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Quote from JamesK :Would be nice to have a truck in LFS ... I guess the collision handling needs fixing first, lol

Ahh another truck fan I see! I am proud to own that game and still play it frequently

The bus game was ok, graphics were surprisingly nice but it drive like poo
S2 licensed
Quote from fragile_dog :Madman: what pc are you using to run it on? Wondering if mine will keep up ;X

i am running stalker on:

athlon xp 2600+ 2.06Ghz
asus a7n8x motherboard
Ati Radeon 9800pro
1 gig of ram

I am playing the game at 1400x1050 with 4x anti aliasing and 4x anisotropic filtering.

I have Stalker on medium settings, its runs quite well but sometimes it does have hicups like when you enter the map view it takes a while to load up, sometimes there is stutter as texture load into memory but its not too bad... i am reluctant to reduce the resolution but it plays even beter at 1280x960
S2 licensed
oooooh, I was thinking of making this thread a while ago. I pre-ordered S.T.A.L.K.E.R few weeks ago and finally received the collectors edition on friday... man its a great game. Yes it has a few bugs and few issues in it especially after 5 years of development but its a really enjoyable game to play.

The atmosphere is really nice in the game with spooky sound effects and annomalies throughout the area and when the weather changes to stormy wow its even better with the flashes of lighting all over the place.

I just wish i had a pc powerfull enough to play it with maximum effects

The AI in the game is very clever, humans anyway, soldiers tend to hide when you open fire at them but they also change their position, ususally you would just sit in one place and camp untill the ai comes out again to have another pop at you but in stalker they actually move about so much that you cant sometimes find them and then they headshoot you from the back somewhere.... quite impressed with it however i find the ai of the monsters really weird, sometimes they are very good but there are occasions where they just stand still whilst you approaching them filling a whole magazine into them... it has a few little bugs like this... but over all its a enjoyable game with a great atmosphere.
Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
or how about an image of your real address from google earth/maps ?
S2 licensed
how about taking a photo of the most valuable item in you home that means the most to you. By valuable I don't mean as in cost but in sentimental value for whatever reason
S2 licensed
I quite like the "draw yourself idea" but I think something like taking an artistic photo of yourself with your steering wheel is better by artistic i mean whacky!
S2 licensed
I would recommend Colostrum if you want to build yourself muscles. Bovine Colostrum is only present in cows milk for 48h after a calf is born so its the most nutritious milk, colostrum is then extracted from the acces milk the calf doesn't drink and cleaned up for human consumption but it still isnt very know and not sold widely but it has many benefits including fast repair and growth of muscles. Do a bit of searching on the net and read more on it It's been in a few mags and athletes and bodybuilders have been using it.

also a good link

It is also all natural so you won't be harming your body in anyway.

S2 licensed
Quote :“Even without radio I knew that they were saying: ‘Kimi, wake up!’”

He has telepathic powers too
S2 licensed
ok so march is coming to an end so was wodering whether someone was thinking of April? any suggestions?
S2 licensed
All I can say is WTF was the designer thinking. That car makes me wanna throw up everytime I look at it.

"We wanted to show younger car enthusiasts that environmentally friendly cars don't have to look like a Prius"

rofl so instead you made it look like a pile of crap!

But ignoring its hidiousness what's beneath is certainly interesting, with 650hp it cerainly has some power.
S2 licensed
usually when you promise that you will do most if not all of the house work for a few months then parents tend to be kind and generous and give you the money.
S2 licensed
Heh, i am sure quite a few people saw some of my pics in my avatars, but here are some i dug out quickly, last one is the most normal looking that I could find
S2 licensed
Quote from wsinda :When you see someone who is trying to cut down a tree with a hammer, do you blame the hammer?

The video may be funny, but the idea is silly. Only an idiot would try to enter programming code though a speech recognition tool, and expect a good result. The tool is meant for processing spoken natural languages. Perl isn't in that domain, last time I checked.

Well no, but there are plenty of other videos of microsoft speech recognition where they only want to use it for typing a normal word document and it goes all tits up.... including at a public demo. But don't get me wrong sometimes it can be quite amazing when it works....
S2 licensed
I loved the Windows cd shreding video entertaining too loved he he shoved the plastic disc in and it would shred it so he went back and forth untill it was totaly finished... great stuff!

I really dont see many uses for speech recognition, only maybe for the disabled but still wouldn't that annoy you if you spend half an hour trying to tget it to type out a web domain.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I guess, you have to understand Czech to really like it. Tbh, I found it really boring.

Yeah me too!!!! and i understand it! so imagine what the rest of Europe will think?? they could have picked a better track!!!!

Anyway, there is a saga going on about the UK entry!!!

read here LOL

and also the presenter announced the wrong winner when public were choosing and the winner was being announced read here

heh its all a big joke, just like the contest lol
S2 licensed
Quote from Da Fish :Hmm, sounds a bit suspiscious to me, but since you have PM'd someone I guess you know who did it?

Just to clear it up, it wasn't Tweaker, I am not bothered who it was really, they can enjoy and have fun with the domain. I have thought about this project with Tweakers help and have come to slightly different conclusions and direction in which I want to take it so I don't need that domain any more

so it wont become just something interesting but something useful
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :lol bummer! Madman, ima PM you something

PM sent
S2 licensed
heh.. just went to see if the domain was still available and what do you know, ITS TAKEN! bought on 19th of march (yesterday). That is quite annoying as when this thread started it was still available...
*flushes toilet for the second time*

either that is coincidence or someone from this forum regstered it...
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :I'm not trying to diss anyone or any idea here, but I think many people think too simplified when it comes to this 'sub-sites' subject. They only work if they're kept interesting and that's where the problem lies.

