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S2 licensed
Great job Dave keeping up with Dom the whole time, I still miss bit of a pace. Being around 5th place brought me in center of attention, and it was intense indeed.

Tomorrow will be quite tough, like they wrote in the jingle "THE MOST EPIC FIELD EVER!" There will be a second chance for unlucky ones today to still make the A Main race.

Heat 4 with most entries will start in about 15 minutes.
S2 licensed
Good luck Dave and Jason jumping back and forth from C6R to XRR tomorrow. Given the times I guess you'll be doing the final MoE stints.

Do join people, it will be fun. Be a part of history.
S2 licensed
fps limit on 51, no V-sync, everything else set pretty low (automaticaly set like that), C2D 6550, 1GB RAM, 7300GT, no stuttering anywhere. If I mess with turning off the limit or V-sync on, fps goes about 40-80 and thats quite distracting, and stutters sometimes, so I quit experimenting and just enjoy racing with constant smoothness. Doesn't look too bad either.
S2 licensed
I see one welcome change in the new sporting code for which some people had concernes about before. Now it is possible to skip (not buy) one car, that someone maybe don't have interest in, and still be able to earn the next licence in that next car if your SR is over 4.0. If you really want to race Racidal, now you don't have to buy both Skip Barber and Mazda, either of them is enough. Just keep this in mind when you're buying bunch of stuff and really want to save $15.
S2 licensed
Excellent stuff guys, this zaplive really works great, especialy on my slow connection. Don't care about low fps, it was more than watchable, more importantly hearable, and commentary during last hour I watched was really good! Looking forward to next streams by you.
S2 licensed
A little oversight: XRG and XRT with left hand driver side have speedo on the left side of the dash (placement gets reversed and it shouldn't). Can be seen in screenshot posted here before.

New interiors are awesome! Only little complaint is shift light on XRR which is under the gear number, far from line of sight, not so visible, sometimes obscured by the steering wheel. In XFR it's little better since it stands alone in the dark down there. In FOX it's perfect though, topmost thing, clearly visible without even looking.
Last edited by Misko, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Bug:
1) play MPR replay
2) pause it in any position
3) press SHIFT+U and set Follow car to Yes
4) move the replay slider to any position after the position it is, so move it to the right
Result: some textures will not show

When you move to the left instead to the right, it is OK.
When you don't pause the game (you don't do 2)), it is OK.
It seems to not happen in SPR.

I got the same in Y20, some textures disappear, but as soon as I unpause all textures appear, so I don't see the real problem? It's impossible to be precise anyway when fast forwarding, you always need to tweak the position little more after that and by then all textures will be there for screenshot.

But if it's an easy fix, why not.
S2 licensed
Traxx was too early to save the replay.
S2 licensed
A great pleasure racing with so many people that can race well. Great car, great drivers, great fun. I'm glad I stayed until the end as I had a Croatian league race only 12 minutes after, it was well worth it.

One of the funniest passes was lap 3/4 in race 2, got hannu, rc10 and Palluka in one long lucky slipstream, 3 wide on the start finish. But, of course, many many more passes all the time, close and clean racing with occasional bumps, awesome.
S2 licensed
Wow, nice! Congratulations!
S2 licensed
Seems like TrackIR with 6 degrees of freedom might be perfect controller for bikes. You've probably seen it in action already:

Now just imagine all these moves of your head are actually moving the weight and shape of simulated driver's body and it's done! Tuck in, straighten up, lean left/right, move forward/back, pitch, yaw...
S2 licensed
And together with German and UK eTMs, there's also Balkan regional eTM league to give a chance for our drivers to compete with the very best in the world!
S2 licensed
I guess Victor's relay picks every message that appears on the host. Maybe just host admins should be careful not to turn both network debug and relay on their hosts.
S2 licensed
Quote from mcgas001 :Scawen. More of a request then anything else. But seen as you added the connecting I.P to servers any chance of adding it to insim NCN packet sometime in the near future? Cheers

Well, network debug messages can be seen on LFS Remote. Was that intended?
S2 licensed
LFS queues applying of skins to the newly joined cars for times when our car is almost stopped/session restarts/we spectate etc, and that helps, but still the process of checking with LFSWorld and our HD (comparing date and time?) and downloading (even without downloading) of new skins produces the stutter, smaller one, but still does. So, would the solution be to queue those operations as well? LFS should just "take notes of skins of the cars that joined" and check them and do everything later?

Conclusion was made because just turning off autodownloads of skins practicaly eliminates the problem. No consulting of LFSWorld - no problem. At least those are my experiences.

Basically, it would be auto-toggle of skin downloads option. Off when driving - on when not driving. That's what I'm doing manually now and it's better.
Last edited by Misko, .
S2 licensed
One small thing noticed in 24h race: when somebody leaves or joins the host laptime and number of laps of many drivers gets to 0 (0.1, 0.2 for sector), then gets back to normal after they cross the finishline again. Not a real problem at all, and maybe not possible to fix over InSim?

