I have just done some laps in the lx6 as i was practising for the LXCC race on saturday. Have been playing for about an hour and a half but I just cant find the taste for these sounds as they are at this moment. I do like all of the extra detail that Scawen has implemented into the sounds as it does add immersion but the roariness of the engines just isnt there at the moment.
To me it still feels like i am playing lfs and having the speakers give out the sound in the next room. It doesnt feel like the sound is coming from the engine that i am riding with.
I do agree that since u33 there has been a massive improvement with the sounds and they sound a lot better and I am sure that with every patch they will probably improve but I am not sure I will download the V patch.
@Filur: what you have done there with the distorsion is actually quite good, sounds a lot better.
Keep up the good work though Scawen, its definitevly evolving.
And Merry Christmas to you!
EDIT: I have just done some laps around WeshillReversed in the BF1 and found that I get a large ammounts of sound distortion when i go under the bridges. It only happens with the BF1 as i have tested it with other cars.
My system volume is at 50%
I tested it with the car volume in lfs, it isnt as bad when set to 5 but anything from 6.5-10 I get large ammounts of distortion when passing under the bridges in the BF1. I normally have the car volume set to 7 and everything else at 5.
Few weeks ago i went to see Borat! the cinema was packed and it was full of ooooooooooh, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww and hahahaahahahahahahahahaha..
was very funny....
I would like to see Saw 3... heard it was quite good..
Happy Birthday Scawen! Celebrate well, drink, eat, shout, dance, and have an awesome time. Most importantly dont work on this day patch can wait one more day
AHA... this is weird.. i just thought i would have a browse to see what games I could find for the zx spectrum and to see if i could find the game I mentioned above.... in a list of 6000 zx games i happened to click the right category and the right game by accident....
Well the first time i have ever set my eyes on a computer was the ZX Spectrum, my dad still has it in a working order with loads of tapes too..
There was a game where you would drive around a city GTA style, it had pedestrians, other cars, traffic lights and so on.. cant exactly remember what i had to do but i remember there was pink cars which you would have to chase... I was about 7-8 when i first set my eyes on this car game.... ok so it wasnt a racing game but it still had cars in it and you could go fast.. maybe some one here will remember the name of it. Outrun was another game that I have played....
After that we got our own pc in 1995 and my brother got need for speed 1.. omg i was so addicted to watching my brother play it.... was just so realistic back then, only thing he never let me play it
Live for Speed
Need for Speed 3 Hot Pursuit ....still fun!
GTR though i havent touched it since March
Grand Prix Legends
Nascar 2003 Papyrus
F1 99-02
Toca 2
Richard Burns Rally
4x4 Screamer Rally.... ahh still fun with the wheel and FFB
I owned:
Destruction Derby 2
Grand Turismo 1 and 2
Formula 1 96, 97, 98, 99, on the psx
Toca World Touring Cars ....omg what a pile of crap that was!!!!!
Race Driver 1 ....ok so it was crap but it got me into DTM
Grand Prix 4 by Geoff Crammond... stunning replays!
My fav games:
1. Live for Speed
2. Mercedes Benz Truck Racing
3. Toca 2
4. Richard Burns Rally
5. Nascar 2003 .. not much of an ovaler but nascar 03 was quite realistic..
Games that I have tried but thought they were rubbish:
Netkar Pro... demo wasnt an exactly ideal test but still i didnt like it
rFactor .... its not too bad but is too similar to f1 99-02 and gtr
Race Driver 2, 3
btw to those who havent yet tried Grand Prix Legends, download the GPL 2004 demo, it has all of the updates and is basically the full game, you can add more tracks to it too and there are thousands!!!!
Right, just tried to boot up lfs but I get a crash everytime i run the lfs.exe
This is the first time I have suffered an error with any of the test patches. I am on 0.5u30 and have been using it since it was released and all was well..
Last time i played lfs was on sunday in a 3h league race and all worked fine.
I have captured the crash, see attached jpeg......
hope it helps, not sure if its windows related at all?
I havent tried restarting my windows yet... thought i should post this first before i do that.
Ok ive given the Race demo a quick go, first impressions are:
-menu is flashy.. in a nice style i guess but pointless
-Graphics are nice and it certainly looks nice, but my pc struggles so i couldnt appreciate the full look of the game
-down to the gameplay, ermm its certainly and probably the best isi engine based sim that I have raced. It still disappoints with the playability, arcady, laughable damage engine, car behaves very strangely, sounds are the same as in the previous isi based sims. Is just like gtr2 but with different car models :s
- Annoyed that the demo only has time attack, maybe they just want to hide the appaling ai and suck a lot of people into buying it.... but i think a full race weekend feature should have been there.
It does have some nice touches like a key to turn on your windscreen wipers, not sure why i was impressed by that really
One self inflicted injury i had was when i was messing around with a stapler few years back. I thought of putting the stapler next to my skin on my arm thinking it would never go through but when it went click... it was quickly followed by PAIN! and then aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuu.. staple actually went through the skin and closed on it self just like they do with paper... to get it out i had to pull and rip it through my skin! was probbaly the stupidest thing i have ever done.. apart from maybe knocking out my two front teeth on the edge of a bench in a bike riding accident.... one moment i looked like this and after like this
Fro the first 10 years Czech was my first language but since then I used English... My english has got to a point that its better than my Czech as i only did 3 years of czech school.. When we moved over i was basically thrown into an english school with a big dictionary (sixth year of school in the UK) and ever since then I just learnt english from everyday experiences/ talking with people etc....... I have never had a proper teacher who would teach me english starting with the grammar from the very beggining.... all just picked up from everyday use by others...
there once was a little button called "Search", he was a good old friendly button with many skills.... but people often overlooked him and he was very sad