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Right boys, why don't we start with the suggestions a little earlier for May, April was a little bit of a short notice with only a week to decide.... why not start this one a bit earlier.... more input.. more ideas.. more poll voting
S2 licensed
pure classic!
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Quote from Itar (CZ) :Darker mod looks great. And... scary

Yeah, it ads to the atmosphere in the game, makes is very spooky!
S2 licensed
aha.. there you are. Hello! again cheers for the set.. helped a lot. I will need to practise with the car a lot more, its actually rewarding to drive it and be fast.
S2 licensed
Decided to join the f08 night tooo... slightly late mind. Have never in my life driven f08 at Aston Historic Rev and it showed too but towards the end when everyone left i got the hang of it and could actually make a 2.10 around the track lol but mainly that was thanks to a guy called Rob (no idea who you are on the forum) which helped me with the setup....

I really like the car, a handful to drive but once you actually make a drivable set its not too bad!
S2 licensed
Here are the links:

Reality Enhancement mod Beta3
Stalker Realism Pro 0.08b
Dream Mod v0.1
Vehicle Mod 1.0 - Video link
Darker Nights - read through thread, file posted later in thread which improves the day to night changes.. some guy made the night last longer..... which is a lot improved over the original mod file posted in the first post, think its page 6
Realistic looking weapons mod

I haven't tried all of the mods yet, still working on it..... but that forum has mods all over... there is even a mod that makes you limb when you are really injured by gunfire..

game is just soooo gooooood!

Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :So far logged 43 hours in STALKER with the patch. Only one crash, and it was a Xfire issue, not the game.
Loving it so far though. Decided to to rush through the story, so I'll probably still be playing it in another 43 hours

I also can't wait to see what the modding community comes up with for it.

Yeah there are a few mods out already posted on their official forum

Vehicle mod
Darker Nights mod
Realism mod

Just to mention the few gd ones

I especially like the darker nights!!! its is amazing... now instead of the game just going slighly dimmer it goes completely dark so you cant see anything at all apart from your torch light, the guy who made this small mod also extended the torch light to 40m instead of the 13m so you see more otherwise you would be totally blind at night. He also made the night last longer from 10pm to 5am instead of 12am to 2am which was just way too short. But the mod does add nice atmosphere to the night as you have to be more weary and when things jump out at you, you will crap yourself!..


Vehicle mod is also quite cool though not quite finished, you can drive but few small hits into objects causes the car to blow up, and when you load a new area vehicle does not get loaded with you.

I haven't tried the realism mod but I have heard its good, makes you take more weapons, makes headshots more accurate, you have to repair your armour which degrades as well as your weapons...

Game will certainly get better and better as the bugs are fixed and sdk is released..

Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :I'd be more interested to get these into LFS.

Imho Tilke has made very good tracks with nice corners, wouldn't mind seeing some of them in LFS Smile

One of the corners, the first 3 are actually in LFS now at FernBay although slightly different.. (see attachment) I think it is a shame that this little section does not get used in any of the layouts, I think FeBlack and FeGreen could easily use them, it would add a small change to the tracks and the first sector on FeGreen would be made more interesting and challenging. Running FeGreen in reverse with the highlighted section would be even nicer as you would be heading down hill and braking whilst having to turn right which would be quite a challenge.. Big grin I hope it will get added at some point in the future

S2 licensed
Yeah likewise, server temporarily unavailable
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Quote from deggis :What on Earth was that some ALMS race maybe 2-3 years ago, in horrible rain conditions and then there was apparently oil puddle on some critical part of the corner and literally every car that came to that corner spinned or/and crashed the wall.

Yeah I know the one you mean, one corner and half of the field goes off
wow ...
S2 licensed
Quote from Viper93 :They are just not setup for the pace I am used to,

In agreement there, I struggle with the fxr set most of all.. Ben said dont brake as hard... lol..... but thats exactly my style.. brake late as possible and HARD!!! but i did get use to it a little after a while.. i still make it eat the fron tyres thought.... ahh well

S2 licensed
Quote from Lotesdelere :F1 also had some weird crashes.
Here is the most famous one:

hehehe.. yeah, well done David!

Personally I don't agree with all of this negative criticism of Nascar, It's just another type of motorsport, ok so they drive on ovals but you do get some good close racing which F1 can only dream of (not criticizing F1 btw) You always seem to like the motorsport you grew up watching, I didnt grow up watching Nascar as it wasn't available so sure, I don't understand all of it and it doesn't really appeal to me BUT! and its an important but I had a few Nascar racing games which taught me a great deal about the sport and made me appreciate how difficult it must be to drive side by side so closely without touching at high speeds, just try racing Nascar 2003 and see how difficult it is even to be fast on an oval!!!! You must take perfect lines, not brake to much and make as much of the lap as you can... its hard and that's only a game, real life must be even tougher. Its really easy to criticize something but only criticize if you know the sport really well as they you have some merit otherwise people should be quiet. Without knowing what you are talking about you have no right to say Nascar is crap, boring, etc...

