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I am currently considering getting this card, I am planning a serious pc upgrade in June/July depending how the job goes but I will certainly buy a ATI card... I may wait a little while for other versions of the card to become available and the drivers to be improved. The Radeon 2900XT has 512mb of ram right? now i am not a techno geek like some people here but how much does the graphics ram actually matter to the performance?

will a nVidia 8800gtx 768mb out perform a radeon 2900xt 512mb ?

I know not all the performace is down to the ram, but instead the architecture but there must be some benefit in having more ram.. right?

S2 licensed
Lmfao at the answer to question 22! hahaha!

Quite a hard quiz there BBT, who ever wins it will surelly have earnt his place in the full s2 licensed community ..

Last edited by Madman_CZ, . Reason : small edit
S2 licensed
Yeah you are most probably right, my old athlon xp 2600+ is having a hard time coping with many things nowdays. At the moment I can still play LFS with a full grid and start at the back although it does drop to 16fps but it is still playable. I am running it at 1500x1040 x8af x4aa so I am running it at quite high quality so reducing the resolution and anti aliasing would improve my performance but i don't really want to do that

Having hi res skins online will probably make my LFS run slightly worse btu I am planning a brand spanking pc upgrade in JUNE so then it wont be an issue... time to buy a radeon 2900

In the mean time i shall just wait until then before I pay for extra hi res skins.

S2 licensed
I think for £1 to get hi-res skins online is really a bargain, I normally am not too fussed about skins while I am racing online, I am either far ahead of everyone so that I never see any cars in the race or when I am battling it out with people I usually don't look at their skins as I am overtaking. I would only notice it when I watch the replays which isn't very often really... nevertheless I will pay for hi res skins come patch X. My computer probably wont cope as it has a hard time of running lfs and 22 people when starting last so any extra load on the resources wont go down well, but what the heck....

S2 licensed
I agree with Becky on this, although I don't have any industry experience (yet) I do think that being an artist in the game industry is a tough job because there are a number of jobs artists have to do. Usually the big loaded with money studios with very strict time-scales will hire an artists for each specific role within the studio to do a specific job.

Storyboard artist
Concept artists
3D modeller
Environment artist/ Level editor
Texturer/uvw unwrapping + texture creation
Character Rigger

and the list goes on with other roles... Now, ok so lfs is a racing sim so character rigging and animation isn't really a major part of lfs except the drivers arms animation with the wheel. LFS has only one person to do the rest, Eric designs the models, models them, unwraps them, creates textures for them ,designs the environments, textures the environment etc which is a huge undertaking for just one person. I graduated last year from a Computer Animation course on which we did everything above ourselves.

I had to first write a plan for the whole project, I then had to the the research, I then had to design the environments and characters on paper, I then had to model the characters and environments, once modelled I had to rig the characters and animate them within my scene, I then had to unwrap all of the models (which is the most tedious and boring task ever) then I had to go out and get photos for textures, some I would create manually in photoshop.. then I had to sort out the lighting in the scenes and then finally render out the animation and synch it wish sound and edit it before I could hand it in... and all of that was just for 30-40 seconds worth of animation. so I know how much work is involved. It takes months or hard work and patience so I fully respect Eric and the work he does as its a mamouth task to go it alone as a game artists.

I am sure that programmers work is just as tough but ultimately there is more need in the game industry for artists than for programmers.

I really believe Eric's pc is loaded with extra content, he just needs Scawen to get lfs ready for it.


edit: @aaltomar Low poly modelling is difficult and is a specialized job, when a company comes to you and says "right i need a model of a formula one car and the maximum polygon count limit is 9000polys, now go and do it" its very difficult to start to model something from scratch and meet the limit. The model has to be planned out well so that halfway through you don't suddenly find that you are past the limit already. I am not sure whether it should be faster or slower than high poly modelling as both methods are very different.
Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Yep, quite alot imho. Dont get me wrong, it still jumps a little, but so does every other MP game now and then.........

not lfs

love the avatar!
S2 licensed
"NetKar Pro fan takes his girlfriend for a ride"

hint - number plate /hint
S2 licensed
GTA San Andreas Multiplayer i am guessing. How good exactly is it? i remember trying GTA on-line a few years back but it was laggy as hell and totally poo *adds poo to his firefox dictionary"

Does it actually work without any problems?

S2 licensed
Well didn't Scawen say that Eric is redoing the GTR cockpits and that South City is being remodelled and updated? Thats all I heard, I hope that there is more as a surprise though. What ever Eric is doing I hope its LFS related

Well I guess you can speculate, its part of the anticipation awaiting the Y patch. Not like this forum is alive with anything interesting lately.
S2 licensed
muhaha... from 8th to 3rd... good weekend for me... SATO got a point!!
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :And Lordi rule. It was actually the best song there, and it was amongst the less impressive ones on the album. /me runs.

