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S2 licensed
I was just wondering, is it cheaper to build your own engines? looking at it from the development stage, research stage, testing does it work out cheaper than just buying an engine from someone else?

I have just signed up to a pro account but i currently do not employ any engine mechanics and I am buying an engine for 2.5mil

S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :There are 8 sponser slots on the car, so 8 is the max. Make sure you use the best ones, and forget about 3* and below.

haha.. yeah

I was just digging around the eh? help section of gpmanager

I then saw my sponsors are full lol!

my question seems very noobish now
S2 licensed
Anyone know whether there is a limit on how many sponsors you can have signed up? I currently have 2 new deals waiting to be completed but for the last 3 races they have been at 99% and still nothing?

I have 8 sponsors signed up already.

I am in division 18
S2 licensed
Ok.. season is over.

Grats to the owner of the Super Reid Racing team. By 6 points :P This is what happens when you pick Hamilton as your number one driver bah!

ohh well
S2 licensed
Ohh what a finish. Gooo Kimi and gooo Ferrari! Great season overall with a twist at the end.

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S2 licensed
I vote for Portsmouth!
S2 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :I just really don't like the UT style shooters, they seem to require no skill, just bash the jump button and click furiously. I'll stick to CS:S.

Reading that sentence and looking at you avatar and digging around in my brains memories of the BOOM HEADSHOT video made me burst out in a girlie laugh LOL!
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :why cant those guys use more than a 265 colour palette when they create a level ?
honestly it looks rubbish washed out blurry and everything is the same brownish tone of colour

I have to agree there, graphics to me looked awfully blurry and every map looked very similar.

It's not a bad game, its just not that great either.

@Danowat: my thoughts exactly!
S2 licensed
I have just played the game too, I can't say i was disappointed. It certainly is playable and has the gung ho style in it but it's nothing new. Bullet time however has some clever features, like the kinetic energy being stored in objects whilst in bullet time and then released when you slip back to normal time. I thought the levels were great looking although a bit glossy. Game ran very well considering without many glitches. I just found it to be too similar like a few of its predecessors, just slow down time and shoot. Doesn't require great skill to play but atleast some fun can be had whilst playing it before you get bored of the same old repetitive gameplay.

S2 licensed
I personally didn't like them game, it is too much like UT 2004 and after all the hype that its going to be great it really isn't. I mean dont get me wrong, level design is great, player models are great the game looks great but its nothing new. To me it's seen this and done that really and I am getting bored of playing the same games over and over again.

Weapons are too similar to UT2004, least they could do is come up with something new, levels look cool but again are similar to UT2004. I am sure the average UT hardcore nut is pleased with UT3 as it feels and looks like previous UT but for the average joe who is looking for something new and innovative I can't say is good.

Seems to me the gaming industry has ran out of ideas recently, too much of the same crap that we have seen before is being reworked (or re glossed with bloom).

I have just finished playing TimeShift, again another 1.2G demo. Game looks great albeit a bit glossy like if someone just polished the ground and every brick and object but its fun to play. Idea isnt original as we have seen bullet time before. I guess I will just have to wait for something descent..

UT3 however for me... is an average game.

S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Actually from the chat I had, most of their physics seems to try to be fairly realistic, there's just a bit of fudging to the tyre data and loads of intrepetation of analogue gamepad controllers that is essentially a massive driving aid, thus the games end up easier to drive with a gamepad than a wheel. For example, the force feedback induced automatic countersteer happens if you just let go of the pad, rather than having the wheel locked straight. Loads of interesting stuff I've picked up already and I don't start for 10 days or so.

Now I'm going to sleep off beer and try and get some of the high frequencies back in my hearing. Oh how I hate places that deafen you with music. And meagre dance/pop at that. Ahh, Nightwish to the rescue....


Sounds like a typical night out in England. There aren't any really good clubs to go to which play the music at a reasonable level and its actually music that has some taste.
S2 licensed
Hey Bob! you have kept this secret from me! i get to know what you are up to from the forum rather than from you on msn lol!

