Real Name: Morgan Trollé
Age: 21
Has Microphone (Not compulsory)?: yep
Languages Spoken and Written: English, french and italian
Controller type: wheel
Experience (be a bit more detailed): I'm lazy ^^ kind of MoE 2010/2011 GT2 class champion with spdoRacing and GTAL 2009 winner with E-Team
Schedule (what days are you available for): really depend of the day, but add me to msn and request me for test
Why and how you think you could help: quite an important experience about driving and setting a car + real life track engineer.
tbh those cars aren't interesting. I have seen those car racing and it make a stupid noise (not a cool V8's one). It has poor grip, bodywork looks like a low cost thing and it is ****ing slow on track. Last year at motorland Aragon it was as fast as 993 GT2 driven by 50 years old drivers.
As stated by Matt few post ahead, spdo database doesn't make difference between restricted and no restricted cars. So GT2 and baby GT-R aren't valid car class.
Please respect the model as it is shown in OP aswell. This is an automatic thing so it has to be perfect to work properly. No syntax error can be possible including space and grammar.
LFS France will be running another season of its successful League FR. This league will be powered by gcomp/LFS Lapper automatic system.
You have to subscribe for the race in the lfs france league website HERE
The league is running prequalifying to set pools if more than 32 drivers signed up for the event. You prequalifying laptime will make you enter in your level pool.
gcomp system is linked with the LFS Lapper top list on Ligue FR 2012 server so your best time will be automatically updated in the website. You have until the day of the race to set a prequali time.
This laptime will be also your start position. Races are on Tuesday with 1 month gap between two races. It will be about 1 hour long.
First race on May 1st, more info available in the website.
Pour la 4ème année consécutive, LFS France reconduit la ligue FR ! Au programme des combos variés. Comme chaque année, la ligue FR utilisera l'insim LFS Lapper et le système gcomp.
Une fois inscrit vous devrez effectué un temps de préqualification sur le serveur de la ligue FR ('Ligue FR 2012'). Votre temps de préqualification va déterminé votre poule (s'il y a plus de 32 inscrits) et votre position de départ.
Votre temps sera enregistré sur le serveur par LFS Lapper et sera automatiquement mis à jours sur le site.
Vous avez jusqu'à la veille de la course pour vous inscrire et faire un tour de préqualification.
Team name: spdoRacing
Number: 03
Car: XRR
MoMo92i, Morgan Trollé, France
fadeaway, Veljko Belenzada, Serbia
Kristi, Kristof Kerekes, Hungary
Team name : spdoRacing
Number: 24
Car: FXR
vtiracing, Reno Kööts, vtiracing, Estonia
egon-est, Egon Liibeon, Estonia
rikje, Rik de Jong, The Netherlands
Interesting gonna look if I can build a team for that
btw be careful, the name Le Mans Series is intellectual property of Automobile Club de l'Ouest, Le Mans 24hrs organizer (note : Master of Endurance is aswell, thx boothy).
Well basically one thing to notice is that 85% of GT2 's setup are from endurance races (gtal or moe). Basically weight distribution change a lot so you need to compromise it.
Moreover LFS physics have limits so it can't be realistic. Then ofc everyone isn't really good for setting up a car. Btw for FZ2 my usual values are around that btw on real race car frequency are higher.
Session: Race
Lap: 101
Timecode: ~2:52.26 & 2:53
Cars: #06, #03
Description: Car 06 dives and hits 03 in turn before 1st split causing tire overheat (06 was not side by side with 03 at all there as the contact shows) and then couple of turns later continues agressive driving and push car 03 off the track causing loss of 2 positions. We are awared that our position was quite confusing but raming a car isn't a clean way to get pass including to lap a car. in those two actions 03 hold his line, 06 made contact by crossing 03's line and ignoring 03 current position/line.
Wasn't pointed lfses because you did ^^ was just an example I'm not flaming admin, just saying that admin should be awared of what's going on. They have made an error that can have costed us position. Now it is over, we finished 4th and we deal with it. We are just pointed it out in order it not happen again.
I have never flamed Matt or LLM, and I have always try to make some usefull suggestion in order to improve this league. It has happened and it is now done and over, just try it not to happen again. (tracker would have helped)
Well James the problem is that admin should aware of the situation. I can understand CoRe thinking we were one lap down, but I'm sorry but admin have to clear the situation. I was LFSES main admin. We had some tracker issues sometimes but we were noting every DC (lap and where) to avoid that kind of situation. I can understand that it is hard for Matt to run it alone but I'm sorry this not an open door to do bad admin decision. Spdo was fighting for the win, and it was't difficult for someone not racing on lap 28 to see that as I have rejoined few second after my disconnection.
That admin failure costs us points that can be very important at the end of the season as this is pretty close in standings. We were sure to be on the lead lap that's why we were fighting.
@Kristi : I'm not home so I can't join irc atm but I think I understand what's going on.