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Quote from deggis :Anti-flip-fin in action. :worried:

Quote from MAGGOT :I still think the 'big honking fin' was the wrong move by the ACO. Sure, it'll help keep the car in line in some situations, but the event that the car does get sideways it will only make the flipping problem worse. What they should have done was mandated a horizontal fin (like an air splitter) down the side of the car between the front and rear wheels. That would create a high pressure zone above the fin (when the car is sliding), keeping the car down. All the big fin will do is act as a lever (high on the car) to let the air roll the body enough to flip the car over.

S2 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :no other game offers such huge worlds to play on freely.

Not true, actually. Just Cause 2 has a MUCH MUCH larger map... probably better driving physics, too. If you want a pure driving game that has a larger open world Fuel has the biggest free-roaming map ever put into a game, at some 14000 square km. Also with much, much better physics than TDU2.
Last edited by MAGGOT, .
S2 licensed
1) This thread is 4 and a half years old

2) That's a tutorial for producing renders of LFS cars
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Sweet. Maybe I'll haffto give it a shot then. Apparently Killzone has put a lot of effort into the move controls, giving me a bit of hope. I'll try it.

I saw a video about how the controls work... they seem to be pretty well integrated. I like what I've seen, I just want to try it myself now.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I'll try it after I get level 40 in GT5. Does the demo have Move controls

I don't have a Move so I can't verify it personally, but the initial startup screens contain the PSMove caution infographics, so I believe the demo does support the Move. I'm keen to try it, actually... Maybe I'll pursuade my father to download the demo so I can give it a go next time I visit my folks...
S2 licensed
Quote from Silverracer :You can easily Shift+G to toggle between gear shift modes: Auto/Sequential/Shifter.

That won't do anything here. Cars that have sequential boxes will never work as an H-Pattern in LFS. Changing your shifting options won't change the fact that you have to use different buttons to shift than in manual mode.

I, personally, use the script feature. It works a treat
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :From what I am reading, not entirely true. First, I've been ignoring the "cell calls" about the ugly pink Mustang and I'm on the 2nd B4 champ. Second, I've read that if you don't have garage space, it goes to the used dealer and takes up room there. So, you don't necessarily get stuck with it in your garage and can't sell, but it will get stuck taking up a spot in the used dealership.

Wait wait wait... so I didn't have to get stuck with this POS? Damnit!
S2 licensed
Well, I downloaded the demo for Killzone 3 last night. I loved the first two, and this one certainly isn't going to disappoint, it looks. I think it's my favorite already and I've only played the demo.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :So, what do you have to do to get to Hawaii? Is it exploring all the Ibiza roads or do you have to do certain amounts of the events? I don't have much time to play other than in the late evenings on the weekends, so I'll never make the massively fast progress everyone else makes in less than a week.

I just bought my 2nd house and I've had it for 2 weeks. Just bought it for the heck of it too since I am still in the 2nd off-road championship. I wanted to buy another car to explore with, but I don't want stuck with no money to buy the next class car for the champs. Thought of that after I spent the money for the house, but luckily before I spent all the rest of the cash for a car I want to explore with.

You have to buy the house anyways; after you finish the second c'ship in a type (the B4 "high" series, for instance) you win the car of the antagonist of that class, and you can't sell or get rid of it in any way. Your starting location only has room for two vehicles, so you'd either have to sell your first vehicle or buy a new house to have garage room for another vehicle for the next series.
S2 licensed
These things are all well and good as visual examples of what the thing is, but pretty bad as logos imho. A logo should be simple, be able to be displayed at a small size, be able to be displayed in two colours (like in a black-ink-only photocopy) all without losing any of the impact. None of these images have any of these qualities, aside from Flame's example. I think you're all trying to cram too much into this; remember, a logo is not a pictogram of the function, it's a simple graphic that is ideally tangentially related to it.

Flame's is by far the best here, as a logo, imho. It's simple, it works in only two colours, can be displayed at any size and it's representitive of the ideal. It could use some more work to be a terrific example, but I think it's going in a pretty great direction right now.

That's just my 2c, of course.
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :What else the rules really allow to do with it?

Aesthetically best option would to be to consult army camouflage experts.

You'd be surprised what can be accomplished with a creative interpretation of the rules.
S2 licensed
Anyone watch the ESPN coverage? I think it's the same as the Eurosport stuff from last season. Not at all as bad as I was preparing myself for.