Grats with the job... sounds like a great position for you
S2 licensed
Quote from Flughafen :sorry for the old thread, but just found these awesome little games:

Knytt Stories is the latest title and it's basically a 2D platform-game where you have to find items to complete a level. Sounds boring but the gameplay, graphics, music and the overall atmosphere is really amazing.

Nothing for someone who likes fast paced shooters or stuff like that, but if you love adventures and good gamedesign, knytt is one of the best games you can play.

Nice little funky game!
S2 licensed
Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :Nice guy, good brain, engineer, not a very very good driver..

The guy is also HUGE! as in tall. He must have some air drag disadvantages

I always liked him, reminds me of jaws from 007 films lol!
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :I was told (and it certainly seemed to make good sense to me) that the atmospheric CO2 and SO2 levels were far higher in the industrial revolution period (1780-1840 and on) when smog and coal power really caused far more problems than now (we are actually very clean now, no-one seems to remember).
During this period there was no trend in temperature rise, so it shows that there is no direct and linear link between global temperature and CO2 level. New scientist also stated that only 2% of the earths atmospheric CO2 comes from human sources so I am morelikely to believe this climate change has less to do with our pollution and more to do with a combination of natural climate cycles.

Don't forget that during the industrial revolution where lots of dirty energy was used tons and tons of coal dust was thrown into the atmosphere, now we know that if you chuck enough dust into the atmosphere it causes global dimming and doesn't warm the planet up as much (If they are right).

The 2% of CO2 from human population seems to be very low. I do read New scientist but i just cant help to find that figure way too low. Just look at the number of barrel of oil we go through daily, all that is burned or processed in some other way which usually produces CO2.. then add coal and gas burning on top of that. Volcanoes are said to be huge CO2 producers as well as dieing algae oh and farting cows + 6 billion humans

The GW band wagon is in town though and I hate the way are using it. Mind you, increasing efficiency and cleaning up our lives can only be a good thing as long as the government doesn't use it as an excuse to tax people more.
S2 licensed
this topic made me rofl

the picture made me nearly piss my pants... i tried to figure out what it was but hmmmm :beady: still don't have a clue. Looks like some badass rapper with wobbly arms... very strange

I still have no idea reading the whole thread what is going on lol
S2 licensed
I think you get a month trial but I do not know what the limits on that are I am afraid. Maybe someone else knows some free movie editor that will do what you are looking for.

If not maybe if you could send me the files I can make them into a video clip for you?
S2 licensed

When I render my animations from 3Ds Max i render them out at 25fps and as separate images (eg. jpegs). Usually I end up with hundreds and hundreds of jpegs for each shot in my animation. What I then do is by using Adobe After Effects or Adobe Premiere you can them import the sequence of images and it put them into a clip on the time line. (the program displays the hundres of images as one clip so its very easy to edit)You can do this with each shot so then each shot is a separate clip on the timeline. I then simply edit the clips and render out a compressed version as a video out of Premiere or After effects. I have no idea how windows movie maker works.

not sure if this helps in anyway..

S2 licensed
Heh, some of those are just really stupid. Why on earth would anyone do some of this stuff.

S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :A note about t-shirt studio, that's the campany I used for my LFS t-shirts. They messed my order up twice and the images went all grainy after the first wash.

I ended up with 5 t-shirts when I only wanted three and the quality of the image voried between all of them.

http://lfs.thefloatingwidget.n ... s/MRNL%20t-shirts%204.JPG
http://lfs.thefloatingwidget.n ... s/MRNL%20t-shirts%205.JPG

haha..... classic photos

now.. who is that git on the left

to ad to Bob's comment... The quality of the print isn't too great either. After about 4-5 washes the colours have washed out and faded.

S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken : A bit like Coulthard, but with more noobish crashing.

Also a more rounder face!

Frankly I am surprised how bad Ralf really is... you can't blame the car for so many years. Just goes to show that natural selection really works lol!

What ever he does i wish him good luck but i am disappointed with what he has achieved!
S2 licensed
Ohh I am waiting

I totally forgot to edit my drivers for Fuji, I only found out that F1 was on this weekend on Saturday when my mum told me. Too late to change my drivers... It did hurt my points... ohh well
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :That's perfect.

Wow, great vid. Typical Colin! Always keeps going.
S2 licensed
I am in league 20

Mad Team