A little bigger bug: on driver changes LFS username of previous driver still stays when viewed with ctrl+shift.
S2 licensed
Excellent stuff!

If possible, names in colours from LFS would be nice and useful, cause for example MoE uses different colours for classes.

Just watched DeTM race, really great that pitstop time and number and whats being worked on the car is shown.
S2 licensed
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :I use mouse for steering only, W-gas,S-brake,A-gear down,D-gear up, space-clutch. Since clutching is digital I get tiny red line at CT at every start

Post yer fingerwork:
Last edited by Misko, .
S2 licensed
Merry Christmas devs and everybody
S2 licensed
Quote from (FIN)Eza :Helloe, I still have it on server, dl here

hard to find this stuff in S2 anymore, golden memories

(now ppl go race and race good or there won't be hardcore part II - the last S2 movie )


Quote from Shotglass :didnt the old one require you to plow straight through a bunch of cones to be fast ?

Yes, that middle sector always had some sort of problem like that until this latest version. But last sector was much nicer in 0.3.
Last edited by Misko, .
S2 licensed
Yes, deffinitely new Blackwood is much better in that middle sector, closer to the original one in tightness and best ever in runoffs. Previous S2 one was too fast and too much runoff areas had to be used to be fast which was not obvious to anyone that tries it the first time. It was especially evident when we put LFS in Belgrade Motorshow, and we saw how many people drive BL1 XFG. Even Miloš Pavlović, Formula Renault driver, had troubles with that middle section, of course never even thinking to drive on green stuff. (and he was by 1s fastest among first timers )

I even heard comments from people watching our online races in Blackwood how we "lack racing culture" because we drove far out of white lines.

I wish Blackwood is even slower in the final section, there's still too much runoffs, specially on entry to final corner which we take wide on tarmac off the curb completely. It's not intuitive and it doesn't look nice either.

I wanted to upload a great S1 racing video for comparison (looked and sounded so amazingly realistic. Some of you probably have it, it's called something like "HaRDCoRe - Last S1 Movie" and it was on LFS Movies Pit).... but it would take way too long, and you can find yourself anyway how old Blackwood looked like.
Last edited by Misko, .
S2 licensed
Just throwing idea, didn't think this through...

Would members of 1040 club be happy if PBs are replaced with 60:00:00 rather then deleting them? Only to keep track which combos are done before. That is, if it's possible for Victor to do that.

I mean, if only requirement for that club is to have them all, then times don't matter. If there's a competition of sorts among them (grand totals of all or just comparing individual ones), then they'd want them deleted anyway and make new ones that are more meaningful?
S2 licensed
Just a note that real rallycross races are no longer than 4 laps. It's an event with lot of heats, qualifying and eliminations of 3 laps, then finals of 4 laps (exact distance is set in FIA regulations in kms, and for BL2 it turns out to be 3 and 4 laps). Of course, there are never any pitstops there. So, even with sensitive clutch, rallyx is still fine both for humans and AIs if we keep it real.
S2 licensed
Just take a look at and see how its done. eTM is as close and possible to real DTM and yet not silly at all and its perfectly practical in sim world. Real sponsor that are teams of two drivers, real prizes, real coverage, all live, real great racing, real career advancement, relegation... Why make and call something Fake DTM, SimFIA DTM, when theres real eTM already.

People have run away from SimFIA because it was just too silly, and made it seem all like a sim-racing-role-playing game with SimFIA as dungeon-master (which indeed was fun for a while, I've been a Ferrari driver ). Dygear insited on those behind the scene things, and real world restrictions which are not important to us at all, and just stand in the way in sim world, so it wasn't really that much fun (nor serious) as intended.

I'd rather like to see an American division in eTM, and Hungarian, Scandinavian, Polish etc national eTM leagues in the same system that works well, than see other people trying to make essentially same thing separately. I was also organizing leagues and now I'm working on putting Balkan eTM division together, as in that way eSport (meant as a general term, but of course specific organization) can really grow and really mean something.

eSport Online Ligen together with Race Authority (CTRA) as an appeal court and local admins as race marshals is exactly what Dygear wanted SimFIA to be as I understand. eTM is only the first series, same system for open wheelers on different levels (I suspect BF1 for internations, FO8, FOX and FBM for nationals) is next in the plans.

So, joining forces is surely better for everybody don't you think?
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :I noticed that a segment of wall on the right only appeared once you got so far down the pit exit road (at Chicane Route), so you got a pop-up effect. Don't know if that's how it is for everyone, though.

Thats the first thing I spotted on SO6 as well. It happens with maximum LOD too.