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Yes, it seems that even the ones that do not want to be part of this whole commercialized celebration are forced upon them Xmas songs. They really after a while get on your nerves! I mean they can play Xmas songs to get people into the spirit of Xmas but every flipping store/shop/petrol station/ they play the same bloody songs!

S2 licensed
Companies like EA will throw money at people who have thousands of fans so that when the stick their face on a box they will sell as many products as possible.
S2 licensed
Heh , Christmas, many people's excuse to drink and get fat. Personally I don't enjoy xmas at all, too commercial and as most of my family is in Czech Republic it hardly has the homely family gathering feeling.

This year I have received a Christmas catalog on 26th of August and the first window display with a Christmas theme was around the first week in September. Talk about crazy!

The reason is due to people being very short of money they want them to start buying earlier. Last year the period running up to xmas wasn't good as sales were down due to high interest rates and people being severely in debt.

I have planned for the first time in 14 years to spend this year xmas with my family back in Czech Republic but that depends on whether I can afford it.

S2 licensed
Quote from Romystator :Dinamo,B.B.B. 4 ever!!!

Hmm, fans who randomly set their hair alight! fun!

I support Chelsea FC, have done since 1996, due to a certain favorite player of mine Giafranco Zola. Since then I started to follow football. I also lightly support our local Portsmouth FC when ever they are playing.

I am not really pleased all the stuff going on with Chelsea, damn Abramovich!
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :My point is, you all say that us in the US are all fat. Thus, why is there a picture of a fat guy in a UK uniform on the back of that bus. There shouldn't be any fat people in the UK. We're the ones that are all fat....

Actually you are mis-informed, in the UK there is quite a lot of fat (obese) chubby people. It was recently reported that 2/3 of the country are over weight. In fact UK is the fattest nation in Europe. It doesn't really surprise me, the amount of junk food and ready meals on offer and you combine it with lack of movement which in this country is another problem. Too many people are not active enough (including kids due to councils selling off wide open areas for housing development) and this results in fat people. Portsmouth suffers greatly for lack of open space, it is the second most densely populated city in the UK (so i am told) and there are only 2 small parks where kids can go and play. ... _warwickshire/7046864.stm

It is the fault of the government though in my view for allowing all this crap to be sold here, if they had any concern for peoples' health they would ban most of the shite food which you don't need at all to survive. The lack of education and the great inability of people to cook makes for an unhealthy nation.

That copper on the back of the bus models the average male in the UK I would say. They can't have some one skinny now, it wouldn't represent the ordinary people :P

Seriously though, UK is slowly catching up with the US in body size.

About the CCTV, they have recently trialled a CCTV camera with a speaker phone which the monitoring station uses to tell passers by they are in the wrong ans shout at you to not do things like if your throw rubbish on the floor they would use it to tell you to pick it up. They want to install a few of these around the country apparently.

edit: Up until recently the government spent around 0.25p per meal per head on kids at school. Due to a celebrity chef lead campaign to have junk food thrown out of schools and healthier meals introduced they have now upped the school meals to 0.65p but it still varies by county. In one of the richest nations of our world they spend so little on kids. The usual school meal was, chips (fries) burger, pizza, sausage roll, crisps etc... hardly the best diet for anyone. Adults shouldn't be fed this crap let alone kids!

Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Why does it say in the Czech review that demo has 2 cars available to try? when it is in fact 3 cars????

Not a very good review in my opinion. It doesn't tell you much about the actual game and it gives you inaccurate information.

edit: just looked at the screenshots, OMG, awful, low res and don't show off the game well at all.
Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
ermm wtf?
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :Hey i had the same thing,i got it now!!! u have to play around with the graphics,turn on the aa and play it with 1024x768 medium.mine is good now!!! awesome game

I have tried everything, all settings and still the same stuff happens. Using the latest drivers.

S2 licensed
Ok here are a few screenies of what it looks like on my pooter.

The weird spot lights are meant to be people lol.

Notice in pic1 i get no detail in the world, can't even see that dude running ahead of me except his flash light but in that little window on the left i get the detailed environment but no textures. In pic2 notice the sea level which has just covered the beach, pic2 is from the same position as pic4. Pic3 is me getting fired upon by flashlights with bits everywhere.
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Racist. :P


This sort of stuff can only happen in Hampshire lol!
S2 licensed
I seem to have some problems running Crysis. My pc is far from modern with an Athlon 64 3400 3GB ram and Nvidia 6800 but the graphical issues i get are very weird. I have some graphic settings on medium and some i have left on low but when I play i get partially see through textures, the sea level height also varies a lot so when i am standing on the beach suddenly the sea level jumps up and i find myself floating in water and then it goes down again. I am also suffering with a double display glitch, basically the picture you see is shown in another smaller window top left but all the meshes are not textured?

Probably A PC issue but i dont see why i have see through textures and why the sea is fooked.
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Downloading ..........
S2 licensed
not so funny. They could've made it a lot funnier!!!1!!!11111
S2 licensed
Nice find, he is totally right about the BTCC. The BTCC series over the last few years has become a joke and the poor crowds reflect that. The poorly maintained tracks are also an issue in the UK.

I didn't know the WTCC was that bad, i always though it was up there with DTM.

