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S2 licensed
Срећан рођендан, Скоун!
S2 licensed
I'm same as Nobo with this, using buddylist for many things, and I hit the limit once, so after that Victor changed the way buddies are written in database and theres no limit anymore I think.
S2 licensed
If you find that Race Spectator makes an error when getting server list, just change the relay address in options to instead of
S2 licensed
Gah, I had the same awful feeling today expecting many improvements by others. Late last night I had 17.89+2, it was so within reach, and both Bawbag and me got clean sector times for improvements but just couldn't put it together.

It was exciting during the whole week, I enjoyed this layout best of all three and the competition. Layout just flows very well and car was nice to drive, so really it was fun for me, especially when it became apparent early on that I have a very good chance, and so many friends were urging me on all the time, thank you!

Anyway, congratulations Ray!

And thank you Victor and others for this big competition!
S2 licensed
Well of course, I skid a little too and everybody else to set the car up for next cone/section (but sliding on exits where you need traction is obvoiusly not desirable). Just take a look and you'll see that you could go a little closer to the cones and attack them with a bit sharper lines. Over about 50 turns the layout has those small bits accumulate to few seconds in the end.
S2 licensed
Well, you seem throttle happy, and like to slide. Which is what made you loose fuel and time (1% was enough for me on every run). And of course, going even closer to the cones and attacking them sooner would help, keep sliding to only on entries when its useful. All pretty basic things, and I'm sure you know all that. I don't see you do anything fundamentaly wrong, just go a bit tighter/smoother/sooner in many places.

I noticed in start of final sector that there's one section that you could straighten bit more and go little faster, and then lots of sliding after that and penultimate corner was very wide.

Setup looks very different to what I use, but Bawbag's is also very different as well. Whatever somebody is comfortable with would work I guess.

There's a bit of luck involved in avoiding the cones, but I like to think of it as confidence. Basically, just don't worry about hitting them, eventually you won't if your approach is right and you get into the rhythm.

Here, I did an offline run, looks pretty calm.

About handbrake for the hairpin, I think its better to use it, most of the time I do. Sometimes I can make the rear slide around just right without it, but usually I get it wrong and need emergency brake. So, I guess its better to plan with handbrake in mind.

Looks like we should see 17s soon. I think Bawbag did 17.77+8 and my best so far was 18.13+8. Very difficult of course and crazy and scary, but very possible if everything clicks together.
S2 licensed
BlackMan, hannu and me got the same time, but sometimes the order changes on the page probably when someone else improves. It should sort by who set the time first.
S2 licensed
Good points raised in this thread about pillars blocking the view and moving it forward to see better bringing tiny unrealistic advantage (FXR is worst case).

What do you think about moving the cockpit view by adjusting the seat which would make driver with his mass to actually move (within limits of course), so if you want to see better you get a little disadvantage? Take a look for example DTM cars and where the driver sits because of better mass distribution, and just imagine how little they can see sitting that low and that back.
S2 licensed
I can confirm that "/autokick yes" does not work, warning is there but no kick, I could drive for laps and laps the wrong way while race is going on. "/autokick spectate" works properly though.

Client was X7, hosts X3 and X4, doesn't matter if I'm logged in as admin or not, I don't get kicked.

EDIT: "/autokick ban" actualy does the kick instead of ban, and does nothing if I'm logged in as admin on S2 host.

Everything is the same on Demo and S2 hosts it seems, but I didn't get the chance to try it as admin on a Demo host.
Last edited by Misko, .
S2 licensed
I'd also like to see usernames instead of playernames in .tsv file for our future system, because usernames are always unique and playernames people don't always write the same way. Perhaps an option to create two .tsv files, one for generating graphs with playernames, and another for further processing on websites with usernames would be best.
S2 licensed
Yes, sometimes needs some persuasion to work, and sometimes it stops, but it does work. We used this tool before for some of our TV broadcasts on AutoPlus and eagarly waiting for the next release. Thank you Soeren!
S2 licensed
Looks great. Didn't try it out yet, but since it behaves like a real pitboard with information from previous lap, could it also appear few seconds before you cross the finish line? You'd need to know apropriate node numbers for every track config I guess. Hmm actualy dissapearing node would be nice too, when you drive away and wouldn't see the board anymore.
S2 licensed
Setting fuel by 1% is great. In OWRL F1 where we have to pit twice, changing live by 5% was a problem for second pitstop, it was always a bit too much or too little, and finding some average that's close enough to +-5 from the first stop was unnecesarry. If you hold your key it's not a problem at all to go from 1 to 99 in just a second or two, and as you drive in the pitlane with speed limit there's plenty of time for that, you can even adjust it while your stopped and tyres are being changed.
S2 licensed
Since I got the crash too....

Well, I was also on demo server first, and I remember one XFG with red default skin (only 4 XFGs in race). Then I went to S2 Bug test server 2 (TBO) and it crashed after loading skins. Actually LFS was out of focus when it crashed, skin loading took a while so I was reading something else.

I tried that joining demo then S2 few more times, and everything was alright every time, with or without focus.

Only other odd thing I could remember was that that was during the first run of W48, and that it started full screen, but then I turned off auto switching to windowed on connecting, and everything was in the window till crash. Shouldn't be relevant but who knows.

