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Oh my ****ing god
Missed the green light again s**t
patch x is the bitch interesting reading on Haiku

For those who are having problems, here is a syllable counter

S2 licensed
Man horrible crash, especially when it takes off as it clips the wall which rips of the wheel it actually angles the car so that it hits the wall head on. I didn't see it live as I was LFS league racing yesterday but man, saw he highlights last night... Thank god for modern safety rules and innovations. I mean in the early nineties no way would he have survived that crash. I was amazed how intact the monocoque was, especially the font of the car where the legs are.

Kubica is a lucky man, glad he is ok

they should rest him for the next race..

S2 licensed
Lets hope Heidfeld will win
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Well, I kind of see their point. I am not strongly religious so I do not have a problem with a bloodbath within a church especially on a computer game but I can see how this would upset the church who have very strong religious beliefs. They also see it as disrespectfully to the religion.

I think its over the top but I can see where they are coming from. I am sure Buddhists or Muslims would say the same if there was a game with bloods and guts being spilled within their sacred temples and shrines.

S2 licensed
Grats CD, welcome to teh world of S2

nice one AlienT

see ya on track!

S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :Woa I never knew Vigilante8 was so famous.

Ohh yes... man I spent hours and hours playing Vigilante 8 on my psx. So much infact I used to have really flat thumbs from the controller lol..

was great. Especially the area 51 level where you discover the secret ufo spaceship. good old times.

@Sam: I to think the explosion looks a little out of place in that picture, doesn't quite go with the rendering of the car. Also the debris looks way too realistic for any game i think.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :That's my idea of a good day on the beach

Not so good, I posted these vids on the page previously, watch the one what happens when the plane is taking off from that end of the runway. You wouldn't want to be on the beach then would you lol....

here it is for you: ... ;mode=related&search=
S2 licensed
Looks it will be a good time to buy a computer, I am planning an upgrade soon and any price cutting brings a smile to my face. Btw.. were there any discussions about the new upcoming AMD Phenom k10 processor on the forum?

S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :I just thought of this : How did the ice ages come to an end? Did the Neanderthals make huuuuuuge fires? I don't think so. I think it's impossible that global warming is caused by human activities alone.

Well it obviously ended by gradual warming of the earth. This warming could have been down to many factors, atmospheric changes ie green house gasses in the atmosphere rapidly increased and as they did so did the temperature due to more heat being captured within the atmosphere. It could have also been caused by slight changes in the earth's orbit which do occur.

But don't forget, these changes in temperature and the gradual end of the ice age has taken thousand if not millions of years. We are seeing earth's temperature rise over the last 50 years which is very short if you consider the earth's lifetime.
S2 licensed
Quote from RedQuad :In the end you just see what they want you to see....

True, I was thinking the exact same thing. Ok so there is a base there but they could have easily told google to put some other fictional or real base on google earth so people would think they are looking at the real thing..

Quote from wheel4hummer :You weren't looking at Area 51, you were just looking at the Nellis Air Force Base. Suposedly, Area 51 doesn't exist. But some crazy people think that there is a hidden complex underground there or something.

On the contrary wheel hummer, they denied it existed for a very long time but in 1997 US government declassified area 51.. read on wiki.

I agree that it is just an airbase but rumours have it it goes go deep underground. (Maybe watching too much of X-Files)

I downloaded a small pack for google earth which shows you with pins most of the secret areas in the planet including some russian labs embedded into the side of hills. Some very interesting stuff..

btw.. has anyone see the area 51 alien interrogation vids on you tube? lol!
S2 licensed
Talking of secret places. I thought, which is the most secretive place on earth that we know about.. hmm Area 51 so I opened up google earth and did a search for it. I didn't expect to find it as highly sensitive areas are censored out of google earth but to my surprise i found it and in great detail. You can very nicely make out certain planes on the runway, cars and very clearly see the base....

Must say... Americas secret services are slacking .......
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :

BIG image though (7 mb!)