Yeah, I agree that unless people would make some use of it, it is an expensive project to run just because it looks interesting. Ahh well, there goes the idea, *flushes toilet*

maybe ill just make a fansite to Blackwood then as a point of interest only.

S2 licensed
heh, its not really that great, but it did remind me of bumper cars
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Is actually ANY song not harmful for the ears

Well the track by Kabat the Czech rock band representing Cz for teh first time isnt actually painfull for the ears, its not a bad song and Kabat are a well respected band with some good tracks, unfortunatelly i dont think its their best track that they have picked to sing at the eurovosion, track is called "Mada Dama" listen to it on their myspace. The only problem is, they sing in czech so not many people will understand the song and with Kabat it is mostly about the words in their songs so I think this will hurt them badly if they get to the final. Nevertheless I am proud that Cz didnt enter some cheesy pop crappy band but instead a descent rock band.

S2 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :My mum is on NTl/Virgin Media for the internet and phone,

A friend of mine just singed up to NTL/Virgin Media, the transfer was meant to only take few days but instead they were without their net for 3 weeks!! When i spoke with NTL for them they did all sort of checks to check the line, and yes they even forced me to restart the pc and their crappy router to see if that fixes the line, obviously it didnt as i already tried that!! duh! retards.

In the end it was another few phonecalls before they managed to get an engineer around their house to have a look at it, he said there is something wrong with their line and that it will need to be reconnected again to the box outside their house, but as it wasnt his job they had to wait another week for it to actually be replaced. The engineer tried to blame it on their carpets as the ntl cable led underneath them saying that friction and static build up was causing his net to bugger up.. rofl!

NTL is by far the worst service especially their customer services which are located in Deli I know 3 people who are with ntl and all had probs.

Sky is the same!

I am with bulldog, yes the company was really shit when i joined with them but now they have been bought out by Pipex service has gone up and I am very pleased with them.

The BT home hub thing looks interesting but i can image it will be pants too after a while.

Best to look for smaller isp's as they provide the best service untill they get big enough or some other big company buys them out!
S2 licensed
LOL, has anyone actually heard Israels entry?? Listen here track called push the button.

Czech entry isn't much better either by Kabat!

S2 licensed
Right, back on topic...

If we were to put this project together and have a website for each track we have to decide what info would all need to go on there if the devs don't have any future plans themselves for the track domains.

This is what i have in mind: (using Blackwood as an example)

I would have:

General track info section in which you would find information about Blackwood, its location, maybe design inspirations (comment from the devs) where they got the idea for Blackwood layout and the track name. Atrack history section would have to be there also with maybe few screenshots of Blackwood in its S1 days when it looked a lot different before the 2005 refurbishment of the track, it is also the oldest track in LFS not sure if it is but didnt it appear in the test demos?

I would also include a track layout map nicely designed which would have the corners of Blackwood named (community would decide on names) with average corner speeds and possibly even gear numbers too at each particular corner. You could then also have each section of the track clickable which would then stream a video or you could download a video made by the community of how to drive that particular section concentrating on turn in, gear , approach speed, brakes etc...

This whole section could fall under the drivers guide section of each website. There could also be screenshots labeled and narrated with arrows lines, braking points to show how to take the corner if video isn't enough.

Driver Guide:
Some detailed guides, videos, screenshots of the corners where information about approach lines, speeds, brake points for each different car, and so on. Basically a good section for newbs and general LFS'ers. I would also add a short guide on how you need to setup a car for this track, does the track need a soft setup? hard setup? is it hard on tires? to some degree some of these things rely on individual driving style but basics could be mentioned.

Events: I would also have an events section where key events are listed that are coming up with links maybe to the even itself that public could apply to. This section I think would be a bit tricky to run though as there is just too much going on in LFS but maybe we could organize some races that we could advertise there. There could also be links to leagues and races may be recorded and spectated. What STCC are doing is great!

Photos: Then would come an Image section of various races that have taken place at Blackwood from different series and car classes with some nice screenshots (clear sky/dusk setting) and maybe even serious accidents.

Lap Records: A world record section with the best time driven in each car class which could synch with LFS world?? or could be updated manually but people could check out the latest laptimes on that particular track ( i know lfs worlds shows this)

Links: A links section to the other LFS circuits and all other important LFS websites.

RallyX section: similar stuff to the above but only to do with rallyx.

Downloads: Maybe a download section where users could grab texture updates (best updates available as decided on by the community or devs)? desktop backgrounds of Blackwood and other stuff.

I know it may be a totaly pointless idea which involves quite a bit of work but I would like to know what you think about the whole thing with maybe suggestions what else could be added to the websites.

[edit] If we could come up with some sort of a plan, then we could pitch it to the devs to see what they think and whether they have any current plans themselves, or maybe if they started some work which then got abandoned maybe we could take it from there?


[edit] attached image! Messed around a little and came up with a rough design for the Blackwood site, thought i'd share it with the world... lol Blackwood being the oldest public track i thought it should look a bit historic
Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Wenom :Wrong. ... 7.jgtc_xanavi_skyline.jpg

That looks nothing like an FXR!

[edit} damn you Squidhead