Coverage aside... what a bizarre rally. Really.. just.. wow. Still chuckling to myself about Solberg's co-driver driving the final stage for him.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Lucky lacrosse isn't violent.

Not violent? It's a sport where you're given a stick and told to hit people. It's brilliant!
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Definitely in poor taste but totally within his rights of freedom of expression, IMO.

Yup. I can't fathom how anyone could refute this point, to be honest.

Quote :"Suspicion of harassment" sounds like a total BS charge, too. Either charge him with harassment and try him or leave him alone.

I understand England has a lot of these BS legalities. Pity, that.

Quote from rich uk :The best way is to ban football imo. it's such a dull sport


Everyone should just play Hockey. Or Lacrosse, or any other suitably violent sport (violence of the fans, like in soccer, does not constitute a violent sport!)
S2 licensed
Mostly MP3 through XMPlay
S2 licensed
I bought an Alfa Brera for the A7 c'ship... does anyone else find some rediculous random snap oversteer?
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Alternatively you have the snobby old people who think because they've been driving for so long that it's their right of way all of the time. Or they have no awareness of speed and distance so they cut corners and almost crash into everything.

To be fair, these people were probably always shite drivers.
S2 licensed
Not having a YT account I can't see the vid, sadly... Balls.

As far as drivers go: I fall into the 'everyone else is an incompetent moron' camp. Not just for drivers, actually, I see society in general that way. Call me a pessimist, but I've reached the point where people need to prove to me that they aren't as dumb as a tree stump.
S2 licensed
That colour red looks horrid imho. Far too saturated. And they should both be silver.

Just sayin'.
S2 licensed
I spent a couple hours playing it last night instead of doing my (more important) homework... I have the same FFB issues, and it took a long, long time to get the steering set up half-decently. Brakes are still on/off, and the throttle isn't much better. Physics on Hardcore are rubbish. The car either has loads of grip, or it has loads of under or oversteer. There is no in between.

The whole sticker application system is utterly terrible, too. You can't make a straight line becuase the system adds stickers to your car in perspective, and you can't fine-tune the sticker placement at all; the controls are too sloppy and unresponsive. To top it off, once I had spent the better part of a half hour trying to make two racing stripes (the simplest thing in the world, really) I hit the right button but then it glitched out and sent me back to the screen inside the shop, still with all the sticker placement controls and I had to Alt+Ctrl+Delete to exit the game. The second time I tried to just paint it and after paying my car was still the original colour (yes, I paid and yes it showed me it in the new colour before it loaded up the freedrive again).

Everytime I exit the game my computer restarts. If the game has been running too long my computer restarts. The graphics aren't that good. The license tests are abysmally innane. The 'characters' are as cardboard as the box the game was (probably) shipped in (I downloaded it, thankfully). Overall, this game is ridiculously bad.

...Of course, you have to expect that from Atari, really.
S2 licensed
Lotus? Really? I had no idea they had a GT2 spec car... I thought they only had a GT4 spec Evora. That will be tasty!

Why is Neiman's Flying Lizard in GT-AM? He's not an amateur, he's done a lot of driving afaik. Maybe just never at LeMans?

Also, why do all the entries only have one driver listed?

Last edited by MAGGOT, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :What ruins it is that I read that in a Murray Walker voice

As did I
S2 licensed ... rash-at-andora-rally-2611

^ Vid with images of the car post-impact. According to this happened while he was on his way to the start of the first stage - is that verified? The article also said that he hit a church, and the video seems to show a guardrail as the impacted object. Looks like his seat broke, too.

I don't read the F1 thread, as many others don't, so in my mind this is a valid thread.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :women degrade themselves because some find it the easiest way to find money

As I said before, it's not degrading if they enjoy doing it and have no problems with it. And why is it only degrading for women to do it? Surely it's morally wrong for both genders is it not?

Bloody double standards.

Quote from BlueFlame :The world is turning to anarchy, look at the global economy, people are lending money to people that can't pay it back. EVER. It ain't just Egypt that are getting pissy lol

There is no such thing as anarchy. Everyone always operates in reaction or because of something. That means they have a system (however loose) that their actions are based on, and therefor, is not anarchy. What you're looking for is the word 'chaos,' which should not be confused with anarchy. Different concepts.
Last edited by MAGGOT, .