I think when i go to America one of the things on my to do list is to go to a Nascar race event and experience it for myself, aswell as visit the Grand Canyon etc etc etc lol
S2 licensed
Quote from ChiliFan :Anyone in the UK who wants a high quality map service:

I can find our horses on that.

wow.. cool and very high detailed map!

avatar updated!
S2 licensed
Yeah tweaking we did,

I drove the XF GTI and we managed to improve that set quite a bit, it had quite a bit of understeer in it but with a few changes it handles pretty well now and the first sector drives really good. But I guess it does depends on your driving style and ability

I didn't drive the XRG GTI as Bob's set for that is just way too loose for my liking but then he did say he improved it and that it sticks now.. so I believe him......

Tonight we raced ther FXR GTR, and man what a crap car! who picked it! grrr anyway...... Bob's set fix2 was just undrivable for me, very unstable and underbraking and downshifting i suffered with a loss of RPMS as wheels locked due to the diff setup. After moaning at him he did manage to change the set a bit see "set fix3" which is a lot more stable and more drivable where one can actually be quite consistent, still i manage to fry the tyres by lap 5 but Bob says he can drive 20 laps with the r2s so I guess i must have some serious defect in my driving..... either that or Bob's set sucks donkey balls but I'll let you decide...

looking forward to sat

Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Yeah.. Happy Easter to you all and all of your loved ones.... hope the day has been good to you

I am officially celebrating easter tomorrow when I buy myself a few Tesco reduced to clear easter eggs mnmnmnnm can't wait.. yum yum
S2 licensed
mnmnmnmnmnmnm tasty!!!!
S2 licensed
Yeah it certainly looks interesting, it will be interesting to see whether it is true or not. I am surprised that after 6 years of production all they would do is simply rip stuff from other games.... or maybe they just got so fed up of working on Stalker they just said.. ahh feck it, lets just use doom and half life 2 lol

it would be a shame if GSC are found guilty as i think they have something really good with Stalker...
S2 licensed
My racing days started with sega master system f1 game, i am sorry i forgot the title but it had two cars in it, one blue and one red. But i think it was Destruction Derby 2 and F1 97 on the psx that really got me hooked...
S2 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :anyone notice my blow up doll in my avatar her name is dolly she's sexy

:ices_rofl I thought that was a real person!
S2 licensed
Quote from wien :I could kiss you, I really could. I've been sitting here absolutely fuming from reading all the ignorant drivel some people manage to produce, only to have the sweet, sweet relief of your post save my head from exploding. Aaaah.

I have to agree with Wien, Hankstar's post really sums it all up in a one big whole swoop...

"US forces capture Iranian officials" Yeah that is a good example to see how "liberal" media really is in the USA.

I take my hat off to you Hankstar, really a great post!

Now I will just wait for Zimbabwe to announce they have nuclear weapon capabilities and/or a couble of zillions barrels of oil! for someone to take notice of the tragedies against humanity that are going on there....
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :And what exactly is there to be scared of ???


S2 licensed
yeah pretty cool, i also liked the effect you get when you mouse over the heading on that page
S2 licensed
Heh, how strange, one of the weirdest and oddest suggestions seemed popular even though you cannot actually see much on the tiny avatars...

time to change mine!

large map

you can see the royal navy docks too

Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Try driving the UFR for more than 40mins LOL , meltdown!!!!

Some people obviously aren't UFR material

MRNL are running a xfr and ufr league we race 1h races and i have managed to make my ufr tyres last full hour in the last two races.... Weshtill and Fe Gold

and they could have done few minutes more too as they were at blowing point wear wise .. temps were 115 roughly on r3s.
S2 licensed
Quote from fragile_dog :Hmm pretty much the same, but no way near the performance settings, big fire fights (when fighting the militry when getting the first secret document) the bar is stupidly bad :/. And thats at 1024x768 with no aa or af on low with a few adjustments to make it lower :X. oh well might try wacking up the graphics and see if i get the same results.

Nearest game this seems to come close too is system shock2, which was alot scarier (one of the scariest games ive played).

Hmm thats very strange, my computer was only sluggish
****possible spoiler******
in the lab 19 section where you go up around the psy becon, there were too many polygons to render so it was very slow mo but i got through it and killed the poltergeist and got myself out of that freaky space.
****end of possible spoiler******

Does anyone know whether you actually die from getting hungry? I have started to get hungry and the hunger icon is now red!!!! went from green to yellow then red but no food around to eat .....

Does anyone here play multiplayer? maybe we can organise S.T.A.L.K.E.R - L.F.S multiplayer sessions

I have heard that there is a patch that came out yesterday, has anyone seen any improvements with the game??

I have just read that previous saved games wont work with the patch!!! hmm that sucks a bit!

Will have to wait until I get home to try it all out