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S2 licensed

They slimply stuck 33% extra free on there, soaked it in water so it gained 33% of extra weight.. fooling you that you are getting a 33% bigger chicken for the regular weighed price....

so really they are giving you 33% of extra water...

S2 licensed
Heh yeah, great stuff.... so many ways to destroy a ragdoll.. but he seriously needs to use his imagination a bit more!
S2 licensed
It is sad, but why the heck would you try to cross the track when there's a rally going on? Often people's intelligence amazes me.
S2 licensed
Finding the right power supply is tricky with so many out there. I would recommend going for a 600w psu for a normal system. Unless you are going to be running quad processors with sli, 600w should be plenty of juice for your pc. All modern hi end graphics cards have a minimum 450w psu recommendation on them but I don't quite know how to read into that. Honestly I've never tried to find out, I just always bought a psu few hundred watts over what they recommend.

I bought this psu when I was building a computer for a friend of mine. It was a nice psu with a very quiet fan. A worthy investment as psu is the core of any system. I would strictly avoid buying a cheap one as this may hurt you later on when your pc suddenly BLOWS UP. I once used a psu that came with the case and about a year later I started to develop problems, when I actually checked the voltages via the motherboard sensors ( i know they aren't too reliable) i had the +12V running at 14V and pc was seriously unstable. Bought a new one and no problems ever since and I am still using that same system....

S2 licensed
Wow.. what an experience!

First i had someone walking within my skull from side to side, then knocking at the back of my head, someone then bagged my brain, and then gave it a trim!

Very cool!
S2 licensed
"Obviously no one told him that glueing a boat to his rear wing is not a good idea"
S2 licensed
Quote from VTiRoj :"And when aliens finally came to Earth, they had to go through customs"

noooo.. used my alien idea!

ohh well

"Alien sub-planetory Gumball stops for fuel and photos"


"At 6.56am ufo's spoted by passers by in a local car park"


"Taking rice to a new level"
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :"No I'm not anti-american, but I am anti-stupidity, anti-ignorance and anti-bigotry, and I suppose it could be construed as anti-americanism if you're a stupid, ignorant bigot...".


OMG I love this guy.

Haha yeah! It's so true! Great Vid!
S2 licensed
"Schumacher's official tyre barrier test"
S2 licensed
We have a winner!!

Quote from Taavi(EST) :"Markko Märtin is bored of ordinary rally so he makes things a bit more interesting"

"M. Park: Poor visibility 4km"

This got me to giggle the most reading your posts!
S2 licensed
Quote from P1lot :By this time next year we may all have LFS mugs from Vics shop

I would only buy one if its a descent volume, the current mug that I use holds 600ml of liquid! A proper manly sized mug that is! 600ml of coffee in the morning sure helps to make things a little more clear and awake... :P

If the LFS mugs are those small little things then I shall pass
S2 licensed
ohh gosh! me won! ok... let me check the rules again and I'll go and find a suitable pic.. brb

Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
"Someone obviously doesn't know how to park"

"This is what happens when you let a woman park"
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Nah, I think BBT just combined the muppet avatar with his leg

:ices_rofl .... laughed so hard!
S2 licensed
Hey Bob...

I have a slight suggestion, only a minor thing really... I remember I spoke to you about this a while back. When opening a setup would it be possible for the program to remember the setup so that you can just save over it or modify it so that it doesn't replace your previous setup. Having to go and look for the setup I want to open or save amongst the hundreds of sets in my folder is very tedious!!!!

S2 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :And now for the worst video ever, done by an austrian "girl band". It was never aired, but could be found in the web and was flamed throughout austria, until the girls took it of the web. thank god somebody had saved it und put it on youtube:

OMG.. I feel like i've been musically violated...... help!
S2 licensed
Quote from jamesrowe :BAHHHH to "Your favourite Muppet/Sesame Street character"... never liked Sesame street!!!

Bob fixed the poll! mug and muppets were tied!!!
S2 licensed
HAHAHA! "I got this s**t on video tape" pure awesomeness.... someone has been playing too much of NFS Carbon me thinks

S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :But I'd say they are planning go to multi platform as they mention PS3 and X360 so often, and simulations on consoles? I really have to doubt that.