STCC i don't know enough about, I did a few years ago or maybe still do own the STCC2 computer game, which was great fun.
S2 licensed

For a second there I thought you were being funny and sarcastic relating your comment to Hamilton's N button on his steering wheel
S2 licensed
Quote from CXC_Simulations :Very good point there Mad. How about something like "Please check your wheel's warranty before installation"?

Chris Considine
CXC Simulations

Sound great Chris

edit: Before installation maybe too late, but i guess they can always return the product if they wish.
Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Quote from CXC_Simulations :Legally, we cannot comment on our site regarding other companies warranties. I'm pretty certain I wouldn't want Logitech commenting on ours.

It is expected that the customer read both warranties and get a clear understanding of what's allowed and what's not.

Chris Considine
CXC Simulations

Hello there Chris

Thanks for the reply, I understand that you cannot comment on other companies warranty but surely the customer has a right to know before they invest their hard earnt money into something that can void a warranty on a very expensive product (in this case the G25) Surelly you can say on your website "please check your products warranty as installing this product may possibly make your warranty" without directly mentioning Logitech.

I guess though you probably have more information about the legal stuff than me. However I would feel a little bit cheated if I had ordered your SLI installed it and then my G25 packed in. Most warranties state that opening the wheel voids the warranty but the way the SLI fits onto the G25 may make people think their warranty is safe.

Anyway, its a nice product but i just wish i could afford it!

S2 licensed
I have just come across this thread. Quite a nice idea that CXC have come up with but I must say it is overpriced for what it actually does and if it voids the G25's warranty it really isn't worth buying.

I have just been looking at the CXC website and do they actually state anywhere or warn people that it voids the warranty of their wheel when installing the SLI? I certainly didn't find it

I agree with Squidhead

Quote :so basically what we have here is the opportunity to spend $120 on voiding a $300 wheel's warranty...

you lost me right here...

Spending $120 on something that will void my warranty which means that if my wheel was to break I would have to dish out another $300 is really not something i personally want to do.

To sum it up:
Nice idea, nice product, way too over priced, voids my warranty, no thank you
S2 licensed
I was looking for a screenshot but couldn't find one so it made me wonder whether they have taken it out. I can imagine the wet race screenshots will look amazing!
S2 licensed
I personally think that tyre deformation is more important than damage. Damage to cars doesn't happen 100% of the time in GT, it only happens when a player make a mistake or cars rub sides or collide so this feature isn't in my eyes that important. Sure it would be nice to see metal twist, glass fly, and bits scattered everywhere but that satisfaction only last few seconds before the player hits the restart button. The aim isn't really to crash either

But the deformable tyres are an important detail, you spend 100% of the time racing on tyres so they are quite important and you would expect them to look real as possible which includes shape variation. The car models in GT are terrific, detail is incredible but static tyres are not and I just felt it is a let down. Sure GT has many great things about it but it also has a few things that really irritate you (or me )

I don't expect GT to be perfect, i mean nothing can never be perfect but little details that are quite important when it comes to racing it misses.

Does GT5 at least have wet weather racing?
S2 licensed
Glad you are ok, shame about your moped! At least the damage is repairable (arm and moped)
S2 licensed
I really hope that Alonso will never drive for Ferrari. This season he has really shown his true colours when he couldn't face being outperformed in the first part of the season by fellow team mate rookie Hamilton. The statements he made and the way he behaved on track (pit stop incident)

I don't like his attitude.

Massa on the other hand is a guy who has some heart and should be an example to all.
S2 licensed
Quote from PaulC2K :Actually, you'd probably be the stupid one for thinking that, only on the basis that people expect the best looking graphics on a next-gen console, most people couldnt give two hoots about deforming tyres and would never give it a moments thought.

You'd be barking up the wrong tree really, console games arent about being exact replicas of reality, they need to appeal to a wide audience, spending so much time on something 99% of those people wouldnt appreciate is stupid. Maybe the die hard sim racing fan wont consider it, but then whats new there, the sim community is tiny compared to general gaming and lets be honest, the sim community is pretty arrogant and up its own backside anyway.

I think if you are going to make a game like GT5 where you focus on making the game look very nice and detailed, the least they could do is make deformable tyres. Every screenshot from GT5 looks nice but it is ruined by the poor contact the car has with the road. I don't know if you have to be a hardcore simmer to stop that or whether the average arcade joe would spot it aswell. They don't necessarily need to go down into the tyre physics to make them behave in a real way, all they have to do is make sure there is movement and deformation on the tyre. I am sure it wouldn't be that difficult to implement for them with their huge team of people who work on GT5. It would make their screenshots look so much better.

If 99% of people don't think tyre deformation is important then hmmm I don't think i am the stupid one!!! It is just one of those details that is needed in any driving game be it sim or arcade. It claims to the real driving simulator, nuff said!

edit: btw i am not slagging off GT5 if you think I am!

Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Linsen :btw: We do have a private Club-forum at GPMP we could use, guys (it's in the "Game Forums" at the bottom).

I have just applied for membership for whoever has to confirm (Tristan)

team: Mad Team Racing
S2 licensed
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :jesus, is that real?!?!?!!?

Screenshots look great, although i have noticed there is no tyre deformation? or am i blind? The banked Mitsubishi pic show ... with the right front tyre.

Surely if they go to such lengths to make the game look as real as possible it would be stupid not include tyre deformation???