I'm at the very front and my team mate it on the right at the front. Unfortuantely he was cropped off the image


I posted the image few posts above

hehe.. sorry Jakg.. couldn't resist
S2 licensed
Quote from kiss me :Scawen, i just saw yuo updated the main site(or whoever did it )
i was wondering: will that background be up for download?
i want to see if i'm there, but i cant see it so good

thanks for patch X!

the image was posted by Don in the screenshot section.

direct link

56k warning it is a HUGE image
S2 licensed
I am in league 51, only problem is it is still empty with only me on the grid?? I know some people may still join before the race tonight but how does the league placing work exactly after a season is finished. All the teams that I was racing with disappeared! are you randomly placed into another league after each season?
S2 licensed
Heh.. some cool stuff there. I loved the FireFox crop logo circle...... haha!
S2 licensed
Yeah... I really still don't understand after all the trouble Starforce has caused game companies still go for it as mean of protecting their software.

I hope Trackmania United will be Starforce free.!

S2 licensed
Thanks very much Scawen for all you hard work you have put into this over the last few weeks... great stuff

S2 licensed
Yeah, trully amazing and brave piloting. If i was on that plane I think I would have filled up a few sickness bags lol. Actually I would have probably shat myself tooo..

Can't say I am a confident flyer, I don't trust technology too much!
S2 licensed
Just watched this video on youtube, go to 2.34 of the vid, man the way that 747 approached the runway and landed was just crazy! amazing skill! wow ... ;mode=related&search=
S2 licensed
Cool vid Highsider

There i also a vid on youtube of planes landing at St. Maartin

Man look at the jet stream from the jumbo preparing to take off!.. whoah! not sure I would want to be on the beach then lol

edit: ... ;mode=related&search= ... ;mode=related&search=

id love to go there!

Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Vigilante 8 rocked! Had it on the psx. Great fun game.

This game looks really nice, looks like great fun.

Cars and guns are a great combo and provides mayhem and a lot of fun.

Sometimes I wish I had a mounted gun on my car in LFS so when I get spammed by a blue flag n00b I could blow him to hell muhahahaha.. :gnasher:

will keep an eye out for this one....

S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :I think that global warming is being caused by the sun. My belief for this, is that the sun does not burn at a constant rate. Right now, the sun is just burning a little faster then it was 5000 years ago. Also, the polar ice caps on mars, which interestingly enough are made of CO2, are melting.

Well its a possibility, sun is a huge unstable energy generator which has been burning for god knows how many zillion years. The sun is burning quite intensely right now apparently. But and it's an important but you have to ask yourself, surely the amount of CO2 we pump out into our own atmosphere must have some impact on the fine balance ecosystem of our planet. The co2 that was locked under ground in form of oil and coal has now been dug up and burned with the resulting CO2 pumped into our atmosphere. Surely this must have some effect on the way the atmosphere traps heat from our sun.

Because we don't yet fully understand how our planet actually works and how all this finely balanced ecosystem operates this is why it is important to preserve it. We started destroying it before fully understanding it. Sure it's easy to say, meh its the sun causing it, global warming isn't man made, its a normal life cycle of our planet but the fact is we just don't know and this is why it it at least important to consider the possibility that we may be effecting the temperature and try to lessen our impact. We also need to clean up our act as so far we aren't living very clean lifestyles. Pollution is everywhere you look.

I'd rather we did something about our emmisions of CO2 and even other pollutants then just wait until its really too late. Surely that makes sense.

Now the problem is, the way being green and global warming is exaggerated by the media and how politicians jumped on it to take hold and to make a few million by taxing us more to be green has been ridiculous. We we do need to be more efficient in our lifestyles, electricity wise, oil wise, food wise etc.....
S2 licensed
Well that was a very useful post, plenty of brains behind that one! What exact was the point of posting that?

Anyway, I agree with Tweaker, as strongly as Racer X feels about certain issues (Iraq was in this case) I feel that posts like these should be posted and discussed on some political forum where it would engage in a healthy discussion. I think by now everyone knows the story with America, their leader, the way the war is going etc I am also sure Americans are pretty sick of all this bashing too, they seem to suffer everywhere you go these days..... Post like these will just cause arguments which will lead off topic, become personal attacks, and generally make for an unhealthy atmosphere..

however... Racer has the freedom of speech to post this as does anyone else... including X tempor
S2 licensed
:ices_rofl Tweaker! LFS 2012 haha! Great stuff mate!
S2 licensed
Heh, story is a pure classic. That must have been an experience, I lol'd at how he was upset of spilling his soda. I am surprised the driver didn't notice he hit something. Just think if the driver of the truck stepped on the brakes hard and the wheel chair detached. Could have been nasty, glad it all turned out ok and he wasn't injured.

Just imagine the cops saying to you "Sir, you have a man in a wheel chair attached to the front of your vehicle" ROFL