Yeah the political voting is stupidly ridiculous as is the fact that semi finalist countries can vote....

about the album i totally agree / runs and catches up with Duke Toaster.
S2 licensed
Heh, was certainly interesting to watch. Ukraine was just a pure classic LOL.

I loved Terry Wogans comments, he makes the Eurovision worth watching....

favourite quite from last night

"My life flashed before my eyes while she was talking" referring to the weird presenter interviewing the singers in the back room... pure classic...!
S2 licensed
With yesterdays semi-final the list of the acts is now final who will be singing on Saturday for their country. Glad to say that Czech Republic didn't make it to the final phew! We shall just let other countries make fools of themselves

has anyone listened to Andorra's entry? they also dropped out but a bit of punk rock was all right I though...

ohh well...
S2 licensed
Haha, i cannot explain in words the laughter and pain that thread has caused.... hahahahaha totally in tears...lmao

Love how some people thought it was a sweater

pure classic!
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Yeah I like the foreign people. I like most of them anyway, except the Spanish, French, German, Belgian, Italian, Finnish, Swedish, Latvian, Estonian, American, Swiss, Austrian, Canadian, Russian, Danish and Australian ones. And of course the Norwegians - I haven't forgotten about you, Norway. Your time will come.
Oh yes.

You didn't mention the Czechs Kev, means you like us

I have to say that multiculturalism in LFS is pretty amazing and I think its great. Racing with people from all around the globe is great fun.

Definitely all for it!
S2 licensed
" I swear its a PSP he is holding"
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :I think in the driving school classes, they should keep showing picture series of crash aftermaths until half of the people on the class throws up. Should be more efficient than repeating "speeding/dangerous/drunk driving is not ok". Something like this:

Couldn't agree more, even though I don't drive and I have not got a license that is a very powerful awareness campaign. Makes me actually not want a license and a car...... the UK ad I though was ok but i think the message could used differently..

@ Bob.... mnmn certainly made me not want to get into the car with him again, heading to a round about at 90 plus only engine braking and stopping is just intime is
S2 licensed
"Massa proves to the world that driving aids aren't necessary, look I can drive with no hands whilst sitting on top my car"
Last edited by Madman_CZ, . Reason : spelling mistake
S2 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Ok back to the topic.
Madman_CZ it think the Kabat is much better then to have 60years old Vondrackova with her silicon tits .I am gald they didnt choose her.Dont you think . ... ;mode=related&search=

:ices_rofl at the pixel....!

I have to agree there Devil, Vondrackova has passed it, still has good vocals though but I just feel they could have chosen a better song from their new album. The one they have picked I can't help but find very dull and boring. Still maybe its just my taste, and it may actually appeal to people....... who knows.

It's still a lot better than some of the other countries, there are some awful ones that really scramble your brain.

haha the Czech remake of its raining men is funny! Hearing it in English and then in Czech i can't help but laugh....

Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
During an hour of boredom I decided to finally make myself a helmet, one that matches my MRT skin i was going to release it but I am quite proud of it so keeping it.. might give some people a few ideas though
S2 licensed
Quote from Darkone55 :Just two simple edits. Noting too spectaculair.

Nice edits Darktone, I quite like the first image but what would make the image even better if you added thunder clouds to the left side, that area is quite dark and it kinda shows like there's a storm sweeping in over Blackwood, with some lighting and distant rain it would look cool.

Now a noobish question, how do you edit the camera like that? camera hack? is there on released for patch W, I was thinking of doing some scenery shots with different weather but with the default shit + u its rather ermm limited lol..


S2 licensed
I've just been going through some of the songs

I liked Finland a lot, and for some reason Ireland, the Irish entry seemed goood. Sweden, France, Norway and most of the rest were.. painful to hear.... I say Finland wins!
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Haha, Switzerland 0 points.

Seriously, I cant stand that idiot. Sorry, but hes just stupid.

The UK video is exactly what I meant with LMAO during performances.

The Czech isnt as bad as Switzerland and UK IMO. Is it me or do they try to sound like Czech

Heh well the UK entry in my eyes is horrid, in the UK they are really hopeful that it will do well, they see eurovision as a poppy joke song contest and with the track they came up this year they are hopeful that they will do well. Ok so eurovision is cheesy pop but UK entry is just awful, Czech entry is not good in my eyes, as much as I like Kabát singing in Czech wont to them any favours and nor will the fact that is a poor song, they have so many other good songs. About the Czech Rammstein.. ROFL

The German entry ain't too bad, nice style, don't have a clue as to what he is singing about.

@Blackout: Push teh Button! pure awesomness!
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster : ... =scooch&search=Search

The UK entry

You think that is bad?

Czech entry by Kabat!

btw hasn't been decided if they are going to actually sing on saturday.. there is a semifinal to get through on thursday wgere they pick another 8 countries from like 20
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Logically, no. Well, not unless the chicken was entirely water in the first place. Which I doubt.

Ok... I meant they are giving you 33% of extra weight of which is added water...