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S2 licensed
Super video, makes me want to jump into the LX4 and run around Blackwood. Goes nicely with the soundtrack too.

S2 licensed
My driving style is very smooth but quite aggressive. I dont like to make too many unecessary wheel movements to correct the car. Everything has to be setup right and if it is then I am fast and smooth. Consistency in my lap times is very good when the car is working right.
S2 licensed
wonder why women find that appealing...! they must have no taste in cars!
S2 licensed
I wouldn't mind Fern Bay Gold...
S2 licensed
I think this is the best way on how to deal with all crackers :P send em a crack with a virus that melts their pc!
S2 licensed
Quote from delusion_xhpb :I've got this printed out and stuck to my monitor.

Gotta say thats a pretty good and informative peice of paper. Saved to my desktop now

I have learned how to setup a car but sometimes i do forget. I also use Colcob's excel suspension analyser that Bob modified. Its very handy as it shows you by entering you lfs setup data how the car will behave and more inportant car setup data.

S2 licensed
Well I started of with some of those really old consoles that you just plug into your tv flick once switch to cycle through hundreds of games that was on it. I can't remember what it was called though. Did have a Zx Spectrum before that but don't think that counts as a console

After I have moved to England I got a Sega Master System 1994. In 1997 I bought the playstation 1 which lasted untill 2001 when I bought my first computer and havent looked back since. I also don't like consoles and the games that come out on them. Most of them are load of rubbish.
S2 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :And what's with the damn washing machine ball in the can? EDIT:Ah NVM, it's the widget! Neat, so there IS something good about it, I got a free pingpong ball. Playing with it right now.

Bob Smith has an explanation for the widget on his website

Of course the canned version of most if not all beers is usually muck and doesn't cmpare to a poured pint in the pub but its the closest you will get to the real thing in the comfort of your own home. It takes 119.5 seconds to pour the perfect pint and if the pourer is skill enough to add a shamrock to the top of it in the head then its trully an Irish Experience

Because i do prefer the less gassy beers Guinness is great but I do like to go back to some of our Czech Largers... mnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
S2 licensed
Ohh wow... first time I have ever guessed something right.

Now what do I win?
S2 licensed
Aha! hmmm I haven't seen it yet though

has anyone actually bought it or tasted it?
S2 licensed
Man some one has to reserve me one .. i want it lol. I will be in tesco come 17th march waiting!

Sounds good and being a Marmite and Guinness lover its a dream product
S2 licensed
48.60? lol .. It can only be a whole number.

I say £50
S2 licensed
I must admit that I prefer all of my drinks cold. Guinness Extra cold is very nice and my usual choice if they have it on during the hot summers. Ales such as Abbot, 49er, Old Thumper, Discovery (arhghghggh mmmmm *drool) are very nice too and i have drunk a few of those through winter but in the summer they are not refreshing enough for me. But the flavours are just mnmnmnmnnmnm

S2 licensed
I think its a great idea but sadly an idea that would be very hard to put into reality. The main problem would be with the managing of a project this scale especially when we are scattered all over. People would have to come together to work on this. Also the financing of a project this scale would be a problem as I would imagine people travelling here and there to meet up also wouldn't be cheap.

I guess it would be possible if someone owned a scrapheap full of cars which then could be recycled but that would still need all of the engineereing brains to get together.

But i guess you never know, this may get off the ground somehow and if it ever does it would certainly be interesting.

S2 licensed
LOL! well they should be banned coz they are ugly. Don't think they pose a safety risk really. First time i saw a car down here in portsmouth it looked very weird, it was standing at a red light with its wheels still spinning. Now if you happen to be crossing the road and you see the spinner with the corners of your eye they could scare you to death as it may look like a car is moving.

It happened to me once, only because though i just looked at the red light and not bothway when i was crossing. I know I know, bad way to cross a road!

S2 licensed
Quote from Spudster :Check this out, I always knew vista was going to be **** ******** ******* ************ ***************** ***************** ***************** **************, and i am advising everyone i know not to get it....ever.

lol @ the url:

Was an interesting read.... certainly wont upgrade to vista then. I just bought a laptop with winxp pro and it comes with vista upgrade but you must upgrade within the given offer time limit which runs out on march the 24th. Don't think I will be upgrading or downgrading is it?

btw your avatar si painful to watch lol!

S2 licensed
Quote from lerts :if someone wants to make money he can sell caps with a magnet incorporated for when theres no magnetic field on earth XD

Rather then selling caps with magnets, I'd rather if someone was selling anti radiation suits

I've just been reading this article some interesting stuff. But when i was reading about the earths core sudden images from the hollywood blockbuster The Core started to flash in my head.... which btw was a great film in so many ways lol....

