Same as on the Momo Racing then..... hmmmm I can't really afford to get a G25 and a new desk I really don't understand why they removed the 3rd clamp, I do agree it was a bit dodgy and easy to break but it is just so useful and in my case.. vital!
or you can always phone Bob and get him around to your house to break it off which is what he did to my momo wheel didn't you BOB!!!!
Than i had to get out the drill and search around the flat to find something suitable andmodify it slightly so that i could screw it back on as I need the underneath clamp because by desk is so thick i cannot use the 2 small clamps.....
I was checking out the G25 as I am thinking of investing some of my saved up cash and noticed that the third clamp was removed from the G25's design so it only uses the two small clamps. At present I don't think I could use my desk to clamp the G25 down, the two small clamps clamp to my desk only with 0.5cm at the tips(see pic) but tis the third clamp that actually holds my wheel in place.....unless they unscrew a lot further down so that i could actually get them under the table properly.
As you can see in the picture, i used a small wooden block with two screws on both sides to hold the third clamp in place, quite a poor fix but its holding rather nicely.
Can you shed some more info on the g25s clamping? (sorry to use you thread) hope you don't mind...
Heh my first ever computer was the zx spectrum. Though I was too little to remember exactly the first time i used one and the first game i loaded up.. Dynamite Dan is the only game along with Cyclone that really stick out as they were my favourites..
Hmm that vid looks very real to me... the flip could have been caused by a bank or stone off the camera. Infact after the car flips, these is something laying next to the gate post which looks like a huge stone...
lol at the first one! Some people just can't reverse...cant believe she actually smacks the parked car 3 times? once ok, twice Z0MG, three times illepall and she drove of.
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! Man that does look good. Yesterday I ramaged through my cds to see if by chance I didnt have GP4 and in the end I managed to find it. I also downloaded some of the mods but could you advise me which ones I need to get it looking that good?
i've been to to tge the 2006 beta mod but I dont think it comes with 05 tracks so that I still have the default tracks in game with default textures... just downloading the 05 trackpack though and the 05 season mod.
I've given up hope that it would ever be released as I was looking forward to Racing Legends. I thought it was dead but now I see you say that its still going and it has filled me with excitement again and anticipation again. :hyper:
I'd for now be happy with just a nice metal twisting, scrapping, screeching, glass shattering, bits falling sound effect when crashing. Instead of that thud!
I remember when I had GP4 the replays were gorgeous to watch, it was the closest a game has ever come to simulating TV style coverage of a real F1 race. Wet weather was also stunning back when it was released, cant remember any game beating it to date, maybe gtr2 gets quite close.
It was only a shame that GP4 didnt support multiplayer over the net! its the only reason why i migrated to f1 99-02
btw... if someone posted some stunning screenies it would help him
I had the graphics on medium and ran it at 1024x768x32 resolution and without aa and af. I couldnt go any lower if I didnt want the game to look really crap. I did play the demo, that didnt work to well either but atleast graphics weren't screwed up. I did find it the same old crap as f1 99-02, GTR and GTR2 ohh and rTractor.... when the graphics work they look quite good but I will happily sacrafice and graphics and play LFS instead, atleast I know that will work on my computer 100% and it dont look too bad either
i dont know why i keep giving these so called sims a chance everytime one decides to show its face, they are always so crap, why oh why do i bother!
Well I have given Race a go but something weird is up with my computer when I try to play it.
With inside view I get no textures and all is very dark and grey, when driving around the track the road keeps disappearing, i get flashing fences in the road surface, all sorts of weird red patches form on the track in certain places. Grandstands keep flashing on and off and all sorts of other weird sh*t is happening.
On the car itself I get no tyre textures, instead the cars skin shows up on the wheels so they they spin you get all sorts of funky colours bluring. Cars breaklights appear white, opponents cars appear grey and flash on and off...
it just goes crazy illepall
I've no idea what could be causing this as all of my other games work without a problem. Yesterday i installed the latest Omega Radeon drivers.
any ideas? Has someone come across the same thing?
Heh, just been browsing ebaumsworld and have come across another version of the first video posted but in this one they also show a quick glimpse of what happened to the fire truck , I know some one asked in this thread....
Jeez.. what was that one guy doing, he slams into a car then into a tree and then reverses into another bunch of cars. Its as if he had his foot down on the accelerator....
Big Brother is a rubbish form of entertainment. They find the strangest people in the country and stick them in a house for 3 months and watch how strange and bizzare they all are. One of the people that springs to mind is Jade, i mean rofl! how the hell did she manage to become a celebrity?
I just finished watching the news as there was a report that in the celebrity big brother that is currently running here people have been racist to a Bollywood actress.
How they can call any of those people in the house celebrities i dont know, only person that appears to have some class and intelligence and has talent is Shilpa Shetty. Rest are just failed celebrity wannabies....
Really though i couldnt give a toss about CBB or BB...
I agree that unfimiliarity with pictures in signatures on this forum is probably part of the reason why my eyes cannot get use to them. I mean the user bars look nice, nice and metaly and I think they are a good idea to show people license status. But I would prefer if they were a bit thinner and without so much writing so they would blend into the forum a bit more. I may still change my mind and add it once I have gotten use to them.
As for what STCC is trying to do, I applaud all the people who are working on the project, I really like the sound of it and I think its something new, something fresh for LFS. I hope to start racing on the STCC servers soon to get my license status up. Its a really good idea.
It reminds me a lot of my Grand Tourismo 2 days where one had to aquire the B License, A License, IB License, IA License and finally the Super License to race on all circuits and in all cars.... it was great!
Yesterday I thought that the userbars are a good idea and I added mine but scrolling down this page of this thread make me think they are maybe too much.
They make the page look very busy and cluttered. I am now thinking of removing it and just having text which would link to my license status.
I just cant find the taste for images in peoples signatures.