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S2 licensed
Quote from FastGuy21 :y did u get rid of the xrt for demo racers?? lfs suck ass now, i loved playing lfs to drift in xrt and now i cant do it!!, i swere im crying now lmao, now i cant enjoy a great game coz my perents wont let me get a licence, plz bring the xrt back to the demo!! b4 i crash lfs and no1 would be abel to play!! :'( f***n gay game, how am i suposed to drift in a shit car that cant drift!!
lfs> :chairs:<me =D

Add LFS S2 to your next years Christmas list
S2 licensed
Just the two of us.............. LOL
S2 licensed
Ohh, meee likey! Thanks Vic
S2 licensed
Well as our Czech Christmas day is drawing to a close I want to wish everyone who celebrates on the 25th a Merry Christmas
S2 licensed
Quote from olson :i want the power cut option back.
looks like i'm to fast in shifting. with lifting

Hmm and you say that in your first post? You just need practise at shifting and lifting your foot at the right time. I have had a few quick goes in lfs and I got use to it within few laps. It seriously is no biggie!
S2 licensed
The whining about the changes is sad to see after ScaViEr put in quite a bit of work for patch Y. I really don't get it either what all the fuss is about, personally i feel that patch Y is great, ai has improved, we have some physics changes, track updates, new (REAL) car and more realism with the clutch heat and no throttle cut. If people cant handle the racing then they are playing the wrong game, go play something like rFactor, Forza or GT..

If ScaViEr read this forum tonight then they must feel sad to see some of the stuff posted... i know you can never please everyone but some people seriously need to grow up...

I love patch Y

roll on more of the same!
S2 licensed
Jeez, what's with all this flaming and abuse that has suddenly appeared on this forum??

Why can't people just speak to each other like they would face to face...

Franky already had to close one thread!
S2 licensed
Ermm, I can't really remember, i think it was Bob who introduced me to LFS, he came round one day and downloaded the demo me thinks. My join date says October but the demo was sitting on my comp for a while before then. I didn't fully get into lfs until 2005 ish though as I was involved in other leagues on various mods of f1 99-02.
S2 licensed
Well my grip on the wheel is quite loose but when under pressure in a race or when i am chasing someone down i do tend to tense up and grip it tightly. Still doesn't compare to how Bob grips the wheel!!! i still blame him for breaking my momo clamp
S2 licensed
Signed. Was a locked diff user myself.

I have started to make setups with the clutch pack now that i actually know what it does and how to use it.

I am with BBT >:gt:lol
S2 licensed
I have just had something weird happen to me. I started a race sp South City Chicane route only with AIs. I was spectating and having a bit of fun watching them. Then on lap 3 on the first corner AI car number 10 (AI 10) crashed and got stuck facing the wall. It then just kept flooring the throttle until it blew the two rear tyres. It was also hit by another AI approaching car. But this wasn't the weird bit yet, the ai then slowly managed to get going after being hit a few more times by other ai opponents. It slowly made its way down the long straight and towards the double right handed corners where again it spun due to the deflated rear tyres. The rest of the pack was coming to that section with AI 10 still being all over the place. The weird thing was that the other AI cars did slow down but then they suddenly lost grip at the rear and span out. Around half of the field span out at the same spot with the same problem , sudden loss of rear grip? could this have been the setup? I noticed their rear tyres were hot but to have them nearly all spin out? hmm

probably just the ai not being finished like AndroidXP says.

I have attached the replay. Watch car AI 10 and it all starts happening start of lap3, first corner and then wait until he goes past the long straight.
S2 licensed
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I am all out of gum!

Certainly it looks promising, I can't wait for more official news.

Still don't get why it took so long after the original duke 3d for them to make a sequel.
S2 licensed
Yo Ben,

I found this article and they seemed to have a similar thing happen to them.

Very odd though that it imploded.

btw.. you heard a "pssshh" sound and found that? is that the sound glass makes when it shatters?
Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
great stat tool

could you please add Dutch Massive Revolution to the database? I think this is what we are registered as.

Thank you in advance

S2 licensed
Quote from paddy_racer :Not sad as me I play world of warcraft

Yes you are paddy!

Quote from danowat :Oh my, someone get this man a life please

Couldn't agree more

*locks all doors and windows*

to answer danowat though, I don't think 5000 posts since this forum was created is too bad.
Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Quote from traxxion :Hahaha! Imagine a forum with "Thou shalt not drift, Thou fool, what dost thou to this game, Thou shalt know what the beauty of racing is."

At least that still makes more sense than w00t. I don't get how two letters and two numbers can even make a word! should not be possible. I am all for modernisation but this is just ridiculous.
S2 licensed

just two old pics floating around on my computer
Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
That was just worth watching for the women!
S2 licensed
Chief Mechanic: "Who let the cat change the oil?"
Michael: (see picture)
S2 licensed
I have not had time to test out the new patch out properly but as soon as i do I shall join the "We're glad LFS is harder and more realistic now" club. If there is still room.

S2 licensed
Cheers for the reply,

I decided to buy the g11 keyboard as it is cheaper than the g15. It does exactly what I need and does not have that LCD screen which I would not make the use of anyway and i find quite pointless. I tried to buy the g15 rev2 but no store had it in stock except dell who rejected my card (gits), i need a keyboard asap so decided to buy g11 which was in stock and i could actually purchase lol..

S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Hmm, do I have to buy someone an xmas prezzie? Though you'd be bloody lucky at that price. You know how tight I am!

Hehe, well i have ordered a g11 after some hard thinking. The LCD screen on the G15 is totally pointless and I would never use it so I went for a cheaper option with BLUE back lit keys
S2 licensed
argh, why did they have to change the colour, blue just looked much clearer that the new orange!

it is also bloody out of stock everywhere! and as Dell wont take my card i cant get it from them.. grrrrr
Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
ok, sorry for the bumb

but yesterday I ordered a new keyboard the g15 but today my order was canceled because they didn't take my credit card.

I have noticed today that Logitech have released a new G15 keyboard a revised version. This one looks more slick and instead of the blue back lighting it has orange back light. They have also made the LCD screen smaller. I was just wondering whether anyone actually had the new version or has used both and which one would they prefer or recommend to buy. I must admit i liked the blue back lighting because it is just more visible and i already have a blue lit razor mouse so it would go nicely together, the lcd screen is also bigger on the older version which i guess is a plus. But the new version has more updated features with the customization and is generally apparently after reading few reviews better in many ways over its old predecessor.

So does anyone have any more info?


S2 licensed
UK bogs are quite grim from my experience. The average pub bog is filthy but it varies. One of the worst I have seen and had the unfortunate need to visit were toilets in a club here in Portsmouth.