About Semir Osmanagic, his discovery of the pyraminds is quite amazing but i dont know how much of the rest of his prediction is likely. He certainly isn't a looney but it just seems a bit extreme to suggest that all of this will happen within the next few years.

btw if there was no magnetic field protecting our planet and a dose of radioation emmited from a solar flare would happen to come our way it would no doubt destroy the planet.

S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :Even if magnetic field's polarity would change to opposite snap like that, it still would not lead to 0 gravity.

I was watching a program last year which was based on our solar system but in this episode i saw it was concentrating on Mars. They said that it is strongly possible that Mar's atmosphere was destroyed during its magnetic polarity shift when it was exposed to radiation from the sun. Now it doesn't sound impossible as we still know bugger all. They also mentioned that they found some evidence that possibly our planets magnetic polarity swapped sometime in our million year history. They did also say that earth may possibly be due another swap cant exactly remember why and what causes it but they do say that it is a event that lasts thousands of years so i dont think by 2012 this will happen.. although i guess you can never say never but it looks highly unprobable.

Year 2000 on the other hand was more about the so called millenium bug that was to crash every computer and Christians awaiting the coming of Jesus Christ. Again highly unprobable event if such person as Jesus Christ existed and wasn't actualy just some dude who was different and maybe healled a few people here and there. Christians still do say that he is coming, and when asked why is he 7 years late they say the years arent 100% accurate or something like that.

It's all good people believeing in what ever they want, I have no problem with that. Some people need some sort of believe to find an explanation why we actually exist.
S2 licensed
Quote from prodeg :

After clicking that link (I followed a different link showing what each car was based off of) that shows what the UFR is based off of. I'm truly frightened.

Yeah gotta agree that is damn scary! Topless dancing cowboys with a Daihatsu... I think its marketed for women and/or gay men.

Very disturbing though :eek:
S2 licensed
Quote from TiJay :Agreed, but now the media and politicians have jumped on the "OMG GLOBAL WARMING!1!" bandwagon, the researchers who share our view are never going to be heard.

Well it depends how you look at it. I see the Earth as a whole being an ecosystem that is very finely balanced. We humans are distrubting this fine balance by our activity especially when we still have no proper idea how the earth actually works as a whole. Now to me the Global Warming thing makes perfect sense, if you take a couple of billion cars, factories, (coal, gas, wood.. etc) which are burning oxygen and are producing CO2 the fine balance of gasses in our atmosphere is changing and this "may" or "is" having some effect on this planet as the level of CO2 has increased. Now, trees which our planet is covered with are key to our planets survival as they absorb the CO2 and convert this into energy and eventually grow as what we know as wood. But what human kind is doing is cutting down vast ammounts of trees all over the planet so there is probably and I say probably as I have no idea less trees then there ever been before due to us using it as building material etc....

Now you take a couple of billion cars, thousand of bussineses/factories who are producing vast amounts of CO2 and you take the destruction of forests.... one when actually thinks about it starts to maybe see that an increase in CO2 would be logical. More CO2 and less CO2 absorbtion due to deforestation....hmm not if CO2 traps heat in our planet, an increase in CO2 could be causing our planet to warm up!! hmmm

so I for one am not one of these people that would just disregard Global Warming as utter rubbish, I for one would not like to take the chance and just do nothing incase what the scientists predict is true. I would rather start acting now so that future generations could enjoy all of the things we enjoy today. We need to clean up the environemnt we live in anyway!

I am taking a cautious view... i can accept though that we humans are having an effect on our planet no matter how media/governments exagerate or overhype the issue...

S2 licensed
I personally dont mind the South City combos, i actually think most of them are very easy to drive except maybe in the LX and FO8.

For me one of the toughest tracks to race on and be fast is Fe Black..

so much variation and having to take each corner inch perfect to be quick is tough.. requires vast ammounts concentration and skill.


ps. Cant wait untill Fe is remodelled
S2 licensed
go in game then options>game> edit names and press the f1-f8 button

edit.. dammit!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Nope, data here, web page doesn't even load, just says stuff is missing. Does that page rely on having MS MP10 installed?

ermm don't think so as I have MS MP10 installed and it still doesn't load... bummer!

edit: too late!

@SaM who has the better avatar NOW!! ner ner
Last edited by Madman_CZ, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :I'm addicted to the forums, does that count?

haha! Bob...

I'd say i am slightly/midly addicted... when i have work to do all i can think of is lfs and how i would take a certain corner, at what speed and as i do imagining the tyre deformation ......

its rather quite distracting... arghgh

S2 licensed
looks like the engine is smokin!
