Well, you seem throttle happy, and like to slide.

Which is what made you loose fuel and time (1% was enough for me on every run). And of course, going even closer to the cones and attacking them sooner would help, keep sliding to only on entries when its useful. All pretty basic things, and I'm sure you know all that. I don't see you do anything fundamentaly wrong, just go a bit tighter/smoother/sooner in many places.
I noticed in start of final sector that there's one section that you could straighten bit more and go little faster, and then lots of sliding after that and penultimate corner was very wide.
Setup looks very different to what I use, but Bawbag's is also very different as well. Whatever somebody is comfortable with would work I guess.
There's a bit of luck involved in avoiding the cones, but I like to think of it as confidence. Basically, just don't worry about hitting them, eventually you won't if your approach is right and you get into the rhythm.
Here, I did an offline run, looks pretty calm.
About handbrake for the hairpin, I think its better to use it, most of the time I do. Sometimes I can make the rear slide around just right without it, but usually I get it wrong and need emergency brake.

So, I guess its better to plan with handbrake in mind.
Looks like we should see 17s soon. I think Bawbag did 17.77+8 and my best so far was 18.13+8. Very difficult of course and crazy and scary, but very possible if everything clicks together.