I'm also using compressed skins.
S2 licensed
Quote from Test Driver :LFS crashed when I tried to join the S2 Bug Test Server. It downloaded all skins, but then I got the following message:

(wasn't able to copy&paste the text in that window, hope it provides some useful info though)

Whoops I just got the crash in same situation. Address was 0x0000000077f5178d

No problem on second try though.
S2 licensed
Shift+U is much better than before, fps shoots up when I turn the view away from cars.
S2 licensed
Yes, very logical suggestion.
S2 licensed
Well, here's the replay: ... /Lfs/OPS/OPS2_r2-1_g1.mpr
and stats: ... 5.22.06_results_race.html
Saša Pašić scipy gets disconnected on lap 25, but after the race has finished he joines the track for the next race of the day.

When doing stats I could just end the replay when all drivers finish and before anyone joins again, but it would be nice that we wouldn't have to watch for that if possible.

Btw, pink colour is kinda too light against gray.
S2 licensed
Excellent, thank you!

Just few things:
^E ^C etc... still appear in .csv and .tsv (therefore in graph too)

Would be nice that results3.css gets copied to new dirs with results ./resultsrace and ./resultsqual. But we also need to copy graph.exe there as well so... nevermind.

And one more important thing: One guy didn't finish the race, got disconnected, but joined the track after the finish, maybe crossed the line and appeared in stats as last, and DNF, with 1 lap completed (33x minutes, race was 31x minutes). He appears to the right in starting grid. Is it possible to prevent this? (In the same example race, other driver was late at the start, started 4 laps lates as that is ok, his stats are there.)
S2 licensed
Quote from Davo :Had some very weird stutering going on that I can't reproduce. It occurred when the race restarting count down was on screen. Only happend twice though and hasn't repeated since. Otherwise all is good.

That's because LFS applies all the downloaded skins (and skins you already have of the people who joined the track) during your driving at that time before restart and not while you are moving.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :In htlm tpl replace or in your html file



Thanks, that works, it shows all the letters correctly (also needs to be changed in lbl.tpl, and any other we use). Now you just need to strip LFS codepage codes from the names: ^E ^C ^J and I forgot which other ones are used. Examples: Miloš Miljkovi^Eć , ^CНевојдић Владимир (I got some problems with my host, I can't show you the example) It's great that these letters now show correctly in graphs as well, while in older stats they were removed.

In qualifying stats html actual duration is not shown but instead: Duration {QualLength} min.

In both qual and race stats, only short track names are displayed: BL1 (BL1)

Thats all I noticed so far. Thanks again for keeping this program alive!
S2 licensed
Quote from Milanche :Hi Scawen few of my friends and me were racing today on AutoPlus S2 server. And all the sadden everybody disappeared I could only some my self and also they couldn't see me and I couldn't see them no one could see no one by them self xD.

is this a bug or what????

Now I can't even log onto the server it says "Did not receive guest info Lost connection to the host".

edit: patch was w39

That had probably something to do with Wine, server PC is totally new and maybe something wasn't configured right in Linux yet. Dedi host is actually W40, and its been running for about 18 hours before that problem happened. One restart fixed it. We don't think it's about test patches.
S2 licensed
About shift+u, I tried todays replay with about 40+ connections and 31 cars in race, and another (W25) with 26 connections and 24 in race, same combo bl1 gti, same place of the camera. fps is always about half in the first replay regardles of whats in view, 25 as opposed to 55 fps right before start viewing empty road, but drops quite a lot as cars start to move, even to about 4-5 in busier replay, and about 18 in replay with less cars/connections. Number of cars in view is almost the same, maybe few more, but number of connections is double. It does seem like it matters, but maybe Im wrong.

Btw, my normal driving fps is about 40 on starts and 70 later with some lod reduction, dynamic too.
Last edited by Misko, .
S2 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Also when I am on the host and I see message that new skins get downloaded,then there is small yellow text which just blink quickly(i dont see what is says as its showed like few ms) and at that time there is small freeze like 1/2 sec maybe less.Can be very bad at race(btw my connection is 5Mbit).

I think thats "Saving Skin" message, converting and saving as dds to disk.

Just another thing which I didn't see mentioned so far: in MPRs messages like disconnects and timeouts are no longer recorded, is that intended or a bug? MPR message block is 0 in cfg, and pitting messages are still there. I'm not sure in which test patch it started (probably W9) but it was there in W, and no longer there in W25 and later (those replays I just checked). Its maybe not a big thing, just it would make reviewing league races easier like before.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I'm pretty sure cyber|Misko is working on doing some highlight vids. dunno if they'll have commentary, though.

Not really. All we did was play some replays from the various parts of the race which we could gather in those few hours before our show started (20:30 Sunday evening), and commentated on that mostly generally and mentioned as many interesting things we could remember about race, drivers, 24h races history, multi class racing, LFS and so on, and everything lasted little more than an hour in total. Also showed saved tracker html standings from few points in the race. Pretty easy to do actually in short time, and it went alright. Proper review would take weeks, even months, and I don't plan to do it.

All that is on AutoPlus TV in Serbia, cable tv channel where we have a slot every Sunday evening for commentating live our Serbian league races, and when there are no local races we show something else like this. All is in Serbian language of course.
Last edited by Misko, .