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S2 licensed
Ah yes that's true, but if you get 5 in any one box you fail, is that correct?
S2 licensed
Best of luck goes to you Dazza, and the whole ICON team.

*hint* Get yourself an actual domain name and direct it to your site which is coming on very nicely!

ICON.NET is the only decent international/untaken domain
S2 licensed
It's 45mins, and in a CBT, if you get things wrong they tell you what you're doing wrong, how to correct it, give confidence, teach you.
In the test he is silent, and anything you do wrong you get a little mark on your paper. No 2nd chances.
S2 licensed
WHY they chose the MRT I do not know. Atleast pick something that A. won and B. performs and C. looks stunning.

I present you, the most beautiful Formula Student car i've ever seen.
S2 licensed
Few pointers i had from my bike lesson today were....speed. I didn't break the speed limit, but i needlessly accelerated too quickly. Which seems stupid to me considering it's a CG125...

So that's a pointer for you. Nice smooth progressive acceleration.

Also, remember to do the old lifesavers before you pull away, when changing positioning in the lane, when approaching AND pulling away from a junction, and before you brake.

S2 licensed
works for me!? what do you see?

ah................ impending fix
Last edited by MR_B, .
S2 licensed
ta da
Last edited by MR_B, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :That lock the taskbar thing is like drugs, i can't get off of it. I am hooked. I think about it all the time, it gets stuck in my head. help!

I watch it atleast twice whenever i'm on the pc. Infact it's on now on my 2nd screen.......... so........... addictive.............
S2 licensed
One issue I had whilst doing my theory. Is that the hazard perception is......somewhat difficult to master. Because if you see the hazard too soon, and you click, it won't pick it up. And it'll score you 0, as it did for me. Click a couple of times when you see a hazard, and remember to not click in any kind of pattern, it'll just automatically give you 0.

How many hours in total is your 2day course? £350 seems steep.
S2 licensed
Makes you feel better though...
S2 licensed
Not quite a pic...... But now I want to lock my taskbar..... and download rock the casbah...
S2 licensed
Looking at those CNN results...... It was a landslide victory for Obama, because basically the 65+ category shouldn't be allowed to vote as most of them won't see the outcome anyway!

*puts on flameproof overalls*
Last edited by MR_B, .
S2 licensed
Quote from marakol :take me out your quote!

Please keep this to personal messages, and report to a moderator if your request is ignored.

Otherwise this thread will never die, and will go off on some horrible tangent.

S2 licensed
Let's not alienate our source of longevity.

S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :American's for you.

I do not see why this should be infractioned.

It Is An Opinion.

Not Inappropriate Language. :irked:

There is a whole lot worse than the quoted post. Like being told to "go **** yourself." (see presidential thread)

S2 licensed
coincidence </thread>
S2 licensed
Quote from GaB :lmao i didn't understand the game password thing for demo users, so i got pissed, and downgraded the patch.. now i got it.. thing is iv'e been playing patch Y for almost 3 months.. lmao

lmao! for that late-night lolz this thread gets 5 stars Welcome to patch Z!
S2 licensed
Well done America, may many years of actual, helpful change will occur!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :Found this one, and thought it worthy enough to bump this thread

Nice bump(s), bad hair!
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Composite -> Scart -> Component -> VGA -> HDMI(/DVI)

Does "The Journey" mean anything to you? :P
S2 licensed
Hmmmmmm, few things.

1. When you spin and you're on the track with cars coming towards you. Either spectate or do no move. Let the other drivers find a way around you. Otherwise if you move it's like trying to hit a moving target.

2. In the server list you can sort the list by Name, Ping, Number of people in server by clicking on the titles of each column.

3. If you click the "?" in the server list it shows you who's in the server, and what car they are driving.

4. If you knock someone off, or take a position unfairly, pull over safely and let them back past.

5. Say hello and goodbye in servers, especially when you are in a team, and when others say hello first. Otherwise it's just plain rude and won't make you any friends. Plus if you're representing a team, it just makes you appear arrogant and makes it highly unlikely that someone will visit your team, costing you potential members.

6. Don't vote to restart/end race/ or qualify when a race is still being run. Not until everyone has finished.

7. Remember to add an extra lap of fuel, it pays to have a calculator by your PC.

8. Please please please follow these guidelines from the old "Clean Racers Club" HERE. Especially if you don't wish to be banned!

I hope these would be of use to you instead of some of the other replies here.

Happy racing!

S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Only in America.

S2 licensed
Quote from richo :Take it easy guys theres no need to shoot him down, so many cranky uptight people on the forums these days . Its a not a fantastic question thats for sure but theres no need for the agro.

Just about every thread you read has people sniping at one another..

+1 The best response poster #2 could have given was simply, the answer. That way other posters have nothing to respond to and a poor thread can rest in peace.

Also, if you find the answer in the 2nd post after searching, you're less inclined to just post a new topic because it's easier than sifting through reams of twaddle trying to find some form of answer.

Shame on you lfsforums.

May this be closed now?
S2 licensed
This is a fantastically useful thread to the community. Very good (minus the Jesus rubbish from some spammer).

In response to the many posts regarding eye contact. For me, I learnt a trick at university where I had to present infront of 50 odd people about something I knew very little about. (plus to make it worse i was the first one up, so everyone was giving 100% attention!)
I used my nervousness as a tool, a power source, so instead of getting quieter and quieter, avoiding their interrogating eyes by looking down. I did the exact opposite, gave good eye contact and got louder and seemingly more confident. This worked a treat when a uni friend said after my presentation "oh yeah thanks, now we've got to follow that up"

And since that day i've used that, shield of confidence to get me through some very tough situations. aggressive people, interviews, etc.

It's a useful tool, and it works for me.

(sorry for the rambling)
S2 licensed
Can the question be written correctly?

To correct Xaotik, Mclaren won the constructors in 1998, but not in 1999.