Have to agree there with Blackout, going multi platform usually spells the end to any hope of it being simulation. As soon as you try to appeal to console audiences this usually means arcade, pick-up and play gameplay something that Toca Race Driver did really well!

If on the other hand they are hoping to introduce a more hardcore sim onto consoles which will be aimed higher than at the average noob then I it may be good. But I have my hopes very low, I just cannot see a hardcore simulation appealing to console audiences, first everyone will need a wheel, a desk to mount it on, proper chair (not sofa) to sin on and a nice tv monitor to play on which will be high up on their desk ( not the usual small tv livingroom stands ) and if they are planning to introduce controller control then ........ well that is it really...... the end to simulation as the physics and the way you control the car will be totally screwed up.

But.... i shall not be too critical at this stage, I just prefer to be pessimistic so that when it is released I shall be either pleasantly surprised at the outcome or just be proven to what I already expected hence no disappointment. We shall see!

Place you bets people!!!

edit: I forgot to add, i suppose their engine can be used for PC only and CONSOLE only games if they are willing to do what isi did.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :What you on about? The poll isn't tied...

May Scawen ban you for your injustice!
S2 licensed
Ok my avatar is uploaded.... I decided because the muppets and mugs shared I would alternate my avatar. Includes my favourite mug and a muppet I found randomly of Robert Kilroy Silk .. rofl..... all of the other ones were already taken.

Btw.. I love how when you type "muppet" into yahoo or google it always comes out with George W Bush....
S2 licensed
Dammit! damn you Tristan!!! :arge: already took photo of my mug! I know the poll closed at 10:50 but surelly it counts from midnight!!!
S2 licensed
ermm.... so the favourite mug won it?

not the most exciting of ideas but it's not half bad...

batteries are charging so will have mine up asap!

S2 licensed
The way I see it with the graphics is like this. Progress with dx has vastly improved and is still continuously being improved with the support of dx10 now but pc capabilities ( hardware ) have also improved greatly since s1 was released. Now, if I was Scawen would I really want to spend the time to upgrade the gfx half way through development and then probably having to do it again to dx12 ot whatever stage we will be at for s3 few years down the line when people again will complain about how dated LFS looks. Surely it makes more sense to work on the grounding fundamentals ( physics, online play and other features) and then rework the gfx engine based on the dx that is out at that time.

I have just spent the last hour reading this thread, Ian and Tweaker bring up valid points and with some I couldn't agree more but I would rather see the graphics left well alone and get other things finished first and then rework the rendering gfx engine.

Obviously talking about graphics it isn't all about just dx, modelling also plays a big part and I do agree that quite a few things in LFS look low poly and do need a serious upgrade. I think the cars could possibly do with remodelling and some of the tracks too. Saying that though when I play is still have a blast, the visual experience for me is still enough to get me to enjoy this game, there are other things that irritate me more that the gfx. Taking my league race experience for yesterday, have any of you played Fe Green Reversed??????? OMG...if you haven't then i suggest you try it... the amount of times you can flip the car just by touching the kerbs slightly is ridiculous, and then when you do flip if you happen to touch you wheels on the barriers you instantly get a shot of NOS and take of like a rocket!!!! (referring to extreme flight). These are the things that bother me the most about lfs and that need fixing asap, not the graphics not the sounds. I wouldn't consider myself a fanboy, but I have become a great fan of lfs. It has over the last 2 years really grown on me, so much infact that I haven't touched another racing sim for the past year and a half (Excluding MBTR truck racing of course).

I truly hope that Eric has a vast amount of stuff ready for us, by the sounds of it 2 remodelled track environments and gtr cockpits as he's been getting most of the bashing around here from people which I think is to the fact that he has been the least active member of the ScaViEr crew on these forums, it would have been nice to have Eric appear here, say hi, drop a few lines to the community, show us what he has been working on with some mouth watering screenies. I think the fact that it has only been Scawen and Victor who post has made Eric an easy person to attack as many see this as him not being as active with the community. But I guess that's his personal choice. I think Eric has been working hard over the last year and he will prove us all wrong come patch Y

S2 licensed
"Ferrari test out controversial new aero dynamic package"

@ Hyperactive: :ices_rofl