingham has 11 different configurations. I have some vids of them in my youtub channel. Still the whole question soumds a troll, since everyone knows the S3 content
S3 licensed
welcome back! subscription hosts should put all Airio config files available
S3 licensed
Not anymore my personal issue but still worth to fix: Currently only the two most important Airio configuration files are accessible for the administrator. Others no. Why?

For example all stats file (airio.stats.*.txt) (they are not tho configuration files, but someone may be interested on exporting stats on other server) and one very useful is airio.tcd.txt where you can for example configure custom restriction car classes (even in Airio Free).

I think this is not too big work to do and would bring more interest on using the service.
S3 licensed
Quote from RC-Maus :U can copy path files from lfs to airio


Ah of course. My brains were sleeping.

Quote from Racon : we could really do with a PTH-making tool of some description for custom tracks. (IIRC I had a tinker a while back, but can't remember what issue I ran into to stop me... will look again sometime Wink )

Thinking aloud: I know (think!) they're needed for TV-Director and live-lap type things, but is it also the PTH file the AIs use to drive? Would we be able to get them on custom tracks if we could build our own PTH files?

That topic deserves own thread. PTH creator would be super welcome.
S3 licensed
Im thinking of pth files, how many tracks will preserve compatibility?
S3 licensed
I dig more my Airio configurations related to re-joining races and noticed I could use the rejoin % and leave midrace joining open for the first % of the race (meaning the first 36 seconds, in one hour race).

This would allow people to join or re-join race during first 36 seconds (or why not 2% => 72 seconds) just in case somebody crashes badly in T1 or does a jump start. The rejoining can be restricted also for only one re-join. How does that sound?

In addition to this, I plan to keep server passworded during the qualification and maybe remove password after the rejoin percentage has completed (should then bind the command on my wheel button) just for having audience and PR for the event (so far nobody has complained the noisy audience during Round2).

S3 licensed
I tried to search answer for this, but did not found.

If I have disabled midrace joining and have following Airio configuration:


Does the NumRejoin parameter limit the re-joining after CTRL+P?

Second question is: I found this from an old post
Quote from EQ Worry :That means you can set NumRejoins to 0, which basically says midrace join is not allowed

I think this can't be true since rejoin<>join, NumRejoins to 0 only restricts rejoins, but not joins, right?
Last edited by lucaf, .
S3 licensed
I apologize anyone who is getting disturbed of replying 13 years old thread. But as we know, threads related to LFS content does't get old so quick as we think Smile

I am little bit surprised, that LX6's rear is still more heavy than LX4's one, even it lacks the spare tyre. If we compare the total mass and weight distribution of those cars, LX4 rear weights 269,5kg while LX6 weights 280,3kg. How does anyone explain that?

Does this mean the weight of the spare tyre is 0kg? And LX6 is heavier just because of wider rear tyres?
The future of Airio after updated tracks will be released?
S3 licensed
How do you see this? Airio will R.I.P. after the new graphics/tracks release of LFS?
S3 licensed
Round2 results + everything you want to know about the race

Thanks again for anyone supporting, joining and having fun. I still need to improve my routines and I hope next event will have better control. I wanted to leave midrace open for a little while (for example one racer had false start and was spectated) and it caused some others curiuous people to joined the race.

The fatal mistake was that I had forgot to set "SpecFromPits=True", so the non-invited racers were able to rejoin several times even they crashed their cars. Despite of all this, seems that they didn't cause significant mess to the race.

Feel free to discuss the race either here or on my Discord
Last edited by lucaf, .
LYT & SET file format update for 0.7 release?
S3 licensed
Would the track update release be a good opportunity to add couple of fields in the layout and car setup file formats?
  • Creator (can be set only for new setup)
  • Version (automatic increase?)
  • Modified by (maybe autofill with current username)
  • Description (only for .set files)
Also longer names for car setup filenames would be welcome. I guess this has been already suggested, but since time has passed...Petals Wave
S3 licensed
Very nice! Grid looks dense, may cause traffic in T1. After a quick look I like everything but I feel little bit "hmm...why?" about the sharp apex that can be seen in the first gif above (the latter corner) - ah you ran out of objects, right? Big grin.
S3 licensed
...meanwhile in Finland - someone was too eager on curbs!
S3 licensed
And what is exactly the problem? Throttle does not work? Does it work in the Option-Controls-Axis view?
S3 licensed
you have installed latest logitech software? I have no problem with g920. My sw version is 8.96.88
S3 licensed
Friday practice race mpr attached
S3 licensed
Round 2 is closer than ever!

I updated new information in Round2 Document.

If you feel tired to remember times in UTC format, check the timetables from Race Calendar and you'll see the times in your local time zone. Yes, I added a practice race for next Fri.

If you feel tired to learn all the tricks of new layouts, I have now made it easier to you. I listed all specific things which in my understanding is good to notice on that layout. You'll find my list in the description of the Round 2 Preview video.

If you want to see the list who all have signed up for this series and who so far have won Voucher Draws, you find the list in the 2nd tab of the Point Standings sheet
S3 licensed
A tip that I discovered later, you can test your custrom pit with AI by copying the pit objects from X/Y layout to the closed config lyt file, for example fe6.lyt or fe6r.lyt
S3 licensed
LFS could make cars like AC, almost each car has several versions, less and more powerful.
S3 licensed
Deserves ban just for the racist username
S3 licensed
Such sad, another guy searching for the purpose of his life.
Easier indexing in layout editor
S3 licensed
Again one "low priority" suggestion, but at the same time I think this does not require big effort to do. If someone knows (once again) a workaround to this, please tell Smile

When I create custon grid or custom pit start points, I usually never manage to get the indexes right in the first pass. Specially if I copy&paste a custom grid/pit from layout2 to layout1. This means I need to assign the indexes manually one by one, which then means "lot of" mouse/keyboard efforts. Its still not a big task, but since ergonomic UI is a trademark of LFS, I would love to see a way to index those things more easy.

Implementation suggestion: For example there could be an "Index all" function in the grid slot (and pit start point) objects, and when you click it, it highlights (maybe with different highlight color) all slot objects and wait for your clicks. So you click them in the order you want to be them indexed, and while you click each one, the highlight color for example changes (for example from red to green). After you have cliked the last one, maybe you could see messagebox "40 grid slots indexed" and when you click OK the highlight color disappear and it kinda exits the indexing mode.

Same implementation for all indexable objects.

Has this any sense?

However, I would be more than happy, if the index-edit-box just would pop up when I double click the object. Actually this one modification would be 95% faster to implement and it would help a lot.

edit: And why cut/paste will now manipulate the index of pasted object?
Last edited by lucaf, .